Tulum er helt forferdelig.

Skrevet: 12/14/20 | 14. desember 2020

Helvete er en by som heter Tulum. Nyt over av maya-ruiner og slått av havet, dette er et sted med jettegryte gater, overprisede drosjer, forferdelige trafikkork og ut-av-berøring -Da folk som søker å “finne seg selv” i overprisede retreater, hoteller og barer.

Det er en by der man kan overhøre teknologiske avtaler, snakke om “Kina influensa”, Instagram -algoritmer og en kommende trommesirkel i løpet av noen minutter.

Jeg kom hit med veldig lave forventninger. Jeg hadde hørt historiene fra vennene mine, sett alle disse “påvirkere” på Instagram som gyset voldsomt, leste artiklene og snakket med andre reisende.

Tulum var et influencers -paradis, som sannsynligvis indikerte at det ikke var mitt.

Men jeg ville se hva all hypen egentlig handlet om. Kanskje det ikke ville være så ille. Kanskje jeg bare var en sta gammel geit.

Nei. Tulum var enda verre enn jeg hadde forestilt meg.

En søvnig liten by under min siste utsjekking i 2011, Tulum er nå et mekka for jet-setting årtusener, kjendiser, hippier og åndelige typer. Det er et sted hvor de kommer til å gjøre alle tingene de kan gjøre hjemme – men uten kostnad, i bedre vær og med mye mer internasjonale mennesker rundt.

Det har blitt en annen Bali eller Goa: et relativt billig tilfluktssted der mange mennesker kommer til å komme inn, droppe ut, bo i boblen, spis açaí -skåler i løpet av dagen og fest hele natten. Her, i dyre hotell i strandbutikken, spiser de på restauranter i Miami-stil mens de lytter til den nåværende EDM-musikken.

De er ikke i Tulum for å oppleve Mexico. De kommer hit for sin lille boble.

Jeg ville elske Tulum. Jeg tenkte på meg selv: “Hva mangler jeg? Hva ser de at jeg ikke gjør det? ”

Tulum er ikke så ille: ruinene, satt over stranden, er ulastelig bevart, det er mange cenoter (synkehull) å svømme i nærheten, stranden er virkelig verdensklasse, og maten sentrum-spesielt taco-bodene og Sjømatrestauranter – er utmerkede.

Og utformingen av disse boutiquehotellene og restaurantene, med sin minimalistiske estetikk og bruk av tre, planter og lys, er ganske fantastisk. Det “tulum estetiske” som det heter er faktisk vakker.

Men grunnen til at Tulum er helvete er ikke på grunn av det, men på grunn av folket.

Det er bare for mange turister som oppfører seg dårlig her, og fungerer som om de ikke var gjester i andres land. Og det fortsatte å gni meg på feil måte.

Reise er et privilegium – og menneskene som kommer hit ser ikke ut til å sette pris på det. Mange er ganske enkelt å lage sine egne kulturer i stedet for å prøve å glede seg over meksikansk kultur.

Og mens jeg gledet meg over noen av de bougie-restaurantene og strandbarene, reiser jeg ikke i kjøp for å bare lage livet mitt hjemme. Jeg reiser for å oppleve en destinasjon. Jeg vil snakke med lokalbefolkningen som ikke serverer meg mat, spiser en taco-stativ ved veikanten og hull-i-veggrestaurantene, og bare prøver å få en følelse av liv her.

Selvfølgelig må ikke alle reiser være dypt. Ofte vil du bare ha en ferie. Ofte vil du bare jet av til en stranddestinasjon og drikke fra kokosnøtter før du drar tilbake til “den virkelige verden.”

Jeg er ikke irritert av de som kommer til Tulum for det.

Det er folkene som er her på lang sikt, og gir en dypere åndelig opplysning og utvider “magien” på dette stedet, som virker hyklersk for meg. De kommer til Tulum og later som de er på en magisk åndelig søken eller her for å jobbe fjernt for å glede seg over Mexico. Men alt de gjør er å holde seg til sin egen vestlige boble.

De klager da på lokalbefolkningen, kriminalitet (drevet av sitt eget ønske om narkotika), og i samme åndedrag endrer klages ting seg – selv om de er i ekstase over en ny flyplass og lurer på hvor de kan finne en hel mat – Style dagligvarebutikk. (Ja, i den utvandrede gruppen jeg ble med, stilte noen faktisk det spørsmålet.)

Det er disse menneskene, de som utgjør flertallet av Tulums besøkende, som fikk meg til å hate Tulum. Spesielt nå, under Covid.

Mange mennesker kommer hit fordi de vet at de kan unnslippe offentlige helsebegrensninger i sitt eget land. Faktisk er det mange av “Covid er en hoax” folks flytting her, barer er pakket, og gruppearrangementer skjer hele tiden. Faktisk, uken jeg ankom, hadde Tulum en festival som heter Art With Me, som ble en superspredende begivenhet.

Selv om jeg tror det er en trygg måte å reise på og ikke er i leiren “ingen bevegelse noensinne”, synes jeg det bare er utrolig hensynsløst å late som Covid ikke eksisterer og går ut på bedriften din. Mye av tiden min var på Airbnb, rundt sentrum, spiste på utendørs restauranter eller boder, og på stranden alene (den offentlige stranden er utrolig). Jeg fikk glede av det beste fra Tulum vekk fra det verste av det.

Tross alt er den reisende gjest i noens hjem og må behandle det med respekt. For å fly til et sted, delta på arrangementer som øker risikoenAv Covid, oppfører du deg som om det ikke eksisterer, nekter å bruke maske og la lokalbefolkningen takle konsekvensene (eller fange den og ta den med hjem) er bare en kritikkverdig ting å gjøre.

Det er klart at jeg ikke er yoga/brenner/la oss snakke om Chakras slags fyr. Og jeg har mange venner som elsker Tulum og vil gå tilbake om og om igjen. “Scenen” i Tulum er rett og slett ikke noe for meg. Det er for mye uholdbar utvikling som er egget av mennesker som “bryr seg om miljøet”, men er altfor glade for å bo på overprisede hoteller som kontinuerlig må kjøre generatorer med tanke på at hotellsonen ikke har noen infrastruktur.

For mange år siden sa jeg at jeg aldri ville komme tilbake til Vietnam. Alder og erfaring har vist meg at jeg tok feil med å dømme Vietnam så hardt på et første besøk. Hvert sted skal ha en ny sjanse.

Men etter å ha sett hva Tulum har blitt, tviler jeg på at jeg vil sjekke ut Tulum en tredje gang. Kanskje hvis jeg blir superrik og har råd til de bougie $ 800-a-natt-hotellene eller bestemmer at trommelkretser virkelig er noe for meg.

Så kjære reisende, hvis du er som meg og reiser for å lære om landet du besøker, er en utvidet utsjekking til Tulum sannsynligvis ikke noe for deg. Det er ikke mye av Mexico å finne i de overprisede boutiquehotellene, dyre butikker, retrettsentre eller restauranter som selger pizza, Pad Thai, Açaí Bowls og juice -renser.

Kom for en rask tur til de oppsiktsvekkende ruinene, svøm i noen få cenoter, spis den fantastiske gatematen, spiser ved hullet i veggen lokale restauranter, gleder meg over den fantastiske stranden og vandrer i sentrumsområdet.

Så la være og hoppe over resten uten angrer.

Fordi resten er et uholdbart og overutviklet helvetehull av falske påvirkere, wannabe -kjendiser og folk som river ned paradis.

Og det er ikke verdt tiden din.

Bestill turen til Mexico: Logistiske ideer og triks
Bestill flyet ditt
Bruk Skyscanner eller Momondo for å finne en billig flytur. De er mine to favoritt søkemotorer fordi de søker på nettsteder og flyselskaper over hele kloden, slik at du alltid vet at ingen stein blir igjen. Begynn med Skyscanner først, men fordi de har størst rekkevidde!

Bestill innkvarteringen din
Du kan bestille vandrerhjemmet ditt med Hostelworld, ettersom de har den største varelageret og de beste tilbudene. Hvis du vil bo et annet sted enn et herberge, kan du bruke booking.com, da de konsekvent returnerer de billigste prisene for gjestehus og billige hoteller.

Hvis du drar til Tulum, kan du bo på Ginger Hotel. Det er et lite hotell som drives av den søteste familien. Jeg elsket mitt opphold der.

Ikke glem reiseforsikring
Reiseforsikring vil ivareta deg mot sykdom, skade, tyveri og kanselleringer. Det er omfattende beskyttelse i tilfelle noe går galt. Jeg drar aldri på tur uten det, da jeg har måttet bruke den flere ganger i fortiden. Mine favorittbedrifter som tilbyr den beste servicen og verdien er:

Sikkerhetsving (for alle under 70)

Forsikre turen min (for de over 70)

MedJet (for ekstra hjemsendelsesdekning)

Leter du etter de beste selskapene å spare penger med?
Sjekk ut ressurssiden min for de beste selskapene å bruke når du reiser. Jeg lister opp alle de jeg bruker for å spare penger når jeg er på vei. De vil spare deg for penger når du også reiser.

Vil du ha mye mer informasjon om Mexico?
Sørg for å sjekke ut vår robuste destinasjonsguide på Mexico for enda mye flere planleggingstips!


Last Updated: 9/22/21 | September 22nd, 2021

New Orleans. NOLA. The big Easy. A city by many names, all conjuring up the jovial “Laissez les bons temps rouler!” (“Let the good times roll!”) attitude the city is famous for.

New Orleans is filled with Creole and Cajun food, live jazz, street performers, history, beautiful architecture, and a famous appreciation for all the temptations of life. Life in the big easy is lived well.

Founded in 1718 by the French, new Orleans struggled to take off due to continual conflicts and war with the indigenous population. To help the colony grow, slaves were shipped in from Africa. This mix of French and African cultures led to the creation of new Orlean’s Afro-Creole culture — a culture that still survives to this day (this is also when voodoo began to take root here).

In 1803, the French sold Louisiana to America. Mass immigration to the city bloomed as the economy was rapidly expanding (an economy then reliant heavily on slavery).

As a major port city on the mouth of the Mississippi, new Orleans has always been a melting pot of people and a mecca for interesting and, sometimes rough, people. It attracted the weird. throw in the French, African, and Anglo influence of the past and you have a city that is truly unique unlike anything else in the United States.

I first visited during a road trip across the country all the way back in 2006. It was post–Hurricane Katrina and the city was in bad shape — buildings still laid vacant, trash was strewn on the streets — and the city felt like a ghost by.

Years later, I returned for Mardi Gras. It was a different city. Not only had it cleaned itself up but many new areas of the city seemed to be bursting with life as well. new Orleans was reborn.

Many, many visits later and countless hours walking around, taking tours, listening to live music, and eating as much food as possible, I’ve compiled what I think is the perfect itinerary to help you make the most of your time in the big Lett.

New Orleans itinerary Highlights

Day 1: garden District, French Quarter, Steamboat Natchez, & more!

Day 2: Voodoo tour, City Park, Frenchman Street, & more!

Day 3: Bayou tour & Oak alley Plantation

Day 4: world war II Museum, Confederate Memorial Hall, & more!

New Orleans Itinerary: Day 1

Explore French Quarter

The famous French Quarter is where you’ll see the city’s iconic 18th century French style homes and wrought-iron balconies. The area was settled by the French (hence the name) in 1718.

The district is now a haven for revelers on Bourbon Street, antique shoppers on royal Street, and foodies seeking some of the best Cajun food in the city. here you’ll find Jackson Square, St. Louis Cathedral (the oldest cathedral in the country, dating back to 1789), beautiful homes, and bars blaring top-notch jazz.

Try the free walking tour from NOLA tour Guy. You’ll learn about the history of the neighborhood and get access to an expert local guide who can answer all your questions. I start off every visit to a new city with a free walking tour. just be sure to tip your guide at the end!

For a more in-depth tour, go with Take Walks. They are my go-to company when it comes to detailed walking tours that go above and beyond the guidebook.

See the Arts/Warehouse District
Right between the French Quarter and the garden District, this area has seen an incredible revitalization over the last few years. Old, empty warehouses have been turned into shops, art galleries, new apartments, and trendy restaurants. Meander through the cobblestone streets, check out some art, and walk along the Mississippi.

Be sure to visit Mardi Gras World. It’s a massive warehouse where most of the floats for Mardi Gras are made. The festival brings in almost 1.5 million people every year and some of the floats take almost an entire year just to build (it’s one of the biggest and best festivals in the world).

1380 Port of new Orleans Pl, +1 504-361-7821, mardigrasworld.com. open daily from 9am-5:30pm. tours are $22 USD.

Wander the garden District

My favorite area of new Orleans, the garden district is home to large and ornate historic mansions as well as some of the city’s best and trendiest restaurants and bars. quiet and more relaxed than the French Quarter, it was developed in 1832 for the newly-rich Americans who settled in the city. The French Creoles wanted the Americans out of the French Quarter and, through some clever marketing about how the nouveau riche could build huge homes, convinced them to move here.

Spend a few hours wandering the streets, seeing the old mansions, and visiting famous cemeteries like Lafayette Cemetery #1 in the central part of the district.

Cruise on the Steamboat Natchez

For something a little touristy (but still super cool), book a cruise on the Steamboat Natchez. The boat launched in 1975, however, it’s the 9th steamboat to bear the Natchez name (one of its predecessors took part in the most famous steamboat race in history in 1870). Today, it’s the city’s only authentic steamboat. They offer brunch and dinner cruises and host live jazz music. You’ll also get to enjoy the city’s scenic skyline as you cruise on the placid waters of the Mississippi.

400 Toulouse St, +1 800-233-2628, steamboatnatchez.com. open daily from 8am-5pm (7pm on weekends). evening jazz cruises cost $50 USD ($87 USD with dinner) while their Sunday jazz brunches start at $38 USD.

New Orleans Itinerary: Day 2

Take a Voodoo or Ghost Tour
NOLA is considered one of the most haunted cities in the country thanks to the city’s voodoo roots. new Orleans voodoo is a set of underground religious practices that came out of the African religious traditions enslaved people brought to America. Voodoo and the occult are synonymous with new Orleans. From stories of ghosts and vampires to Marie Laveau (the city’s historic and most famous voodoo practitioner), new Orleans has a certain creep factor to it.

Voodoo tours take you through the French Quarter and its cemeteries and teach you about the voodoo past of the city. Witches Brew tours and the Ghosts, Vampires, and Voodoo French Quarter tour are two of the best.

400 royal St, +1 504-454-3939, witchesbrewtours.com. They host multiples tours daily, including some only for adults. Their flagship cemetery tour lasts 90 minutes and costs $40 USD.

Visit the Voodoo Museum
This small museum is the place to learn about Voodoo. It’s a small museum that opened in 1972 and is full of all kinds of artifacts, talismans, taxidermy animals, and voodoo dolls. Not only is it full of interesting artifacts and information, but the museum can also facilitate psychic readings and other rituals for anyone so inclined.

724 Dumaine St, +1 504-680-0128, voodoomuseum.com. open daily from 10am-6pm. Admission is $10 USD.

Tour 1850 House
During the period before the Civil War, slavery made white plantation owners incredibly wealthy. They built elaborate homes to show off their wealth and some of those antebellum houses are still standing today. 1850 house is an example of what many of those townhouses looked like before the American Civil War. Located next to Jackson Square, this house/museum is run by the city and decorated like it would have been when it was in use by the city’s white slave owners. It’s the best place to get an immersive understanding of just how affluent white slave owners were in the south.

523 St Ann St, +1 504-524-9118, louisianastatemuseum.org. open Tuesday-Sunday from 10am-4pm. Admission is $5 USD.

Relax in Audubon Park or new Orleans City Park

New Orleans has two stunning parks and I’d highly recommend spending an afternoon wandering around one of them. Audubon Park covers over 350 acres while City Park is a massive green space spanning over 1,300 acres (it’s one of the biggest urban parks in the country). They both have ponds, walking trails, trees, and plenty of space to relax with a book or a picnic. They’re a wonderful place to chill out when the weather gets too hot and you want to relax in the shade (or when you need to rest your feet after a long day of walking).

Listen to music on Frenchman Street

From street bands to jazz halls, new Orleans has music in its DNA. end your day listening to some of new Orleans’s incredible music on Frenchman Street. It’s famous for its collection of jazz bars, including my favorite, The spotted Cat.

You’ll also find lots of book stores, record shops, cafes, and bars in this neighborhood as well. It’s one of the most popular areas of the city after Bourbon Street.

New Orleans Itinerary: Day 3

Take a Bayou Tour

Take a kayak tour around the bayou and explore the swamps filled with alligators and Spanish moss-covered trees. The bayou, a swampy section of a slow-moving river, provided early settlers with trees for homes, fish for eating, and waterways for commerce. It’s still part of the lifeblood of the region and an important part of its culture. spend your morning in this beautiful and relaxing area by getting back to nature.

Kayak tours usually cost around $60 USD and last a couple hours. Wild Louisiana tours offer guided tours that will get you out on the water and teach you about the ecosystem. They also offer rentals from $35 USD if you don’t want a tour.

437 Esplanade Avenue, +1 504-571-9975, neworleanskayakswamptours.com.

Visit Oak Alley

Over a dozen oak trees (each of them over 250 years old) line the lane leading to this antebellum plantation manor right on the Mississippi River. The home’s interior is not particularly awe-inspiring as the exterior and I found the guided tour was a little too brief (and not very detailed). However, wandering the grounds was absolutely worthwhile and the signs/placards have a lot of information on the horrible institution of slavery. It’s located an hour from the city by car. try to arrive early (or stay late) to avoid the day tours that come from new Orleans so youcan take people-free pictures.

There are other plantations nearby that, while not as pretty on the exterior, have more beautiful interiors and better historical tours:

St. Joesph Plantation – built in the 1830s, this plantation is listed on the national Register of historic Places.

Laura Plantation – one of the few plantations left with numerous complete structures (including the former slave cabins).

Houmas house Plantation – completed in 1840, Houmas house sits on 10 acres of land and has 9 surviving buildings and structures.

3645 highway 18 (Great River Road), +1 225 265-2151, oakalleyplantation.org. open daily from 9am-5pm. Admission is $25 USD. For tours that include transportation and admission to the plantation, expect to pay $50 USD per person.

New Orleans Itinerary: Day 4

The national world war II Museum

Opened in 2000, this is the largest museum dedicated to world war II in the country. It’s consistently ranked as one of the best museums in the us too — and I can see why. Its use of audio, video, artifacts, and personal stories tie the history of the war together in incredible detail. I spent over three hours here and still had more to see.

Even if you’re not a history buff like me, I highly recommend visiting. many veterans spend time here, and you can listen to first-hand accounts of the war as well as see some of their pictures. It’s sobering but incredibly insightful.

945 magazine St, +1 504-528-1944, nationalww2museum.org. open daily from 9am-5pm. Admission is $29.50 USD.

Take a Food Tour
If you want to learn more about the history and culture behind the city’s best eats, take a food tour. You’ll not only get to eat more of the best food in the city but you’ll learn how and why certain foods came to prominence. From po’boys to gumbo and everything in between, food and culture and history are inseparable from the city’s DNA. A food tour will add much more insight and nuance to your time here. doctor Gumbo tours run one of the best food tours in the city.

+1 504 473-4823, doctorgumbo.com. tours last 3 hours and cost $70 USD per person.

See the Confederate Memorial Hall Museum
This is one of the oldest museums in the state and is home to the second-largest collection of Confederate Civil war items in the world. I’m always intrigued by Civil war history museums, especially those in the South, since the memory of “Northern aggression” is still very strong down here in the deep south.

The museum contains over 5,000 historical artifacts, including the uniforms of Generals Bragg and Beauregard and personal items owned by Confederate president Jefferson Davis (including his Bible and a piece of the crown of thorns he received from the Pope). The museum highlights southern patriotism and reiterates the historic argument that the south was fighting for “honor” and “state’s rights.”

I found the absence of slavery here unsurprising given that the museum wants to pretend that wasn’t the main cause. It’s always fascinating to learn how people frame their history, even if they do so in such a biased light. despite the one-sidedness — and in fact, because of it, this museum is worth visiting.

929 Camp St, +1 504-523-4522, confederatemuseum.com. open Tuesday-Saturday from 10am-4pm. Admission is $10 USD.

Tour the Sazerac House
Opened in 2019, The Sazerac house is part bar, part museum, highlighting the importance of this local spirit and the drink named after it. It’s an immersive experience. There are several floors of interactive exhibits. You can chat with virtual bartenders about their favorite drinks and see what the French Quarter looked like in the 1800s. It’s a super detailed and fun experience. It’s one of the best experiences in the city.

101 magazine St, +1 504-910-0100, sazerachouse.com. currently closed due to COVID. check the website for updates and hours. Amission is free but booking in advance

How I built a Six-Figure blog in 12 Months (Lockdown Project)

Back in April of 2020, I wrote a post all about how I started a new site during quarantine. I started this new project at a time when this website, Goats On The road (our baby for the past 8 years), was suffering greatly due to COVID.

Saying it like that makes it sound as though this site actually had COVID.

While it certainly wasn’t that serious, we did suffer some pretty intense losses in traffic and income on this blog (luckily it has mostly recovered now).

It wasn’t so much viewing the income and traffic drop that hurt (although that was a bit uncomfortable I’m not going to lie), it was the thought that our pride and joy, a site we had poured our heart and soul into for nearly a decade, was seemingly dying best in front of us.

Working on my new blog while locked down in Portugal
But this post isn’t a “woe is me” tale of a travel blogger complaining about having no traffic when there are people in much worse situations.


This is a story of a project I started during those dark moments in our blogging career.

A project that breathed new life into our company minds and gave me and Dariece new purpose and goals during a time when there wasn’t much else to do but stay inside and work on the laptops.

I know that a lot of people who read this blog either have their own website/blog or have always thought of starting one.

So I hope this extensive case study will be the inspiration (or the kick in the butt) that so numerous people need to get a new side hustle started.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the progression of the new blog I started a year ago, much the way we did a few years back with our post about Goats On The Road’s progression called “From hobby To Career: The evolution of Our Blog“.

I’ll show you my traffic and income each month and discuss how I was able to grow the site from $0 to $8,483 per month in just 12 months. 

I’ll also show you how you can replicate my successes (and avoid common failures) with your own new project, ought to you choose to start a blog today (if you do want to start one, Click here to get my totally free blogging kurs).

Note: I share my particular income from my site to inspire others to hopefully start turning their passions into profit through blogging. If you’re not interested in blogging or online entrepreneurship, then this post isn’t for you. check out other amazing travel jobs in our sustaining travel section.

Why Did I start a new Blog?

I’ve been preaching to my students in my Beginner blogger course and my totally free SEO training Course for years that it’s possible to build a new site and grow it to the point that it can earn a good income in a year.

But when I tell it to people who aren’t in my courses, I always had the same pushback. 

“Easy for you to say. You started your site 8 years ago when there were hardly any blogs online and there was no competition.”

My rebuttal was always that while the competition is higher these days, so is the opportunity.

With so numerous new companies starting to understand the value of being featured on blogs, it’s simpler than ever to grow and monetize.

Nevertheless, deep down I was also curious to know if I really could create a successful site again. all of those naysayers really got into my head!

Jeg tenkte…

“What if Goats On The road was just a fluke?” 

We have had quite a few of our blogging students from our courses use our SEO blog growth techniques to grow their sites and quit their jobs to blog full-time, so I knew that the techniques I use still work for new blogs, but I had to show it to myself.

And so, in the middle of March 2020 I started a new site around another topic that I’m passionate about (not travel), and on April 1st, 2020, I published my first post.

How Did I pick a Niche?

This is one of the most essential steps when starting a new blog or website. Every blog needs a niche. Gone are the days of blogging about anything you want to blog about, and still get enough traffic to earn a living.

You need to have a niche.

And I don’t imply just “travel”, or “tech”, or “cooking”. You need to niche down even more than that and be much more specific.

Even Goats On The road wasn’t successful when we were just about travel, so we eventually niched down into remote work and remote jobs that can fund a permanent digital nomad lifestyle.

The passions To profit Method

For my next site, I knew that I needed to be in a niche that I was passionate about.

A lot of people will start a site about anything they see as monetizable, like “bestyogapants.com”, even though they’ve never done a ‘downward dog’.

While that’s absolutely fine and I’m not knocking it, I knew that if I was going to go all-in on this new site, it had to be something that I was interested in, and something that I can earn an income from.

So I went through a few of the hobbies and interests that I have and after a pretty extensive market study, I picked one.

Initial Market Study

Even though I had picked a niche that was quite specific, I needed to make sure of two things.

People were actually searching in Google for this topic

The phrases they searched into Google were potentially lucrative

After a lot of work diving into the competition and the volume of search terms, I knew it was a viable niche to get into.

Monetization Strategy

If I were starting a site just as a hobby to share my stories with pals and family, choosing keywords and then planning a monetization technique wouldn’t matter.

But as I was building this site as a business, I needed to know how I was going to earn that income.

Monetization Methods:

Ads: These days in-content ads (like the ones you see on this page) have become so well-optimized that they are typically a monetization technique in themselves. There are thousands of sites (particularly in the home cooking niche) that earn terrific money with little or no other monetization technique besides lots of traffic and in-content ads. While this was part of my strategy, I certainly planned on diversifying.

Amazon: even though Amazon slashed their commissions at the very start of COVID (had they not, my new site would be over $10,000 per month today), I knew that I could still make a good income from Amazon so it was my #1 affiliate strategi.

Backup Affiliates: Amazon seems to slash their affiliate commissions every 2-3 years, so I needed other affiliates as a backup. I searched around in my niche and fortunately found quite a few. They never convert as well as Amazon because everyone is much more comfortable ordering with their Prime account, but they have higher commissions and longer cookie durations that could bridge the gap a bit ought to Amazon commissions get lowered again.

Sponsors: I knew that the big companies in my space had some money to spend on advertising so I knew that I could get them on board once I had enough traffic and sales numbers. hopefully on an ongoing monthly basis.

YouTube: I hadn’t planned on this from the get-go, but after a couple of months working on the blog, I chose to start a YouTube channel for it as well and hopefully monetize that down the road.

Starting The Website

Starting and developing a site is really easy and this only took me a few hours in total.

I purchased my domain name, paid for hosting ($106 for 3 years using this discount with Bluehost), and picked a beautiful-looking design template for my new site.

Voila, after a few tweaks here and there, I had my site up and running using Elementor. The site is practically the exact same design and set-up now as it was the day I started it.


It’s always essential to imagine goals when starting any new project and for me with a new blog/business, I always have a purpose goal and a monetary goal.

Purpose Goal

The purpose of this new site was to share my passion with my readers and hopefully help them to be much more sustainable. I also had a couple of traffic goals which helped me to guarantee that I was reaching enough people to have an impact.

My traffic goal for this new site was 25,000 sessions after the first year. I actually doubled that — which is fantastic.

Monetary Goal

There are numerous ways to monetize a site or blog in every niche. When it concerned monetization with this site I had two goals in mind. The “Acceptable” goal and the “Best Case” goal.

Acceptable goal ($1,500 / month): I told myself that I would be pleased if this site made $1,500+ per month after one year. That would show that you can earn a minimalist life-supporting income from blogging in a year. And, when living in a much more inexpensive country, that money goes pretty far.

Best case goal ($3,000 / month):  While I’d be pleased with $1,500, I really wanted this site to earn $3,000 per month or much more after a year. I figured at that point it’s pretty much a full-time-job-replacing income in 12 months and that would be amazing.

Hiring Writers

I know a lot of people are going to read this and think that it’s a substantial investment to hire writers, and it is.

If you’re thinking of starting your first blog, you’ll probably skip this step because you can write all of the messages yourself, as long as you know how to write a terrific blog post.

My new site averages around 5 messages published per week. These messages have an average word count of around 2,000 words.

Using the productivity techniques and tools I instruct in my Beginner blogger Course, it’s quite possible to complete a 2,000-word post in 2 hours.

This implies that if you were to write for yourself instead of paying for writers, you would have to spend an extra 10 hours per week working on your new blog.

In my case, even if I wrote all of the messages myself, I’d still be working fewer than 20 hours per week on this site.

But I didn’t have the luxury of time!

I’m also running 3 other sites and 2 blogging courses which take up the rest of my working hours each week (plus I plan to travel non-stop when it’s possible to do so).

So, I chose to hire writers for two reasons:

Like I said… I didn’t have time.

I could hire people who have much more proficiency than me.

So where did I find these writers? I found them in 2 ways.


Upwork is the largest community of freelancers anywhere online.

I typed in my niche into the search box on Upwork and found about 10 results that looked like they’d fit the bill, which wasn’t a lot considering there are over 18 million freelancers on the platform.

I didn’t just hire them best away. I created extensive blog post templates to make sure they follow all of the steps to write terrific SEO blog posts.

My plan was to have them follow these templates closely, so I sent them examples to have a look at. If they figured they would be able to fill the design template with their own expertise, they’d relocation onto the next step.

Next, I interviewed each of the writers just by chatting back and forth with them on Upwork.  primarily I wanted to make sure they were complete experts on the topics I was covering and I needed to decide which of them would write which content.

Eventually, I narrowed down 4 writers who started working with us.

? pro Tip: building a motivated and faithful team is essential. I credit report a lot of the success of this company with the group of experts I was able to put together. If you are hiring people for your business, don’t rush it. The team is the foundation of the company you are creating.


Here’s a little hack. If you’re searching for writers for your blog, type into Google the niche and then a totally free blogging platform like blogger.com or wordpress.org (ie: “Paintball blog blogger.com”).

Then look at their blogs, read a few messages and if they seem like a good fit, you can contact them to hire them.

The reason I add a totally free blogging platform like Blogger.com into the search is that this implies that they aren’t blogging full-time already. If someone is already blogging full-time and earning income, they probably don’t have spare time to freelance.

By finding bloggers on Blogger.com, WordPress.org, and the like, I was able to find hobby bloggers who were interested in earning a bit of side money blogging about things they were already writing about for free.

This is how I found a few of my writers and it’s worked out very well for me.

The blog gets Rolling

After a couple of weeks with my four new writers, we get into the swing of things. They submit 3 messages each every Friday and I spend my weekend editing the messages and scheduling them.

The publication calendar When We were at Max Publication
When I wasn’t editing blog posts, I was reaching out to other sites in my niche and contacts I had through blogging on Goats On The road to do guest messages and get my new blog’s name out there.

In total, I did about 35 guest post

2022 exactly how to routine A go to through BAGUIO VISITA + step-by-step on the internet guide

Last updated: 18 March 2022

After the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill, Baguio City has reopened its doors to tourists. however hold your horses! While the city is slowly reviving its tourism industry, there are still policies in place.

The City of Pines is accepting a restricted number of visitors per day. Hence, prior to their trip, travelers entering city should routine their go to online. In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you exactly how to do just that.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

Who can go to Baguio?
List of Baguio VISITA Requirements
How to Register for a Baguio VISITA Account1. go to the BAGUIO VISITA website.
2. fill out the registration form.
3. total your account details.
4. submit a valid ID as well as present photo.
5. accept the Terms as well as evaluation information.
6. inspect your email.

How to routine a Trip1. Log in to your Baguio VISITA account.
2. click on ‘SCHEDULE A VISIT’.
3. total the arranging form.
4. submit the details of your accommodation.If you’re staying at a hotel
If staying with a buddy or family member in Baguio
If you’re on a day trip

5. achieve the health and wellness statement FORM
6. submit a copy of your vaccination card or certificate.
7. evaluation all the info as well as confirm.
7. get in touch with your booked hotel or lodging establishment.
7. inspect your email.

FREQUENTLY ASKED concerns (FAQs)Can we routine a trip as a group?
My travel date is approaching however my routine is still pending. What ought to I do?
Can I select 2 hotels when I routine my visit?
Are there offered public transportation choices to Baguio?
What are the certified hotels in Baguio?
What’s the protocol upon arrival in Baguio?

Flere forslag på YouTube ⬇ relaterte innlegg:

Who can go to Baguio?

Before anything else, it is essential to understand whether or not you’re enabled entry into the city as well as what demands you requirement to present. This depends upon your area of origin, age (adult or minor), as well as vaccination status.

We produced a separate, much more comprehensive publish about it here: BAGUIO travel REQUIREMENTS!

List of Baguio VISITA Requirements

The very first step in arranging a go to to Baguio City is to register for an account with Baguio VISITA, a new tourism support job by the city government, in partnership with the department of tourism as well as the tourism Promotions Board. VISITA means visitor info as well as travel Assistance.

But before you indication up for an account, have a digital copy of the complying with files ready:

A valid ID. many government IDs like passport, SSS/UMID, driver’s license, as well as voters ID are accepted.

A recent photo. This will be utilized on your QR traveler Pass (QTP). I’ll discuss what QTP is later.

If staying at a hotel: verified lodging details. book only a hotel or lodging establishment that is noted on Baguio VISITA. You can likewise discover below a listing of certified hotels in Baguio.

If staying with a friend/relative: offer the complying with information:
– Your get in touch with person’s name
– Your contact’s total address in Baguio
– Your contact’s mobile number

Depending on your age or area of origin, you may likewise requirement either a VACCINATION CERTIFICATE/CARD or unfavorable COVID-19 test result or both. To inspect what’s needed of you, inspect out this post: BAGUIO travel REQUIREMENTS!

You will be prompted to submit a copy of it. You may select to not submit this on the internet however it’s extremely advisable that you do for quicker processing. You should likewise make sure you have your vaccination card with you during your trip.

How to Register for a Baguio VISITA Account

1. go to the BAGUIO VISITA website.

The official site of BAGUIO VISITA is at visita.baguio.gov.ph.

Scroll down as well as you’ll discover a produce AN ACCOUNT button. click on it.

2. fill out the registration form.

To get started, you requirement to go into the complying with details:

3. total your account details.

Enter the complying with personal information:


Nationality / citizenship


Nåværende adresse


4. submit a valid ID as well as present photo.

Most government IDs like passport, SSS/UMID, driver’s license, senior resident ID, as well as voter’s ID are accepted.

The picture has to be just recently taken. It will be utilized for the travel pass. much more on that later.

Once done, click on PROCEED.

5. accept the Terms as well as evaluation information.

On the next page, you will be provided with the data privacy as well as Consent Agreement. checked out it carefully. If whatever looks good, click verify to accept the terms.

Then, evaluation all the info you have previously entered. ingenting galt? Click CONFIRM.

6. inspect your email.

A verification link will be sent to your email address. Click on that as well as you’ll be redirected back to the VISITA website.

Login once again to finalize verification process.

Det er det! You now have a BAGUIO VISITA account.

How to routine a Trip

1. Log in to your Baguio VISITA account.

Visit visita.baguio.gov.ph as well as click on the routine A go to button or link.

You will be asked to log in.

2. click on ‘SCHEDULE A VISIT’.

Once through, you will be greeted with a menu that appears like this:

Click on routine A VISIT.

3. total the arranging form.

Tick routine A new TRAVEL. then click PROCEED.

On the next page, go into your point of origin as well as mode of transportation.

If you’re entering Baguio on a personal VEHICLE, prepare the complying with information:

Vehicle model

Vehicle color


If you’re taking PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, go into the name of the bus business (Victory Liner, Genesis Transport, etc.)

Click PROCEED. Then, select the function of travel that applies to your trip.

4. submit the details of your accommodation.

If you’re staying at a hotel

Find the hotel that you booked utilizing the browse BAR. If you can’t discover your hotel, inspect if you have misspelled it. If not, then your hotel is most likely not DOT-authorized, which implies they are not enabled to operate as well as you can’t stay there.

For a listing of Baguio hotels that have certificate of authorization to operate, inspect out this post: listing OF DOT-ACCREDITED hotels IN BAGUIO! ✅

If staying with a buddy or family member in Baguio

You requirement to offer the complying with information:

Your get in touch with person’s name

Your contact’s total address in Baguio

Your contact’s mobile number

However, staying in a stranger’s home for a charge is NOT enabled as well as is punishable by law. If you’re paying for lodging, make sure you book an authorized hotel or inn.

If you’re on a day trip

Choose NOT staying OVERNIGHT on the listing of choices as well as comply with the next steps.

5. achieve the health and wellness statement FORM

You will be asked concerns about your present health and wellness (whether you’re experiencing symptoms), exposure history, as well as other medical information.

Once done, click SUBMIT.

6. submit a copy of your vaccination card or certificate.

Your vaccination card or vaccination certificate should be issued by a genuine establishment. It will likewise be validated by triage officers upon arrival.

Although your registration can still be completed as well as processed even if you avoid this step, it’s extremely suggested that you submit a copy of the vaccination card or certificate.

Either way, you should bring your vaccination card when you travel as it will be inspected at Triage on arrival day

Once you have uploaded the documents, click CONFIRM.

7. evaluation all the info as well as confirm.

You will be provided with a summary of all the details you submitted. evaluation that whatever is appropriate as well as then click PROCEED.

The next page will include a confirmation message that your routine is up for review.

7. get in touch with your booked hotel or lodging establishment.

For those who will be staying at a hotel or inn, Baguio Visita QTP application approvals are done by the administration of your booked accommodation. get in touch with them as well as let them understand that you have already arranged your trip on Baguio Visita as well as you’re just waiting on their approval.

When you send them a message, include the complying with details:

Name of the guest under which the booking was made

Names of all your companions

Travel dates

This is a essential step since hotel booking sites typically just request the ONE guest’s name. sending them the names of your companions make it much simpler for them to determine which to approve.

In addition, some hotel bookings include specific complications. For example, in one instance, we were asked to re-do our arranging under one more hotel’s name since the triage is done there instead.

7. inspect your email.

Once done, you ought to get an email confirmation with a link to a QR Coded traveler Pass (QTP).

Download your QTP. You should either print it or save on your device.

The QTP appears like this:

The QTP is incredibly important! Its code is distinct to you as well as it includes your name, photo, as well as travel dates. When in Baguio, make sure you have it with you all the time. You will requirement to scan it at specific checkpoints including the triage area, hotel reception, as well as essential attractions around the city.

Det er det! when you have a QTP, you’re already registered as well as permitted to go to the city on the designated dates.


Can we routine a trip as a group?

JA. You can routine a trip as a group, offered that you have the exact same travel dates as well as you’re staying at the exact same place.

One member of the group should indication up for a Baguio Visita account as well as routine a go tosom vanlig. Afterwards, do the following:

On the dashboard, go to MY travels tab.

Choose the trip you desire to add companions to as well as then tap the 3 dots next to it.

Choose add buddy on the timely that would pop up. You will be directed to the MY COMPANIONS page.

Add a car or add a buddy for every vehicle. then input the details for the car or each
companion accordingly.

For those staying at a hotel, as much as 9 companions as well as 2 cars are enabled to be added to the group.

For those who are not booked at any type of lodging establishment, as much as 4 companions on 1 car can be added.

Once approved, each member of the group will get their own distinct QTP.

This group function is a new development. Previously, it was not possible. (It wasn’t during our trip.) however it has because been implemented to make arranging simpler for groups.

My travel date is approaching however my routine is still pending. What ought to I do?

Call the hotel/accommodation establishment that you booked. In many cases, it is them that take care of approval as well as triage. reach out to them as well as submit all your names as well as travel dates.

We really experienced this. We waited for days however our routine application was still not approved. I called the hotel administration as well as they took care of it immediately.

If you’re not staying at a hotel/accommodation establishment as well as your routine is still pending after days of waiting, get in touch with Baguio Visita with these numbers:

(074) 446 2009 (7am – 11pm)

0956 572 9097 (7am – 3pm)

0956 572 9093 (3pm -11pm)

0956 572 9094 (11pm – 7am)

Can I select 2 hotels when I routine my visit?

No, it’s not possible. You can’t select two lodging establishments on just one application. What you can do is routine two separate visits. It’s double the work, however that’s the process.

In our case, we were to stay in Baguio for a week. However, the hotel we desired had offered spaces only on a few days, so we booked a second hotel. When we inquired, we were told to make two separate routine applications, one for every hotel (reflecting the dates of stay at each property).

We ended up with two routine applications as well as two distinct QTPs, as well as we had to go with the triage process twice.

Are there offered public transportation choices to Baguio?

Yes, go to this page for your options: BAGUIO BUS SCHEDULE!

Within the city, taxis as well as jeepneys are operational.

What are the certified hotels in Baguio?

It is extremely suggested to book an lodging with a Certificate of Authority to operate (CAO) from the department of Tourism. right here are just a few of numerous options:

G1 Lodge
#2 Leonard wood Rd., Baguio City
Sjekk priser og bilder! ✅

The Orchard hotel Baguio
#149 Legarda Road, Baguio City
Sjekk priser og bilder! ✅

City travel Hotel
#16 Kisad Road, Burnham-Legarda, Baguio City
Sjekk priser og bilder! ✅

Citylight Hotel
#245 upper general Luna Road, Baguio City
Sjekk priser og bilder! ✅

Travelite hotel Legarda
Travelite hotel cor. Legarda Rd. & Bukaneg St., Burnham-Legarda, Baguio City
Sjekk priser og bilder! ✅

For much more options, inspect out this post: listing OF DOT-ACCREDITED hotels IN BAGUIO! ✅

If you understand a local, you may likewise stay with a family member or a buddy as long as the area is not on difficult lockdown. However, staying in a stranger’s home for a charge is NOT enabled as well as is punishable by law. If you’re paying for lodging, make sure you book an authorized hotel or inn.

What’s the protocol upon arrival in Baguio?

All tourists should go through triage upon arrival in Baguio City. You cannot go anywhere else up until you’re finished with triage.

The primary triage areas are found near Baguio Convention Center. however some hotels have their own. Some bus terminals operate their own triage systems too.

For yellow QTP, the triage area is at central Triage.

For blue QTP, you may proceed to your hotel or terminal for triage

Triage operations typically begin at 7am, however this may differ from one establishment to one more so just ask them to be sure.

Visitors who are showing symptoms, regardless of the test result or their vaccination status, will be tested, isolated, as well as referred to health and wellness officials for next steps.


2020 November 19 – originally published
2021 March 2 – eliminated swab test as requirement. added traveler bus options. broadened range to all tourists from PH.
2021 March 19 – Mandatory unfavorable RT-PCR/Antigen/Saliva test result is reimplemented.
2021 July 5 �

TNN: Discovering Portugal: Beyond Lisboa & Algarve

Hei alle sammen,

Jeg ønsket å dele en video til fra et nylig nomadisk nettverksarrangement. Denne handler om å “oppdage Portugal: Beyond Lisboa & Algarve”.

Bruk en time i det vesentlige på å utforske Portugal.

Bli med på Digital Storyteller Chantel Loura når hun tar deg med på en virtuell omvisning i Portugal ?? Utover den mye mer besøkte byen Lisboa så vel som regionen Algarve.

Et barn av portugisiske innvandrere, en tilbakevendende besøkende, så vel som nå bosatt det siste året, Chante …

Hei! Beklager å avbryte, men ….

Du ser ut til å ha snublet over en bare abonnentartikkel!

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Dette innlegget er utelukkende for medlemmer av Nomadic Matt Plus! NM+ er vårt medlems eneste program som gir lesere som deg selv tilgang til bonusblogginnlegg. Medlemmene får også gratis bøker, guidebøker, bloggkurs, få tilgang til våre arrangementer, begivenhets repriser, månedlige gaver, t-skjorter, eksklusive pengebesparende reiserabatter, samt mer!

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Hvis du vil få tilgang til dette innlegget (i tillegg til 100+ andre artikler på bare medlemmer), samt alle de andre fantastiske fordelene, kan du bli med Nomadic Matt Plus i tillegg til å begynne å få mye mer ut av dine reiser i dag!

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Kilim Geoforest Park: The Soaring Spirits in Langkawi, Malaysia

I had never seen that many eagles swarming and flying around in just one place.

The poor Traveler was at Kilim Karst Geoforest Park in Langkawi in the state of Kedah in the western coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Langkawi is an archipelago of 99 islands in Andaman Sea. Langkawi means reddish-brown eagle in the local language, taking the name from the glorious birds of prey that abound in the island.

Brown Eagle in Action
The northeastern tip of the main island of Langkawi is covered in thick mangrove forests, specked with spectacularly formed karst cliffs rising from its brackish water. three rivers flow and meander across this region — Kisap, Air Hangat, and Kilim. Together, they form a gorgeous landscape that has nurtured and nourished a healthy ecosystem and a wide and diverse array of life forms. Kilim River, locally known as Sungai Kilim, runs across Kilim Nature Park, sprawling over an area of about 100 square kilometers of mangrove forests, blue lagoons, and white beaches.


Prepping Up for the Speedboat Ride
The Bat Cave (Gua Kelawar)
The Yacht Park
The Floating restaurant and Fish Farm
Crocodile Cave (Gua Buaya)
Brown Eagles
The Faces and shapes of Kilim

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

Prepping Up for the Speedboat Ride

There was a counter at the boat jetty by the river where you could settle payment for the tour. There are actually so many options to choose from depending on how long you want the tour to be and how many places you want to stop at. A one-hour tour costs RM 200 per boat and the two-hour RM350. Again, the rate is per boat so you can divide it by the number of people in the group. If you’re traveling solo, you might want to consider asking other groups to let you join them so you could reduce the cost.

At the Kilim River Jetty
We initially wanted to take those slower tours with an expert tour guide explaining in great detail the significance and highlights in each stop, but those tours usually take 4 hours and they have set schedules, one in the early morning and one at 2pm. We were too late for the first and too early for the second, and we could not afford the rate. We settled for the usual speedboat tours instead.

After settling the fees, we were led to the jetty and waited for our boatman. I am kicking myself in the butt right now because I can’t remember the name of our boatman. He was really, really funny and so kind to us. (He even allowed and taught us to drive the speedboat under close supervision, of course.) What I also liked about our boatman was that he did not like and did not encourage feeding the brown eagles. Aaargh, I need to remember his name!

The Bat Cave (Gua Kelawar)

The closest attraction to the Kilim jetty is the Bat Cave (also known as Gua Kelawar), which actually comprises two caves. It’s not a hard trek at all because the trail that leads visitors through the two caves are boarded. The first cave houses several towering rock formations under a 10-meter high ceiling. It has also become home to many species of bats including the Southeast Asian bent-winged bat, the great round leaf bat, and the intermediate round leaf bat. The second cave is topped with a low ceiling that one needs to bend down to make it through. The ceiling and the walls of this cave are covered in ancient seashells.

Inside the first cave
Curious bystanders.
We stayed for only less than 20 minutes at the bat cave and boarded the speedboat right after. We then had a stop at a small tree where a snake is curled peacefully around and a rock where dozens of monkeys stayed, perhaps waiting for tourists to throw food at them. I just hope all the feeding stops at this place. 🙁

The Yacht Park

“Take off your hat,” said our boatman. “You’re gonna lose it.”

I followed without question. In an instant, our speedboat zoomed along the river, and the wind almost smothered my face. had I not removed my hat, it would have been stolen by the wind. We slowed down as soon as we spotted the first of the countless yachts and sailboats anchored on one side of the river. These picturesque boats make good subject with the imposing cliffs as backdrop.

A private yacht anchored at Kilim River
“They’re private yachts,” our boatman explained.

“Who owns them?” Jeg spurte.

“Travelers,” he answered.

“They stay in Langkawi?”

“Nei. maybe just once or twice a year.”

Wow. That’s life on the A-List. I don’t even think I would even own one in my lifetime.

The Floating restaurant and Fish Farm

Just across the private yachts is a floating restaurant next to a small fish farm. My friend and I never really intended to eat here so we really wanted to see the fish farm where several species of fish were kept from small to really big, reminiscent of the ones they catch at Monster Fish on cable TV. some of the fishes they have here are sea bass, moray eels, and sting rays. They also have prawns.

Hvis duwant, you can pick a fish and they will cook it and serve it for lunch or dinner. I just don’t know how much. I bet it’s expensive, though.  We ended up having just a bottle of softdrink.

View from the Fish Farm
Crocodile Cave (Gua Buaya)

The Crocodile Cave (Gua Buaya) is a hole in a limestone cliff that is wide enough for speedboats to drive through. named after the crocodile-shaped rock that adorns the entrance to it, the Crocodile Cave shelters a number of bats too. I read somewhere that it’s called Crocodile Cave because there used to be crocodiles here, but I’m not sure how accurate it is.

My favorite moment in this part of the river was actually after we made it through the cave and emerged on the other side. Our boatman upped the speed of our boat again that it really felt so good to be embraced by the wind and sometimes get a little splash of water. Fuuuuun!!!!

Approaching Crocodile Cave
The Crocodile rock formation at the mouth of the cave
Brown Eagles

Even when we were just approaching the place, I could already see countless birds soaring over the mangrove trees and taking occasional plunges as they pick up little fish. There were only two speedboats carrying tourists at the time, and I was delighted that neither had been feeding these eagles. “Eagle feeding” was being advertised in the banners at the Kilim jetty, and the thought of it was upsetting me. Fortunately, it didn’t happen when we were there. We just watched as they hunted for prey like they would naturally and without human intervention. (I actually thought that they had stopped it but, later that day, I would meet a backpacker who told me that it was still going on and that the group he joined fed the eagles. Sad.) Or maybe, the other boat had already thrown food into water even before we arrived. I really wish that eagle-feeding stops because it can alter their natural diet and affect their hunting skills.

Another shot of the Eagle
There was another solitary airborne predator, a bigger one, that hovered regally on the other side of the river. Our boatman said it’s the white-belly sea eagle.

The Faces and shapes of Kilim

After our encounter with the swarming eagles, we moved to the open sea where our boatman pointed three recognizable shapes from afar. The first was called “baby face” because it looked like it was, well, the face of a baby. The second was the Apache face, forming a silhouette of a native American’s facial features. The third was the shoe Island, uncannily taking the shape of a rubber shoe floating in the water.

Apache face. Kan du se det?
Shoe Island!
A massive signage affixed to a limestone wall also marks the mouth of Kilim River. After a brief photo op with it in the background, our boat turned around and headed back to the jetty.

On our way back, I caught another glimpse of an eagle soaring over the mangroves and the river. It was one of those moments where I envied our winged brothers, soaring spirits. Langkawi is a special place and to see it onboard a speedboat had been a great experience. having a top view of this paradise from dizzying heights is an opportunity that I would love to receive. Ah, how I envy the birds!

How to get to Kilim Geoforest Park: From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia you may fly to Langkawi and take a cab to Kilim Geopark. You might also want to consider taking the overnight sleeper train from KL Sentral to Arau (10-hour travel time, RM 54). At Arau Station, take a cab to Kuala Perlis (RM 25), then board the ferry to Kuah Port in Langkawi (RM 18). Take a cab to Kilim Geopark (RM 25). 

Flere tips på YouTube ⬇

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Peninsular Malaysia: sample 1-Week itinerary

LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA: budget travel guide

How to get to Langkawi from Kuala Lumpur by Sleeper Train and Ferry – Malaysia


Updated: 1/3/2020 | January 3rd, 2020

Nothing irks me much more than people disparaging people’s travel choices. I don’t get why people do it. The whole “traveler vs. tourist” argument, talking about what makes someone a “real traveler,” and making fun of people’s routes — people waste so much energy trying to lift themselves up above others.

Isn’t travel expected to make you open-minded?

I do this for me. This is all my journey. I’m not in a race for the most countries visited, street stalls eaten at, or festivals attended. I do what makes me happy, even if it’s some “touristy” destination.

There isn’t a single “authentic” version of travel. getting off the beaten path, finding some hidden island, or living with some man in a yurt in Mongolia don’t make someone a better traveler than anybody else. It just implies your schedule and experience were different.

I’ve been riled up about this for quite some time and chose to make a video about this subject. Here’s how I really feel and what I think you ought to do when you meet a pretentious, judgmental traveler:

At the end of the day, travel is not a competition. It’s not a contest. Yes, it’s awesome to travel to far-flung destinations and get off the beaten path. but that doesn’t imply you’re a “better traveler” than someone else. You’re just a different traveler.

We all travel our own way because travel is a personal experience.

I travel the way I want and go to the place I want to see. I don’t have anything to prove; I’m just traveling the way I want to. It’s my life, after all!

As I’ve learned after ten years of traveling the world, there are always going to be people out there who try to get you down. just disregard them. They just want to belittle your experience to make themselves feel better.

Don’t waste your time on them. There are tons of other awesome travelers you can chat with instead!

So, go where you want.

Gjør hva du vil.

See what you want.

Eat where you want.

Maybe I’ll disagree, maybe I’ll try to get you to do something else, but, as Sheryl Crow said, if it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad — and at the end of the day, I’m just pleased you left the house. That’s all I care about.

The next time someone starts harping on your travel choices or giving you grief, turn the conversation around on them. tell them part of being a traveler is being open-minded and if they can’t respect your choice, the conversation is over. call them out on their crap.

And then walk away.

It’s your trip. Don’t let people destroy it.

Hvordan reise verden rundt på $ 50 om dagen

My new York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will instruct you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, and have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC called the “bible for budget travelers.”

Click here to learn much more and start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical suggestions and Tricks
Bestill flyet ditt
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Bestill innkvarteringen din
Du kan bestille vandrerhjemmet ditt med Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the most affordable rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t forget travel Insurance
Travel insurance will safeguard you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s extensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it numerous times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Safetywing (best for alle)

Forsikre turen min (for de over 70)

Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Klar til å bestille turen?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

Travelling to Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: A guide to The Villages

Lake Atitlán, Guatemala has long been a prominent hangout for hippies, backpackers, expats as well as travellers. And, after living on the lake for two months in early 2015, we can absolutely see why! There’s just something about Lake Atitlán that gets under your skin, as well as eventually makes it extremely tough to leave.

Lago de Atitlán as it’s understood in Spanish, is the deepest lake in all of central America as well as is flanked by three towering volcanoes – Tolimán, San Pedro as well as Atitlán. There are lots of Mayan villages surrounding the lake, however there are truly only a few that you are likely to go to / move to indefinitely.

Please note: We travelled Lake Atitlan on a budget plan as well as this post shows that. If you’re trying to find a lot more upscale lodging as well as tours, inspect out LuxuryLatinAmerica.com.


Let’s begin with the most prominent backpacker village on the lake. Panajachel (Pana for short) is the primary port of entry to the lake, as well as if you’re coming from Mexico, Antigua or Guatemala City, this is most likely where you’ll discover yourself first. It’s a bustling, dirty village, with a extremely hectic primary street. because of the truth that this village is linked to the road to the “outside world”, there is likewise a great deal of web traffic here.

Whether you’re a traveller or somebody who is seeking to online on Lake Atitlán for a few months, Pana will likely be of rate of interest to you, at least for a short time. This is where the greatest grocery store is, in addition to “Sandy’s” supermarket, which offers a plethora of Western goodies. If you’re trying to find excursion agencies, transfers to Antigua as well as beyond, a large variety of hotels, lots of western restaurants, great deals of bars, great nightlife, as well as economical Guatemalan handicrafts, this is the location to discover den.

We do suggest checking out Pana as well as even staying here, however we extremely suggest that you take a lancha (taxi boat) as well as inspect out a few of the lots of (more authentic) villages, surrounding Lake Atitlán.


Northern end of the lake, the village of Solola is north of Pana, a lot of of the other villages of rate of interest are west of here.

Hva å gjøre:

Kayaking, bar-hopping, go on day trips to close-by villages, go to Saint Francis Church, take Spanish lessons, go to the market.

Hva å forvente:

Lots of tourists, hectic streets, a mix of people – foreigners, Spanish as well as (beautifully dressed) Maya people. views of all three volcanoes. NOT a extremely clean place for swimming.

Top Tips:

This is one of the few locations where you can take out money from an ATM on the lake, stock up in Pana! the very best grocery stores are here. A dependable excursion company for booking transportation is Xocomil, found ideal near the lancha port.

To get a much better concept of what Panajachel is like, inspect out our video here:

Santa Cruz la Laguna / Paxanax

Just a quick, 10 minute boat trip from Pana as well as you’ll show up here. We resided in a suburb of Santa Cruz called Paxanax for two months as well as absolutely liked it. This is our much-loved village on the lake. It’s true that we may be a bit bias, however without any road access, Santa Cruz handles to retain its secluded, tranquil charm. Rickety, bamboo platforms are increased out of the water on stilts producing a cool kilometre-long pathway along the shoreline.

Now that’s a beer with a view! Paxanax was a fantastic location to online for 2 months.
There’s not a whole great deal to do right here in terms of sight-seeing, however for such a small, secluded village, there’s really a great deal of other activities to enjoy. The swimming in Paxanax is good, the CECAP program is extremely excellent as well as there’s a Spanish institution as well. Check out the actual village of Santa Cruz at the top of the hill (take a tuk-tuk or a strenuous walk) as well as take pleasure in the sensational vistas!


Just a 10 minute boat trip to the west of Pana, on the northern shore.

Hva å gjøre:

Go diving diving (the only dive shop on the lake is found here). Hangout at La Iguana Perdida hotel (happy hour, BBQs, backpackers) as well as take pleasure in wholesome food at hotel Isla Verde. go to the Saturday morning market. Go kayaking. Check out CECAP, one of the very best pro-economic programs on the lake.

Hva å forvente:

A extremely quiet, tranquil village. No connected road to Panajachel or roads outside of the lake. lots of rEgional Maya -folk.


Det er ingen minibanker her, så vel som ingen dagligvarebutikker. hamstre!

For å oppdage mye mer om Santa Cruz/Paxanax, inspiser videoen vår her:

San Marcos La Laguna

San Marcos er stedet å dra hvis du er i helbredelser, meditasjon, yoga, massasje så vel som alle ting åndelige så vel som helhetlige. Imidlertid er det ikke bare et sted for spiritualitet så vel som yogier, dette er også en av de vakreste landsbyene på sjøen. Smale sementveier slynger seg med rike trær så vel som blomstrende busker, så vel som svømming her er også bra – det er til og med et område for å hoppe av steinene.

Utsikten over Volcano i San Pedro fra landsbyen San Marcos.
Restaurantene i San Marcos er rikelig, så vel som maten er normalt ekstremt sunn. Den eneste ulempen er at det er ganske kostbart sammenlignet med de andre landsbyene rundt innsjøen. Det er et par små butikker her i tillegg til at det er regionale leverandører som selger produkter. Du kan gå fra San Marcos til landsbyen Tzununa på omtrent 15 minutter også. En båttur fra her til San Pedro er bare 10 minutter.


På den nordvestlige bredden.

Hva å gjøre:

Yoga, meditasjon, massasje eller reiki. Gå til en åndelig samling, gå på svømming, frivillig, gå turgåing, fotturer samt dagstur til nær San Pedro.

Hva å forvente:

En rolig stemning, rike områder, ingen barer, men mange gode restauranter. Utsikt over den ruvende vulkanen San Pedro.


Det er ingen minibankprodusent her. Ikke gå mellom akkurat her så vel som San Pedro, da det er en høy forekomst av ran langs denne ruten.

San Juan La Laguna

Denne lille landsbyen blir ofte oversett av turister, som er like dårlig. Jada, det er ikke så hektisk som San Pedro, San Marcos eller Pana, men det er noe spesielt med San Juan. Menneskene som bor her er ekstremt vennlige, det er en risikofri landsby så vel som utsikten også er sjarmerende. Denne landsbyen er rolig så vel som fredelig. Det er bare et par steder å spise, så vel som å bo, men vi foreslår hotell uxlabil for mat så vel som for et nattopphold.

Fra San Juan kan du raskt gå til San Pedro, eller ta en rask tuk-tuk-tur, som på samme måte gjør denne landsbyen så flott.

Vakker toppnivå veranda på Uxlabil Eco Lodge i San Juan.


Vestkysten av innsjøen.

Hva å gjøre:

Vandre rundt i byen, gå til kirken, ta en dagstur til San Pedro, slapp av.

Hva å forvente:

Knapt noen form for turister, vennlige lokale, en autentisk følelse.


Det er bare et par små restauranter. Maten på Hotel Uxlabil er god, eller du kan få noen små produkter i butikkene i tillegg til å lage mat på hotellet ditt. Svømmingen her er ikke bra. En Lancha -båt fra Pana som skal til San Pedro vil redusere deg ved kaien i San Juan hvis du spør. Ingen minibank.

San Pedro La Laguna

Dette er Budget Backpacker Hangout på sjøen. Det er en direkte vei ut av innsjøen fra her, så vel som stemningen er flott. Denne landsbyen har en primær vei som går langs strandlinjen, og det er her du vil oppdage alle backpacker -nødvendighetene: butikker, utfluktbyråer, restauranter, barer samt vandrerhjem.

Kaffebønner som tørker på gaten i San Pedro.
På vei opp den ekstremt bratte bakken fra veien langs innsjøen, vil du oppdage hva som ser ut til å være en egen landsby, det er her lokalbefolkningen bor, så vel som absolutt et område du vil inspisere.

Det er mange ting å gjøre her i San Pedro, enten du tenker på å slappe av i hengekøyer, gå på barer, oppdage om kaffe, få ekstraordinære håndverkervarer, oppdage spansk eller vandrer opp vulkaner, dette er landsbyen til finn til.

Hvis du bare hadde tid til å dra til en landsby, ville dette mest sannsynlig være den vi foreslår – det har litt noe for enhver smak.


Western shore, at the base of the San Pedro Volcano.

Hva å gjøre:

Day-trip to San Marcos for swimming, go to the church, go to the regional create market, hangout on decks overlooking the water, go to bars, satisfy other travellers, discover about exactly how the regional coffee is produced. Hike the San Pedro Volcano as well as Indian Nose lookout.

Hva å forvente:

Lots of backpackers, a hectic village, lots of restaurants/cafes/bars, friendly locals, gorgeous views – however not of volcanoes.


The swimming right here isn’t good, head to San Marcos. There are a couple of respectable grocery stores right here for self-catering. There’s an ATM.

To discover a lot more about the cool village of San Pedro, inspect out our video here:


Although not lots of travellers stay here, this village should have a special mention as well. Jaibalito is found just a few minutes west of Santa Cruz. In fact, you can really walk there on a high mountain trail, or, it’s a quick boat ride. There are barely any type of people living right here or tourists staying here, however there are a few expats as well as friendly locals. There are likewise a couple of hotels to stay in. inspect out the Wednesday Jaibalito Market as well as Le Casa del Mundo for a drink on a gorgeous patio.

Santiago Atitlán

Santiago Atitlán is the most populated village on the lake, with the majority of the people being Tz’utujil Maya. found on the extremely south of the lake, on an inlet between the Tolimán as well as San Pedro Volcanoes. This is a extremely traditional, authentic village, one that every visitor must see during their stay. Friday as well as Sunday are the primary market days, however checking out any type of day of the week would be good.

Food up for sale at the Jaibalito Market.

Basically, no matter which village you choose to travel to on Lake Atitlán, you’ll be impressed. The surrounding volcanoes, regional Mayan people as well as gorgeous lake are what makes this area so extraordinary as well as unique. It can seem like a daunting task when trying to figure out which village is the best, so ideally this guide provided you a great breakdown of what to expect from each village ?

Traveller’s Notes

Cost Of primary boat Rides:

Panajachel to Santa Cruz – 10Q ($1.67)

Panajachel to San Marcos – 15Q ($2.50)

Panajachel to San Pedro – 25Q ($4)

San Pedro to San Marcos – 10Q ($1.67)

San Pedro to Santa Cruz – 15Q ($2.50)


Some areas are not risk-free for walking, seek advice from with a regional before trekking between any type of of the villages. normally each village is risk-free during the day, however the paths between them are notorious for robberies as well as muggings.

If you believed humans are the only mobs bothering tourists at night, you’d be wrong. Packs of stray dogs have been understood to assault unsuspecting people, particularly late at night. always travel with a lot more than one person after dark as well as think about bring pepper spray.


The boat motorists have an “official” vacationer rate for boat rides. You can discover a indication specifying the primary routes in San Pedro, however if you don’t understand the prices, they’ll most likely try to rip you off. utilize the cost guide above as well as don’t pay any type of more.

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For a lot more info on Lake Atitlán, inspect out our articles:

Essential ideas & Information: border crossing from San Cristobal to Lake Atitlán

Our digital Nomad Life on Lake Atitlán, Guatemala

The expense of Living on Lake Atitlán, Guatemala

Have you travelled to Lake Atitlán before? Which village do you believe is the best? 

Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geiter på veien er en Amazon -partner i tillegg til at en tilknytning til noen andre forhandlere på samme måte. Dette indikerer at vi lager provisjoner hvis du klikker på lenker på bloggen vår, samt kjøper fra disse forhandlerne.

BERLIN ITINERARY: best things to Do & places to visit

getting ready for your trip to Berlin, Germany? here are some traveler attractions to consider for an pleasurable and unforgettable BERLIN ITINERARY! If you need to do much more research, check out our comprehensive BERLIN travel GUIDE!

Berlin has three UNESCO world Heritage Sites: the Museumsinsel (Museum Island), Berlin Modernism housing Estates, and the Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin. even though much of the city was decreased to rubble during world war II, numerous of the structures have been reconstructed and restored to their original beauty.

Here are some of the top places to visit in Berlin. I also indicated the entrance fees and the nearest train or tram stations so you could easily get to them.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

Brandenburg Gate
The Berlin story Bunker
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (Holocaust Memorial)
Parliament Quarter (Reichstag and Reichstag Dome)
Museum Island
The Berlin Dungeon
Berlin victory Column (Siegessäule)
East Side Gallery
Berlin Modernism housing Estates
How to get around BerlinBy Train, Bus, or Tram
By car Rental

How to get to Berlin
More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

Brandenburg Gate

Nearest Station: Brandenburger Tor

A trip to Berlin is not complete without going to this historic monument. completed in 1791 under the orders of Frederick William II of Prussia, it is a symbol of two things: Germany’s rich past and unity. Brandenburg gate was closed from August 14, 1961, when the city was split into east and West, until its fall in 1989. Your Berlin schedule will not be complete without it. No entrance fees, it’s FREE!

The Berlin story Bunker

Location: Schöneberger Str. 23A, 10963 Berlin
Nearest Station: Anhalter Bahnhof

It’s an old air rob bunker, where refugees took shelter during world war I air raids. inside the bunker you’ll see pictures and objects from the war to Hitler’s rule. There are two exhibitions inside the bunker: the Berlin story museum and “Hitler – how could it Happen.”

The Berlin story Museum. Ticket Price: €6.00 (€4.50 if you have a valid Berlin welcome Card).

HITLER – how could it Happen. Ticket Price: €12.00 (€9.00 if you have a valid Berlin welcome Card).

Open: Monday – Sunday, 10:00AM to 07:00PM

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (Holocaust Memorial)

Nearest Station: Brandenburger Tor

Also known as the Holocaust Memorial, it was built from 2003-04 in honor of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. It was inaugurated in 2005, sixty years after world war II ended.

The monument, made up of 2711 rectangular blocks forming a grid, lies on the site where the Berlin wall used to stand, a structure that once split the city into east and West.

Parliament Quarter (Reichstag and Reichstag Dome)

Location: Platz der Republik 1
Nearest Station: U Bundestag (Berlin)

Originally built on 1884, this is where Germany’s Parliament government offices are located including the Reichstag, one of Berlin’s many significant historic landmarks. You can climb to the Reichstag dome where you can delight in a 360-degree view of the city. You can also sit or lie on the grass, relax, and delight in the view of surrounding buildings if the weather is friendly, just like what we did.

Museum Island

Nearest Station: S Hackescher Markt (Berlin)

A UNESCO world Heritage Site, it first opened in 1830, but the completion of the 5 museums happened in 1930. one of the museums here is the Pergamon Museum, which houses Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon’s Ishtar Gate. another museum to visit is Neues Museum, which shelters the well-known original bust of Nefertiti and ancient artifacts and papyrus related to this Egyptian pharaoh. These pieces are here the excavation that led to their discovery was commissioned by Ludwig Borchardt, a German archeologist, and his team in 1912. other museums include Bode-Museum, the Alte Nationalgalerie museum, and Altes museum.

Each museum collects entrance fees. but if you plan on seeing two or more, best to purchase a museum Island Pass, which costs 18€ (adult), totally free (below 18yo).

The Berlin Dungeon

Image offered by Klook
For those who have a penchant for the macabre, learn about Berlin’s untold dark but real stories through actor-led interactive shows. It is also home to EXITUS, the city’s only totally free fall tower.

CHECK updated rates HERE

Berlin victory Column (Siegessäule)

Nearest Station: Tiergarten

Another must-visit attraction in Berlin best known for a 220-ft tower with a bronze statue of Victoria. It commemorates the victory of the Prussians in the Danish-Prussian War. The monument is also a seeing platform. From here, you’ll also get to see the Brandenburg gate and Reichstag. You need to purchase a ticket to get to the seeing area of the tower. Ticket price for seeing deck access: €3

East Side Gallery

Nearest Station: Berlin Warschauer Straße

Here you will see of what remaIns of the Berlin Wall, en 1316 meter lang betongvegg inkludert veggmaleri fra forskjellige kunstnere. East Side Gallery er et erklært kulturminne fra regjeringen. Ikke gå glipp av det kjente Leonid Brezhnev og Erich Honecker Fraternal Kiss (også kalt “Min Gud! Hjelp meg til å overleve denne dødelige kjærligheten!”).


Sted: Alexanderplatz

Tysklands største bytorg, det er et av de mest populære reisende stedene i Berlin. Den ligger bare noen få meter fra Berlin TV -tårnet (Fernsehturm), og har Neptune Fountain, bygget i 1891, og verdens klokke, som viser dagens tid i 148 store verdensbyer.

Alexanderplatz er også et stort transportknutepunkt. Det er her trikk-, buss- og toglinjene kobles sammen. Vakre strukturer som Berlin rådhus (Berliner Rathaus), Museum Island og Berlin Cathedral er bare best ved siden av dette velkjente torget.

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates

Nærmeste stasjoner: U Parchimer Allee (Berlin), U Blaschkoallee (Berlin)

En UNESCOs verdensarvsted, denne samlingen av seks boligfelt stammer fra Weimar -republikken på begynnelsen av 1900 -tallet. I følge UNESCO er nettstedet “et eksepsjonelt eksempel på bygningsreformbevegelsen som bidro til å forbedre bolig- og levekår for personer med lave inntekter gjennom nye metoder til byplanlegging, arkitektur og hagedesign. Estatene tilbyr også eksepsjonelle eksempler på nye urbane og arkitektoniske typologier, med ferske designløsninger, samt tekniske og estetiske innovasjoner. ”


Potsdam er en by rett utenfor grensene til Berlin, men er en del av Berlin/Brandenburg Metropolitan Region. Sanssouci, Tysklands største UNESCOs verdensarvsted, finner du her. Det er sommerpalasset til kong Frederick den store av Preussen. Bortsett fra det fantastiske palasset, har det også store hager, en vingård og en vindmølle.

Bortsett fra Sanssouci, kan du også besøke det nederlandske kvartalet som ble bygget fra 1733 til 1740. Potsdam ligger 30 minutter unna med tog fra Berlin og praktisk talt en times busstur.

Inngangsbillett: 12 € (voksen), 8 € (gutt)

Hvordan komme seg rundt Berlin

Berlins offentlige transportsystem er sentralisert, noe som innebærer at en billett vil gi deg tilgang til tog, buss og trikk. For at dette skal fungere, er byen delt inn i 3 soner: A, B og C. For bedre å forstå dette, ta en titt på transportnettet nedenfor:

Hvis du vil se en større versjon av togkartet over, klikk her.

Sone A er området innenfor den røde sirkelen, som dekker sentrum.

Sone B er området mellom den røde sirkelen og den blå sirkelen, som er byens grense.

Sone C er området rundt byen: forstedene og Potsdam Hauptbahnhof.

Kostnaden for billetten avhenger av om du vil krysse disse “sirklene” eller ikke. Reisekostnadene innen soner AB er forskjellig fra når du reiser over sonene ABC, som vil være høyere. Derfor følges tre tollsoner i Berlin: AB, BC og ABC.

Med tog, buss eller trikk

En AB -billett lar deg bare reise innen soner A og B, men ikke C.

Enkelt billettkostnader

Zone AB: 2,80 € (voksen), 1,70 € (gutt)

Zone BC: 3,10 € (voksen), 2,20 € (gutt)

Zone ABC: 3,40 € (voksen), 2,50 € (gutt)

Dette er enveisbilletter, noe som innebærer at du ikke kan gå tilbake til utgangspunktet eller gå i den retningen. For det må du kjøpe en ny billett.

Endring og mellomlandinger er i orden så lenge det er innen 2 timer etter validering og du ikke kommer tilbake.

Det er mange andre typer billetter, inkludert en kortdistansebillett, en dagspass og et gruppekort. For mye mer info, les: Berlin Travel Guide.

Med bilutleie

Det er mange bilutleiefirmaer i Berlin. Tallrike bruker en dynamisk prisordning. Legg merke til hvordan flyselskaper og til og med hotellprisene endres over tid, avhengig av sesong og etterspørsel? Det er veldig likt det. Noen ganger synker prisen plutselig etter at du savner den bare med en dag eller så, og det kan bli frustrerende. Easyrentcars.com har imidlertid en tjeneste for det. De introduserer en såkalt prisdråpebeskytter, som informerer kunden og ombøkene for dem, bør en plutselig endring i prisene skje.

Hvordan det fungerer er enkelt: Etter bestilling, bare sett opp prisdråpebeskytteren. Hvis prisene avtar etter at du har bestilt, vil systemet varsle deg om endringen. Du kan også få den ombestilt automatisk. Å ha denne funksjonen kan gi deg besparelser. Dette er et godt hack for høytidsbilansjebehovene dine i Europa.

Hvordan komme til Berlin

Fra Singapore eller Manila gir Scoot noen av de rimeligste flyvningene til Berlin. Hvis du bestiller måneder i avansement og velger en langsom dag som tirsdag eller onsdag, kan du finne priser for så lavt som SGD 279 (SGD 339 med 20 kg bagasjegodtgjørelse) for Singapore-Berlin og Php28,623 tur-retur-priser for Manila- Berlin (med stopp i Singapore). Se skjermbilder nedenfor:

Hvis du ikke vil gå glipp av Scoots Berlins promoteringsfly, kan du sette opp varsler på deres hjemmeside!

2⃣0⃣1⃣8⃣ • 7⃣ • 1⃣6⃣

Flere forslag på YouTube ⬇

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Kings Canyon Rim Walk, Australia

Jeg trodde ærlig at jeg skulle dø.

Da jeg nådde toppen, droppet jeg ubevisst ryggsekken og mønstret all energien jeg hadde igjen for å få pusten. Jeg oppkast luft, og brystet begynte å stramme. Ti minutter og ti kløfter med vann senere begynte jeg å føle meg i orden. Den raske stigningen holdt meg jordet både billedlig og bokstavelig. Jeg ble sittende på den steinete bakken og lurte på hvordan det kom ned på dette.

Jeg elsket fotturer. Jeg elsket det fordi jeg kunne gjøre det bra. Jeg er aldri den sterkeste personen i gruppen, men jeg pleide å være så kvikk og rask. Hver gang vi skulle reise til en fjelltopp, ville jeg alltid være den første eller andre som nådde destinasjonen. Jeg kunne klatre på trær uten problemer. Jeg kunne gli ned skråningene uskadd. Og jeg kunne løpe fort. Før dette var siste gang jeg trakk i timevis på Mt. Melibingoy (Mt. Parker) i South Cotabato i 2013.

For en forskjell to år gjør. Tatt i betraktning at den stigningen, fikk jeg meg en kontorjobb på heltid igjen, fikk pund (tapt telling), sluttet med regelmessig jogging og startet kjede røyking. Og det hele førte til dette: meg, knær som ristet, pustet som en kjæledyrhund i fødselen, men for flau og sta til å slutte.

Og hvorfor skulle jeg? Bare mellom gisper kunne jeg se hvor oppsiktsvekkende stedet var. Og hvis det er noen indikasjon, så var jeg inne på et bombardement av nydelighet. Forutsatt at jeg selvfølgelig gjør det i live.

Utsikt fra toppen av stupet.

Tre stier

Kings Canyon ligger halvveis til Uluru fra Alice Springs, og er en del av Watarrka nasjonalpark, og dekker 71.000 hektar av Australias røde senter. Selv om det vanligvis blir oversett av turister for den mye mer populære Uluru, tiltrekker denne landformen fortsatt over 250 000 besøkende hvert år.

Nettstedets mye berømte funksjon er de ruvende røde sandsteinklippene, og når så høye som 300 meter. Krøller den vestlige kanten av George Gill -serien, disse veggene var et resultat av erosjonen av små sprekker i landet gjennom millioner av år. Det er tre turstier du kan ta for å utforske nettstedet, avhengig av tiden du har og hvor passform du er. Uansett hva du velger, er det avgjørende at du ikke går av løypa av to grunner. For det første anses noen områder som hellig for aboriginene. For det andre kan det bli farlig. Noen turgåere har omkommet på stedet på grunn av hjerteinfarkt og falt av en klippe.

Ikke gå av løypa.
Hardt landskap.
Kings Canyon Rim Walk. Den fulle canyonopplevelsen som begynner med 500-trinns stigning. Denne 6 km stien vil ta deg inn i selve juvet, over og langs det de kaller “Garden of Eden” (et permanent vannhull), og over de forvitrede sandsteinskuppene. Hvis temperaturen i Yulara bryter 36-gradersmerket, må du ta felgvandringen før kl. Ellers kan varmen bli uutholdelig, og presser myndighetene til å blokkere tilgang etter denne tiden.

South Wall Return Walk. Dette er faktisk en del av Rim Walk Loop. Dette tar deg til toppen av en klippe med utsikt over Edens hage. Tar 1,5 til 2 timer. Hvis temperaturen er 36 eller høyere, må du ta denne løypa før klokka 11.

Kings Creek Walk. Denne 2 km løypa følger bekken som slanger over stedet. Tar en time. Det enkle valget, det er egnet for alle, uavhengig av alder og kondisjonsnivå. Det er også åpent hele tiden.

Kings Creek Walk

Vi valgte med full Rim Walk-opplevelse, som begynte med en stigning opp en 500-trapp bakke, viden kjent blant lokalbefolkningen som “Heartbreak Hill” eller “Heart Attack Hill.” hvor passende.

“Vi er ikke engang en fjerdedel av løypa,” advarte utfluktguiden Nick. “But don’t worry, that was the hardest part.”

Sant nok. Det var mye lettere derfra. Vi troppet på grovt grunnlag på et platå, etset med det som så ut som krusninger. Det var som om de var frosne i tide. Før jeg kunne spørre hvorfor, delte Nick allerede svaret. “Dette pleide å være under vann. Disse krusningene er tegn på et gammelt hav som pleide å fylle dette området. ” Tilsynelatende pleide disse bergartene å være undervannssand, og de har fossiler av marine livsformer også. Vi så oss rundt mens vi slo oss, og på kort tid nådde vi det første synspunktet, med utsikt over en rød, steinete ørken, delvis lappet med tynt løvverk.

Vis fra første utkikk.
Vis fra første utkikk.
Our guide Nick, describing how the ripples got there.
A closer look at the ripples.
After minutes of walking under the sun and in between rocks, we reached a staircase that descends into the gorge, the bottom of which is covered in dense palm forest, broken by a meandering creek. “This is what lots of call the garden of Eden,” explained Nick. It is a permanent waterhole, a life-saver for the aborigines and lost explorers in Australia’s early days. We walked along the creek and found its end. The waterhole is surrounded by soaring walls, keeping it away from extreme sunlight. It was refreshing to stay under its shade, a good resting place for hikers.

A staircase leads down into the gorge called garden of Eden
This waterhole has saved lots of lives.
A bridge connects the two sides of the gorge.
When we climbed back up to the other rim, we were greeted by a labyrinth of hundreds of weathered sandstone domes. Trees and shade were not aplenty, but it was an easy walk back to where we started.

View at the last lookout.
Walking back to the carpark.
It says Krestel Falls, but we couldn’t find any cascade. just a cliff.
The 100-m sandstone cliff of Kings Canyon.
In between the sandstone domes.
1 km to go!
After nearly four hours, I found myself at the base of the heartbreak hill, looking up to the summit. but with so much appeal presented to me, I barely remembered the struggle I went through climbing to that peak. thank heavens I soldiered on, for what lingered as I stood there was the lots of shapes and forms of appeal that feasted my eyes on along the way. The real heartbreak would be missing all of it.

Watarrka national Park
Phone: +61 8 8956 7460

When to visit: easily accessible all year round, but best from April to September.

We checked out Kings Canyon as part of a YHA excursion package. It comes with 2 nights stay at Alice Springs YHA and a 3-day camping trip to Uluru courtesy of The rock Tour, which makes a stop at Kings Canyon (Day 1), Kata Tjuta (Day 2) and finally Uluru (Days 2-3).

For a lot more information or to book the tour, check out this site.

Where to stay: Ayer’s rock YHA Hostel is also known as the Voyages Outback Pioneer Lodge or Outback Pioneer Hotel. They offer air-conditioned and wi-fi equipped rooms at the heart of Yulara Township. There’s a bar, a grill, and a lot of beneficial facilities on site. There’s also a checking out deck for Uluru sunset within the vicinity.

Book your room here

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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