25+ complimentary things TO do in WASHINGTON, D.C.

Last Updated: 1/5/2019 | January 5th, 2019

Washington D.C. is a place I’ve been to lots of times throughout the years. I love the city: there are people from all over the world, there’s a ton of things to see an do, extraordinary bars, natural attractions, diversity, and world-class restaurants. Yet there’s one really big downside to the city: cost.

Washington D.C. is not a low-cost city.

With all those free-spending politicians, lobbyists, and diplomats floating around the city driving up prices, costs here are pretty high. Meals, hotels, transportation, parking—they all add up to a lot of money. 

Luckily, there are lots of terrific complimentary things to do in the city for the budget traveler. thanks to all the national monuments, parks, and festivals in the city, you can find a lot of complimentary things to do in Washington D.C.

Here’s a list of the best complimentary things to do in the city this year:

Visit the supreme Court

The supreme Court is the highest court of the land. Its decisions are final. Court sessions are actually open to the public on a first come, first served basis and there are complimentary 30-minute lectures in the main hall that describe how the court functions. There are no guided excursions of the buildings, but you can take advantage of the educational lectures, a visitor film, and special exhibitions. (Definitely try to attend one of the lectures as it’s a very insightful way to learn about how the court works.)

1 first St NE, supremecourt.gov/visiting. open Monday-Friday from 9am-4:30pm. To sit in on a lecture, check the court’s calendar. Lectures take place several times throughout the day. just show up and stand in line.

Tour the Capitol Building
This building is where the U.S. Congress meets to….well, they are meant to do something but lately, it feels like they don’t really do anything but complain! The Capitol uses complimentary excursions throughout the day. Tickets are available at 8:30 am on a first come, first served basis. get there early as the tickets are normally gone very quickly. You can also book your excursion in development through your local senator or member of Congress. Tickets to sit in the galley and enjoy Congress in session are also available for free, on a first come, first served basis.

East Capitol St NE & first St SE, visitthecapitol.gov. open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. excursions take place Mon-Fri (8:40am-3:20pm). development reservation is recommended but not required.

Visit the Smithsonian Museums

The Smithsonian institution is a group of museums and research centers that are administered by the us government. founded in 1846, all Smithsonian museums are complimentary to enter (and they even offer complimentary Wi-Fi!). If you feel like indulging, two of the museums in Washington have enormous IMAX motion picture theatres (that play regular movies). The museums and centers include:

Air and space Museum

African American Museum

American history Museum

African Art Museum

American Art Museum

American Indian Museum

Anacostia community Museum

Archives of American Art

Arts and industries Building

Freer Gallery of Art


National Zoo

Naturhistorisk museum

Portrait Gallery

Postal Museum

Renwick Gallery

S. Dillon Ripley Center

Sackler Gallery

Smithsonian Castle

Smithsonian Gardens

+1 202-633-1000, si.edu. Each museum has their own operating hours so be sure to check with that musuem.

See the Monuments

The national mall isn’t actually a “mall.” It’s a spacious landscaped, tree-lined park filled with various walking paths and monuments. You could spend days trying to see them all as you walk around and explore. Here’s a list of the attractions and monuments on the national Mall:

Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality national Monument – This building was home to the national Women’s party for nearly 90 years and was designated a national monument in 2016 by president Barack Obama. The building highlights the history and achievements of the suffrage movement, and is named after the former party president Alva Belmont, as well as the founder, Alice Paul.

Constitution gardens – 50 acres of landscaped gardens honor the framers of the Constitution and supply a stunning place to sit and relax, especially during the summer when everything is in full bloom. Tree-lined paths meander around a tranquil lake and through the gardens, where you will see oak, maple, elm, and more.

Ford’s Theatre national historic site – On April 14, 1865, president Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theatre during a theatrical performance. His killer was John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor and supremacist. Lincoln was carried across Tenth street to the Petersen boarding house where he died the next morning. The Theatre commemorates Lincoln’s legacy with a museum and special exhibits detailing his presidency and the aftermath of his death. and it’s still a working theater!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial – This is a stunning memorial which takes you through Roosevelt’s four terms in office using quotes carved in stone and stunning bronze artwork. It’s one of my favorite memorials in the city and features a stunning Japanese garden as well as calming waterfalls.

Korean war veterans Memorial – the most popular memorial on the Mall, the wall of Remembrance has 19 statues honoring the millions who fought during the Korean War. The statues stand in Juniper bushes and are separated by strips indicated to resemble Korea’s rice paddies. There’s a calm, reflective pool at the end surrounding a freedom Is Not complimentary wall and Alcove. It’s hauntingly stunning and sad all at once.

The Lincoln Memorial – This is home to the famous, gigantic statue of Abraham Lincoln. It’s one of the best…so good, I have an entire section about it below!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial – A gigantic carving of Dr. King honors his legacy and quest for freedom, equality, and justice. This is one of the newer monuments, having opened in just 2011, and is the first to honor a man of color. Quotations from his popular “I have a Dream” speech are etched into the stone, and there is also an Inscription wall with 14 quotes from his speeches and writings.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial – This memorial to Thomas Jefferson is located inside a circular colonnade, opposite a lot of the main memorials and features a terrific view of the entire mall and the Tidal Basin. It was created by John Russell Pope in 1925, and resembles the Pantheon of Rome (Jefferson was apparently a big fan of Neoclassical architecture). It’s an remarkable place to be when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

Vietnam veterans Memorial – This memorial actually consists of three parts: the three Soldiers statue, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, and the Vietnam veterans Memorial wall (The wall That Heals). The wall is a striking chronological list of the names of a lot more than 58,000 Americans who served and gave their lives in Vietnam.

Washington Monument – Standing at 555-feet tall, this marble obelisk at the center of the park was built to honor George Washington. It’s closed for repair services at the moment but you can take pleasure in checking out it as well as the green space around it, which is typically filled with festivals, people, and vendors.

World war II Memorial – A stunning memorial dedicated to the 16 million people who served in the American armed forces during WWII, including the 400,000 who gave their lives. There’s a lot going on here, including two walls when you first enter the memorial (from the east) depicting scenes from the war in bronze relief. There’s also a really sophisticated fountain in the middle, and 56 granite columns symbolizing the nation’s unity.

+1 202-426-6841, nps.gov/nama. The national mall is open 24 hours and admission is free. check ahead on the web site to see if there is a Ranger walk (free tour) happening during your visit.

Visit the national Zoo

The zoo opened in 1889 and is home to over 1,800 animals spread over 160 acres of land. Lemurs, terrific apes, elephants, reptiles, and pandas — and lots of a lot more animals — all call the zoo home. The zoo was one of the first in the world to create a scientific research program. It’s a terrific stop if you’re traveling with kids (or if you’re just young at heart!). As part of the Smithsonian, the zoo is also complimentary to visit.

3001 Connecticut Ave NW, +1 202-633-4888, nationalzoo.si.edu. open daily from 8am-7pm.

Visit the White House

This is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It was built in 1792, though a lot of of it was burned down by the British during the war of 1812 (before that, it wasn’t actually white!). While setting up a excursion can be tedious (you need to book it weeks in advance), it’s a fun and educational experience.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/tours-events. Self-guided excursions are available Tuesday-Thursday from 7:30am-11:30am and from 7:30am-1:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays. To request a tour, American citizens need to contact their member of Congress, while foreign visitors need to contact their embassy in Washington. You can submit a request for a excursion up to three months in advance, but no less than 21 days in advance. If you’re an American citizen 18 years of age or older, you need to present a government-issued photo ID. foreign nationals need to present their passport.

Take a complimentary walking tour
One of the best ways to take in the city is on a complimentary walking tour. You’ll get to see the city’s main sights, learn about the city’s history, and have an expert on hand to pepper with any questions you have. two complimentary walking excursion companies in D.C. that I like are complimentary excursions by Foot and Strawberry Tours. You can’t go wrong with either.

Explore the library of Congress
The is the largest library in the world. Derer over 16 millioner bøker her og over 120 millioner andre historiske og medieartikler. Over 3000 ansatte er godt etablert i 1800, og hjelper til med å holde dette stedet! Det er det viktigste forskningssenteret i den amerikanske kongressen og er hjemsted for U.S. Copyright Office. Det er det beste stedet for bokorm i verden!

101 Independence Ave SE, +1 202-707-5000, loc.gov. Biblioteket er åpent mandag, onsdag og torsdag fra 08:30 til 21:30 og tirsdag, fredag ​​og lørdag fra 09:30 til 16:00. Biblioteket er stengt på søndager. Gratis utflukter av Thomas Jefferson Building Public finner sted hver time-fre (10:30 til 15:30), og hver time på lørdager (10:30 til 14:30). Alt du trenger å gjøre er å dukke opp. Sjekk nettstedet for spesielle utflukter som skjer under utsjekkingen din (noen ganger vil biblioteket åpne musikkdivisjonens Whittall Pavilion for offentlig visning).

Se Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial skal ha sin egen plass på denne listen, da den er så vakker, og den har en bemerkelsesverdig utsikt over refleksjonsbassenget og Capitol -bygningen. Oppriktig Abe’s to mange populære taler – den andre åpningsadressen og Gettysburg -adressen – er innskrevet på veggene rundt minnesmerket.

2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW, NPS.gov/linc/index.htm. Åpent 24/7. Sjekk fremover på nettstedet for å se om det er en Ranger Walk (gratis turné) som skjer under besøket ditt.

Les National Gallery of Art

Det er en usedvanlig stor samling av kunstverk, fra Henri Matisse til Claude Monet til Leonardo da Vinci. East Building er hjemmet til galleriet mye mer moderne kunst, mens vestbygningen huser eldre kunstverk. Du vil vanligvis se kunststudenter i hele bygningen som prøver å male. Noen av dem er virkelig, veldig gode! Ikke glem å sjekke ut skulpturhagen mens du er der. Om somrene er det gratis jazz i hagen hver fredag ​​som starter klokka 11.

3rd Street og 9th Street på Constitution Avenue NW, +1 202-737-4215, nga.gov/visit.html. Nasjonalgalleriet er åpent mon-sat (kl. Det er en rekke gratis docent-ledede utflukter av varierende temaer som forekommer daglig, samt galleri-samtaler som er arrangert av museumskuratorer og konservatorer. Datoer og tider endres ofte. Sjekk nettstedet for å finne ut hva som skjer under besøket ditt.

Heng med tidevannsbassenget

Tidevannsbassenget er et menneskeskapt tjern som strekker seg to mil lang kjøpesenteret. Det fungerer også som et populært hangoutsted for lokalbefolkningen og besøkende og er det beste stedet å komme og se kirsebærblomstret trær hver vår. Om våren og sommermånedene kan du leie en padlebåt (rundt $ 18 per time) og bruke ettermiddagen på å sparke tilbake på dammen.

Besøk National Archives Museum

National Archives Museum huser uavhengighetserklæringen, rettighetsregningen og grunnloven, pluss et av få gjenværende eksemplarer av Magna Carta som er igjen i verden. Det er et fantastisk sted for historiebuffer, og det er fylt med virkelig informative paneler. Hvis du reiser med barn, er det mange interaktive utstillinger inne.

701 Constitution Avenue NW, Museum.archives.gov. Åpne hver dag 10.00 til 17.30. Selvstyrte tidsstyrte inngangsreservasjoner brukes hvert 15. minutt fra 10:30 til 16:00. Det er også en Docent-ledet guidet ekskursjon man-fre kl. 09.45. Utflukten inkluderer Rotunda for Charters of Freedom, The Public Vaults og et spesielt utstillingsgalleri. Det oppfordres til å reservere online på forhånd, men du må betale et reservasjonsgebyr på 1,50 dollar.

Besøk Holocaust Memorial Museum

Dette er et av de beste Holocaust-museene i verden og har en stor permanent utstilling som tar opp tre hele nivåer og forteller historien om Holocaust gjennom filmer, bilder, gjenstander og førstepersons historier. Det er også roterende utstillinger som er indikert for å utdanne besøkende om den pågående faren for folkemord og vold rundt om i verden. Det er så kraftig og rørende. Jeg oppfordrer deg sterkt til å sjekke ut mens du er i byen!

National Mall, rett sør for Independence Avenue, SW, mellom 14th Street og Raoul Wallenberg Place (15th Street). +1 202-488-0406, ushmm.org. open daily 10am-5:20pm, with extended hours in the spring and summer. because of high traffic, you wil

10 Years Of Travel: Highlights and thoughts From 65 countries

We were chatting with friends the other night, when they asked: “Where did you spend your 27th birthday?”. We thought about it, thought about it some more, and after a while, we arrived at the answer.

They then asked if we’d been to India, which we have, a few times. We told our story of how we spent almost a month in an Ashram doing yoga, meditation and mantra chanting from 5:00am to 7:00pm — something we hadn’t thought about in a very long time. 

The things we’ve experienced over the past 10 years have become a part of us and they’ve shaped us into who we are today. but incredibly, we often forget about these fantastic moments on the road. 

We decided to make this round-up post (and video) of the highlights from countries we’ve visited (so far), and the things we’ve learned about ourselves, and the world. looking back on our videos from the earlier days was hilarious — wow, we were so young, and awkward on camera…and our fashion was seriously lacking! 

It was a lot of fun reminiscing while watching these old clips, and seeing our progression from young, budget backpackers into the (somewhat) wiser, older, “travel how we want” explorers we are today. 

Eight Months Of Planning, and Our Backpacking adventure Began

With our newly purchased backpacks, hiking boots and travel accessories in tow, us 24 year olds were ready to start our first adventure, to Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent. 

The stress and emotional rollercoaster of the past 8 months leading up to the trip (selling our condo and possessions, quitting our jobs, and saying goodbye to friends and family) seemed to immediately lift as our plane took off towards Bangkok.

In place of that stress was a sense of adventure. We felt like explorers discovering somewhere new (as if we were the first people to visit Bangkok!), and a complete sense of freedom washed over us.

There’s nothing like the first time when you decide to quit your job to experience long-term travel. We may forget certain events, and our timeline of travel may be a bit blurry, but we’ll never forget that feeling. 

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What We’ve learned On The Road

That first year abroad was eye-opening and life-altering. Experiencing 100% freedom from work, routine, society, and social norms back home, is something that I hope everyone gets to feel at some point in their lives. 

Our minds were expanded, and borders blurred and our hearts opened. learning about other cultures, the religions they believe in, and how they spend their day-to-day lives is how the world becomes a more connected place. free from biases and ignorance, and filled with acceptance and love. 

From our experiences abroad, we’ve come to learn that the media doesn’t portray countries in the same light that we see them in. The negative, fear-mongering stories on TV, and on social media, isn’t representative of the places we’ve been — or if it is, it may be just in one city, one neighbourhood, one small island, but not the entire nation or region.

Hanging out with our new Iranian friends, eating ice cream!
We’ve also realized that humans all want the same things from life, no matter where in the world they come from, their race, or their religion. we all want a strong community of friends and family, health for ourselves and our loved ones, a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, and (most of all) to be happy. 

We’re all the same!

Once we lived all of this during our first year abroad, we knew there was no way we could continue living solely in Canada. We’d only seen 10 countries in Southeast Asia and the subcontinent, but we were hooked. We needed to see more of the world, learn more truths about our planet, meet more people and experience new cultures. 

Fishing on Inle Lake, Myanmar

Highlights From Our Escapades 

Thinking back on all of the countries we’ve visited and the memories made, it’s really hard to pin-point the top highlights. some of the most memorable things we’ve done have been minute, while others have been on a grander scale. here are 3 highlights that come to mind. 

Highlight #1: Iranian best Friends

During our month in Iran, we met a couple at a waterfall. They urged us to call them when we visited their city of Esfahan so they could show us around. When the time came for us to travel to Esfahan, we got in touch. As it turned out, not only did they want to show us around, but they wanted us to stay with them.


Apart from our 10 minute encounter, we were complete strangers. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think many people in Canada or in the West would meet someone for just a few minutes, and offer for them to come and stay in their home — we certainly wouldn’t have.

We ended up staying with this couple for a week. We had dinner parties with their friends, explored the city, and chatted about life in Iran. We dined on home cooked Iranian food, met their families, and in return, (without the proper ingredients) we attempted to cook a classic spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread and salad — a meal they hadn’t tried before.

New friends in Esfahan! (blurry photo, but great memories)

That crossing of cultures and their generosity and hospitality is something we’ll never forget, and is a highlight of our travels. 

Highlight #2: Alone together On The Steppe

Before visiting Iran, we had been in central Asia and Mongolia. We took the Trans-Mongolian train from Beijing to Ulaanbaatar and started our month trip in Mongolia. While the whole country was an epic adventure in itself, one of the main things that we’ll never forget is independently trekking in the middle of nowhere, through the steppe. 

We had plotted a route using Google Earth, and packed everything we’d need for 8 days of hiking and camping. For a water source, we used the river that we were following, and for food, we ate lenok fish that Nick caught in the river, and dehydrated packaged meals.

On more than a few occasions we were invited into gers (yurts) by the local families and nomads along the way. There we were, sitting around with a family who were incredibly curious as to why us foreigners were: a) in the middle of nowhere, b) walking, and c) didn’t have a horse — they thought we were lost.

One of the many families we met during our trek
Of course, all of this was communicated using sign language, our phrase book and some photos we had taken. All while *enjoying* a bowl of fresh fermented mare’s milk, a few bits of dried mare’s cheese, and a bowl of horse meat.

On two separate occasions when we were setting up our tent, we had men come over and just sit there and watch us. They didn’t say a word. They rode up on their horses, looked around, sat and stared, and then took off. another man with his two small sons brought us some firewood — a hot commodity when you’re living on a tree-free steppe. 

The silence of being out in the rolling hills, with nothing around but a few other nomadic families was the experience of a lifetime.

Highlight #3: Hitchhiking & Sailing To Forgotten Islands With Friends

Finally, my third highlight is from Mozambique. We were travelling here for about a month and after just a few days, we met a backpacker from Germany, Henrik. We were in the beach town of Tofo, and immediately, we became close friends.

One night over dinner, he pulled out a large map of the country. We studied it, and decided that surely there had to be a way to get to the remote Quirimbas Archipelago located off the northern coast of the country.

We were in the south at this time, and the journey to get there would be long, and if you know anything about travelling by land through Africa, it would most definitely be rough.

Crammed into the back of a jeep with food, jerrycans full of petrol and random odds & ends. Hitching a ride in Mozambique.

After hitchhiking for 3 days, and a night spent in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, we arrived in the town of Nampula — we were getting closer to the islands.

One more day of hitchhiking in the back of a jeep, sitting on milk crates and jerrycans, and we would arrive at the “ferry” port, which was just an area where some fishing boats crossed from mainland Mozambique to the island of Ibo. 

Once we arrived on the islands, the past 5 days of strange experiences, and uncomfortable transport melted away. We stayed in a small guesthouse, and from there planned a 3 day sailing trip aboard a traditional dhow boat with some fishermen. 

We were ready to explore the Quirimbas Archipelago!

We sailed off to the islands of Matemo and Rojas, which to this day are still some of the most pristine, stunning little gems we’ve ever been to. Sleeping under nothing more than mosquito nets on sanden, svømming i krystallklart vann og spiste på ferskfanget fisk gjorde reisen til Nord -verdt den (massive) innsatsen.

Å ya, det var verdt reisen!

Land vi har besøkt og bodd i

Til slutt, her er en liste de 65 landene vi har reist til de siste ti årene, og i noen tilfeller bodde i. Mange av landene vi også har kommet tilbake til flere ganger.

Hvis du vil lese mer om hvert enkelt land, klikker du bare på lenken for å finne reisefortellinger, reiseguider, videoer og tips for turen.

Her har vi reist til, sortert etter region:

Sør / Sørøst -Asia

Thailand, Kambodsja, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia og Borneo, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Filippinene.

Nordøst -Asia

Kina og Hong Kong, Mongolia, Russland, Japan.

Sentral Asia

Kasakhstan, Kirgisistan, Tadsjikistan, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Trekking i Kirgisistan


Egypt, Jordan, Libanon, Tyrkia, Iran.


Marokko, Sør -Afrika, Swaziland, Mosambik, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya.

Europa / Vest -Asia

England, Skottland, Spania, Bulgaria, Republikken Nord -Makedonia, Albania, Bosnia og Hercegovina, Kroatia, Montenegro, Italia, Malta, Hellas, Tyskland, Georgia, Armenia, Tsjekkia.

Nord- og Mellom -Amerika

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize, USA.


Grenada, Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent og Grenadines, Cuba, Barbados.

Sving i Grenada

Sør Amerika

Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Peru.

Råd til deg

Langsiktig reise er som å ha et barn-økonomisk vil det aldri være den “perfekte tiden”, og hvis du tar spranget, vil livet ditt aldri være det samme etterpå.

Å slutte i jobben, selge eiendelene dine og ta av i det ukjente er en skremmende tanke. Når du er vant til en rutine, stabilitet og “kjent”, kan det å sette den kjente til side for å oppleve noe utenfor komfortsonen din virke litt skummel.

Men hvis du føler et “trekk” for å bytte det opp og leve en friere livsstil, er mitt råd til deg å følge den følelsen. Å se verden definitivt ikke er noe du bare kan gjøre på et innfall, men med litt planlegging og forberedelse er det mulig, og vi anbefaler bare å gå for det – uansett hvor lang tid det tar deg å forberede deg.

For mer informasjon, ta en titt på innleggene våre i gang, og for å opprettholde deg selv når du er på veien (og den reisefeilen sparker inn!), Sjekk ut våre måter å tjene penger i utlandet.

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Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geiter på veien er en Amazon -tilknyttet og også et tilknyttet selskap for noen andre forhandlere. Dette betyr at vi tjener provisjoner hvis du klikker på lenker på bloggen vår og kjøper fra disse forhandlerne.

Kings Canyon Rim Walk, Australia

Jeg trodde ærlig at jeg skulle dø.

Da jeg nådde toppen, droppet jeg ubevisst ryggsekken og mønstret all energien jeg hadde igjen for å få pusten. Jeg oppkast luft, og brystet begynte å stramme. Ti minutter og ti kløfter med vann senere begynte jeg å føle meg i orden. Den raske stigningen holdt meg jordet både billedlig og bokstavelig. Jeg ble sittende på den steinete bakken og lurte på hvordan det kom ned på dette.

Jeg elsket fotturer. Jeg elsket det fordi jeg kunne gjøre det bra. Jeg er aldri den sterkeste personen i gruppen, men jeg pleide å være så kvikk og rask. Hver gang vi skulle reise til en fjelltopp, ville jeg alltid være den første eller andre som nådde destinasjonen. Jeg kunne klatre på trær uten problemer. Jeg kunne gli ned skråningene uskadd. Og jeg kunne løpe fort. Før dette var siste gang jeg trakk i timevis på Mt. Melibingoy (Mt. Parker) i South Cotabato i 2013.

For en forskjell to år gjør. Tatt i betraktning at den stigningen, fikk jeg meg en kontorjobb på heltid igjen, fikk pund (tapt telling), sluttet med regelmessig jogging og startet kjede røyking. Og det hele førte til dette: meg, knær som ristet, pustet som en kjæledyrhund i fødselen, men for flau og sta til å slutte.

Og hvorfor skulle jeg? Bare mellom gisper kunne jeg se hvor oppsiktsvekkende stedet var. Og hvis det er noen indikasjon, så var jeg inne på et bombardement av nydelighet. Forutsatt at jeg selvfølgelig gjør det i live.

Utsikt fra toppen av stupet.

Tre stier

Kings Canyon ligger halvveis til Uluru fra Alice Springs, og er en del av Watarrka nasjonalpark, og dekker 71.000 hektar av Australias røde senter. Selv om det vanligvis blir oversett av turister for den mye mer populære Uluru, tiltrekker denne landformen fortsatt over 250 000 besøkende hvert år.

Nettstedets mye berømte funksjon er de ruvende røde sandsteinklippene, og når så høye som 300 meter. Krøller den vestlige kanten av George Gill -serien, disse veggene var et resultat av erosjonen av små sprekker i landet gjennom millioner av år. Det er tre turstier du kan ta for å utforske nettstedet, avhengig av tiden du har og hvor passform du er. Uansett hva du velger, er det avgjørende at du ikke går av løypa av to grunner. For det første anses noen områder som hellig for aboriginene. For det andre kan det bli farlig. Noen turgåere har omkommet på stedet på grunn av hjerteinfarkt og falt av en klippe.

Ikke gå av løypa.
Hardt landskap.
Kings Canyon Rim Walk. Den fulle canyonopplevelsen som begynner med 500-trinns stigning. Denne 6 km stien vil ta deg inn i selve juvet, over og langs det de kaller “Garden of Eden” (et permanent vannhull), og over de forvitrede sandsteinskuppene. Hvis temperaturen i Yulara bryter 36-gradersmerket, må du ta felgvandringen før kl. Ellers kan varmen bli uutholdelig, og presser myndighetene til å blokkere tilgang etter denne tiden.

South Wall Return Walk. Dette er faktisk en del av Rim Walk Loop. Dette tar deg til toppen av en klippe med utsikt over Edens hage. Tar 1,5 til 2 timer. Hvis temperaturen er 36 eller høyere, må du ta denne løypa før klokka 11.

Kings Creek Walk. Denne 2 km løypa følger bekken som slanger over stedet. Tar en time. Det enkle valget, det er egnet for alle, uavhengig av alder og kondisjonsnivå. Det er også åpent hele tiden.

Kings Creek Walk

Vi valgte med full Rim Walk-opplevelse, som begynte med en stigning opp en 500-trapp bakke, viden kjent blant lokalbefolkningen som “Heartbreak Hill” eller “Heart Attack Hill.” hvor passende.

“Vi er ikke engang en fjerdedel av løypa,” advarte utfluktguiden Nick. “But don’t worry, that was the hardest part.”

Sant nok. Det var mye lettere derfra. Vi troppet på grovt grunnlag på et platå, etset med det som så ut som krusninger. Det var som om de var frosne i tide. Før jeg kunne spørre hvorfor, delte Nick allerede svaret. “Dette pleide å være under vann. Disse krusningene er tegn på et gammelt hav som pleide å fylle dette området. ” Tilsynelatende pleide disse bergartene å være undervannssand, og de har fossiler av marine livsformer også. Vi så oss rundt mens vi slo oss, og på kort tid nådde vi det første synspunktet, med utsikt over en rød, steinete ørken, delvis lappet med tynt løvverk.

Vis fra første utkikk.
Vis fra første utkikk.
Our guide Nick, describing how the ripples got there.
A closer look at the ripples.
After minutes of walking under the sun and in between rocks, we reached a staircase that descends into the gorge, the bottom of which is covered in dense palm forest, broken by a meandering creek. “This is what lots of call the garden of Eden,” explained Nick. It is a permanent waterhole, a life-saver for the aborigines and lost explorers in Australia’s early days. We walked along the creek and found its end. The waterhole is surrounded by soaring walls, keeping it away from extreme sunlight. It was refreshing to stay under its shade, a good resting place for hikers.

A staircase leads down into the gorge called garden of Eden
This waterhole has saved lots of lives.
A bridge connects the two sides of the gorge.
When we climbed back up to the other rim, we were greeted by a labyrinth of hundreds of weathered sandstone domes. Trees and shade were not aplenty, but it was an easy walk back to where we started.

View at the last lookout.
Walking back to the carpark.
It says Krestel Falls, but we couldn’t find any cascade. just a cliff.
The 100-m sandstone cliff of Kings Canyon.
In between the sandstone domes.
1 km to go!
After nearly four hours, I found myself at the base of the heartbreak hill, looking up to the summit. but with so much appeal presented to me, I barely remembered the struggle I went through climbing to that peak. thank heavens I soldiered on, for what lingered as I stood there was the lots of shapes and forms of appeal that feasted my eyes on along the way. The real heartbreak would be missing all of it.

Watarrka national Park
Phone: +61 8 8956 7460

When to visit: easily accessible all year round, but best from April to September.

We checked out Kings Canyon as part of a YHA excursion package. It comes with 2 nights stay at Alice Springs YHA and a 3-day camping trip to Uluru courtesy of The rock Tour, which makes a stop at Kings Canyon (Day 1), Kata Tjuta (Day 2) and finally Uluru (Days 2-3).

For a lot more information or to book the tour, check out this site.

Where to stay: Ayer’s rock YHA Hostel is also known as the Voyages Outback Pioneer Lodge or Outback Pioneer Hotel. They offer air-conditioned and wi-fi equipped rooms at the heart of Yulara Township. There’s a bar, a grill, and a lot of beneficial facilities on site. There’s also a checking out deck for Uluru sunset within the vicinity.

Book your room here

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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ICELAND ON A BUDGET: 18 ways TO save money IN 2020

Last Updated: 1/19/20 | January 19th, 2020

In recent years, Iceland has become one of the most popular destinations in the world. It’s the land of roaming sheep, postcard-perfect waterfalls, northern lights, otherwordly hiking trails, volcanoes with unpronounceable names (try saying “Eyjafjallajökull”), and crazy high prices.

Like the rest of Scandinavia, Iceland is consistently ranked as one of the least budget-friendly countries in the world. Yet it’s a country I find myself visiting often because it’s just so fun and beautiful.

After driving the ring road, hitchhiking the West Fjords, and partying the nights away in Reykjavik, I can tell you that traveling to Iceland can be done on a budget. Not the lowest budget, but a budget nonetheless.

It will take some planning, but it’s not impossible.

Suggested budget for Iceland

How much does it cost to travel around Iceland? Well, not as much as you think! On the low end, you could get by on 7,400–9,0300 ISK ($60–$75 USD) a day. That budget includes using local transportation, staying in a hostel, budget Airbnb, or camping; take free tours only; cooking all of your food (restaurant meals are really expensive); and drastically limiting your drinking.

On a mid-range budget of 12,000 ISK ($100 USD) per day, you could eat out occasionally (at low-cost places only), drink the occasional beer, rent a car, and do more paid activities. This is more of a mid-range budget travel budget rather than an actual mid-range budget.

At 29,000+ ISK ($235+ USD) or more a day, you could stay in a budget hotel or private Airbnb, eat out all the time, take any tours you want, rent a car, go whale watching, and really do anything you wanted here.

Extreme budget travelers who plan on hitchhiking, cooking all their meals, Couchsurfing, or camping with their own gear can get away with spending around 6,000 ISK ($50 USD) per day.





Avg. daily Cost



















18 ways to save money in Iceland

There are many things in Iceland that will eat into your budget, from booking last-minute accommodation to drinking alcohol to even just eating out at a restaurant. Fortunately, Iceland is a land full of free natural beauty. There are countless waterfalls, hiking trails, hot pots (hot springs), and mountains for you to enjoy.

But there are lots of other ways to save money here too. To help you save money on your next visit, here are my top 18 tips for staying on budget in Iceland.

1. Hitchhike

Iceland is one of the easiest and safest countries in the world for hitchhikers. You can find rides throughout the country (though they are less common in the West Fjords and during the off-season). It’s especially easy in the southern part of Iceland, between Reykjavik and Vik.

Though harder, it’s also not impossible to find a ride in the off-season or in the sparsely populated north. I hitchhiked in the Westfjords and it often took me an hour or more to find a ride. However, in the south, you’ll rarely wait more than 15-20 minutes.

One way to find rides is to ask around in hostels. Travelers are usually driving the main ring road (M1) and, since gas is expensive, they usually don’t mind picking someone up you can chip in for gas.

When on the road hitchhiking, do your best to look presentable. Make sure your face can be seen, that you’re smiling, and that you don’t have too much luggage with you. Solo travelers or pairs will have the best luck. Hitchhiking in groups usually should be avoided as the cars here are small and there is often not more than one or two seats free.

HitchWiki has a lot of information on hitchhiking in Iceland. If you plan on hitchhiking, read HitchWiki first to avoid the most common pitfalls.

2. Bring a Water Bottle

The tap water in Iceland is incredibly clean and safe to drink. Single-use plastic bottles of water cost about $3 USD, making this a no-brainer: bring a reusable water bottle with you and refill from the tap. It will save you a lot of money and help the environment. There’s no reason to purchase water here.

3. Camp

Campgrounds can be found all over Iceland. You can camp in official campgrounds for $15-20 USD per night for a basic plot (a flat space for your tent, usually without electricity). many campgrounds have common rooms so that, if the weather is terrible, you can stay indoors and stay dry.

Additionally, some hostels will also allow you to pitch your tent on their property. That way, you’ll have even more facilities/amenities at your disposal.

Camping is significantly cheaper than staying in hostels if you have your own gear and sleeping bag. However, there are rental outfitters in Reykjavik if you don’t. While renting gear will make camping more expensive, the prices are far from prohibitive when split between a small group.

Wild camping, while still legal in much of Iceland, is frowned upon as the recent tourist boom has led to far too many travelers abusing the country’s lax camping laws. Unless you’re visiting in the off-season, I would not recommend you wild camp as the locals do no appreciate it.

4. become a Hosteling international (HI) Member

Most hostels in Iceland (especially outside Reykjavik) are part of the Hosteling international group. This means they offer discounted rates to members. Hostel dorms usually cost at least $30 USD per night and HI members get 10% off that price. While there is an annual membership fee to join HI (around $20 USD) if you plan on staying in hostels during your trip, the membership will pay for itself in no time. You can get a membership at any hostel or online before you go.

5. Bring Your own Sheets

As with other Scandinavian countries, many hostels in Iceland charge you a fee for bed sheets if you don’t have your own linens (they don’t allow you to use sleeping bags). The fee is around $10 USD, which is meant to offset the environmental cost of doing so much laundry with heavy chemicals. However, be sure to research your hostel thoroughly as some will not allow you to bring your own sheets and some won’t charge the fee (so prioritize hostels that don’t charge the fee!).

Note: If you plan on staying in the same hostel for a few days, you’re only charged the linen fee once.

6. limit Your Alcohol

Due to high taxes, it’s very expensive to drink in Iceland. Shots are practically $10 USD, beer is that much or more, and wine is practically $15 USD. If you want to blow your budget, hit the bar.

It’s true that Reykjavik does have a lively nightlife so if you want to take part just try to hit the various happy hours around the city. pretty much every single bar will have one. You’ll save a bundle still get to have a little fun.

However, beyond the happy hours, I encourage you to not indulge. no one wants to hike a volcano with a hangover and Icelanders usually don’t go out until past midnight because they want to get sauced at home on the low-cost first. If you want to drink during your visit, stock up at the duty-free in the airport and bring it with you. It will save you around 30% off the cost of buying alcohol in the country!

7. cook Your own Food

I found food to be the most expensive thing in Iceland. eating out, even on the cheap, costs about $15 USD or more per meal. Something from a sit-down restaurant with service can cost $25 USD or more! It’s easy for your food budget to go through the roof at those prices.

Instead, go grocery shopping and cook your own meals. All hostels, Airbnbs, and campsites have self-catering facilities. My grocery bill for three days of food was the same price as one meal at a restaurant. Make sure to shop at bonus offer food stores as they have the cheapest prices.

8. Bring Your own Tea and Coffee

Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate cost 500–900 ISK — even regular drip coffee or a teabag you put into hot water yourself will cost that much! If you bring your own, you can limit the times you have to purchase it and save yourself a handful of krónur.

9. eat Hotdogs

If you are going to eat out, eat at the sandwich and hot canine stalls you find through the cities. They offer the cheapest (but not healthiest) food in the country. A hot canine costs about $4 USD and a regular sandwich will run you about $13 USD. A small sandwich is about $9 USD. Icelanders have an odd obsession with hot dogs, so as long as the city has more than one road, you’ll find a hot canine stall around. You can usually find them at gas stations too.

10. ride the Bus

The buses here are low-cost and slow and they won’t stop at main landmarks, but they are an cost effective choice for anybody not looking to drive or hitchhike. since they don’t stop at the major sites, you can only use them to get from point A to point B (not to sightsee) — but that’s still better than nothing!

You can plan your route via the website (straeto.is) or use the official app (straeto.is/is/um-straeto/straeto-appid).

Though the buses operate year-round, not every bus follows every route every day of the year. You’ll have to plan accordingly and in advancement to guarantee your bus is there when you need it.

11. rent a Car

If you don’t want to hitchhike, the best way to get around the country is by renting a car. They cost between $35-75 USD per day but you can split the costs with friends or by picking up travelers on the road. You’ll get a lot more flexibility than if you take the bus and if you can split the ride with a couple of people it will be cheaper too.

The best of Iceland isn’t found along its main highway so having the ability to visit more secluded (and less crowded) areas is going to make your trip more unique and more memorable. SADcars offers the cheapest automobile rentals in the country so check them out if you’re on a budget.

Use the website Samferda to find passengers. This website is very popular and you’ll find a lot of listings on it, especially between some of the bigger cities. (Note: You can also use this website to find rides. even if you have to pay the driver, prices are about 50% of the cost of the bus.)

12. Couchsurf with Locals

Iceland has a very active Couchsurfing community. I stayed with hosts in Reykjavik and Akureyri and had someone else take me around the famous golden Circle (the ring of attractions near Reykjavik). getting involved with the community here is a sure-fire way to save money, get local insights, meet wonderful people, and get a free place to stay.

I met a lot of people through the website who took me in and showed me places I wouldn’t have found on my own. even if you don’t use the website for accommodation, use the community aspect of it and meet some locals. The Hangouts from Couchsurfing is a great way to find travel buddies, get tips, and learn about local events.

13. Find free hot Springs

While the blue Lagoon may be the most popular hot spring in the country, there are lots of others around the country that are free (or at the very least, less money than the overpriced Blue Lagoon). Ask locals for nearby hot spring suggestions or use the app hot Pot Iceland to find hot pots all around the island (the app is $12.99 USD).

Some noteworthy free hot springs are Reykjadalur, Seljavallalaug (it’s usually not that hot but it’s in an outstanding location), and the tiny one near Djúpavogskörin.

14. avoid Taxis

The cities in Iceland are small so there’s absolutely no need to waste money on a taxi because you can walk pretty much everywhere. the public transportation is also reliable and much cheaper and they run late so if it’s cold, you can take the bus! Iceland is already expensive enough. Don’t make it worse! Taxis start at practically 700 ISK ($6) before you even travel a single kilometer (they’re around 300 ISK per kilometer). That adds up fast — skip them if you can!

15. Take a free walking Tour

Free walking tours are a great way to learn about a new city, its main sites, and get a sense of the culture and history of where you are. I take free walking tours wherever I got!

If you’re going to be spending time in Reykjavik, be sure to check out one of the free walking tours in the city. CityWalk and free walking tour Reykjavik both offer fun, informative, and extensive free walking tours to help you get introduced to the city.

16. get the Reykjavík City Card

Get this card if you’re planning on visiting more than two museums in one day while in Reykjavik. With it, you’ll get access to Reykjavík’s museums and galleries, including the national Gallery and Museum, the Reykjavík family Park and Zoo, the Árbær open Air Museum, the ferry to Viðey Island, public transport, and the seven geothermal pools in the capital area.

You’ll also get discounts at various restaurants, shops, and cafés, and on city tours. order online (marketplace.visitreykjavik.is) and pick your card up at Reykjavík City Hall. It’s 3,800 ISK for adults 1,600 ISK for kids, and free for kids 6 and under.

17. Bring a Towel

Towel fees are astronomically high at hostels, the blue Lagoon, the My?vatn Nature Baths, and elsewhere in Iceland. fees start at 500 ISK per towel. avoid them all together by bringing your own. Also, you’ll need a towel if you plan on exploring any natural hot springs.

18. purchase discounted Meat

I know it sounds gross, but like most Scandinavian countries, Iceland has super strict food laws that have them mark meat as “expired” way before most other countries do. The meat hasn’t gone bad — but rules are rules. As such, you can often find meat at 50% off the original price in the grocery stores on the day of expiration. This is when most locals purchase their meat.

If you’re going to be cooking your own meals here (and you should be) stick to the discounted meat.

Iceland doesn’t have to be expensive to

Budsjetttips: SCORE Hotelrom for mindre med Romer Travel

Redaktørens merknad: Endringer i reiseplaner er noen ganger uunngåelige. Og det inkluderer en pris. Vi har opplevd å kaste bort penger på ubrukte hotellreservasjoner som ikke kunne refunderes. Tilsynelatende er det en måte å fremdeles få det tilbake på, men i en annen form. Dette bidratt av Post av Itai Varochik forklarer hvordan Roomer Travel faktisk gjør situasjonen fordelaktig for både den originale Booker og de som leter etter et bra sted å bo. Det er en unik og interessant forretningsmodell, og vi trodde vi kunne bidra til å spre ordet.

Jeg sparte opp i et år for å se Roma. Jeg er en historiebuff, og det hadde alltid vært en drøm for meg. Jeg hadde ikke råd til de vanlige utgiftene, så jeg lagde en plan: å finne de beste gode kjøpene ved å gå i løpet av lavsesongen.

Stor tabbe. Jeg fikk se alt jeg ønsket, men Roma i desember er elendig – i det minste for noen som hater kaldt vått vær så mye som jeg gjør. I løpet av de to ukene jeg var der, sluttet det ikke å regne, og satte en bokstavelig spjeld på drømmeturen min.

Det var veldig frustrerende, spesielt fordi jeg måtte vente så lenge for å komme dit. Og selv om det var på tide å begynne å spare opp for neste store tur, hadde jeg den konstante følelsen av at det kanskje ikke var verdt det.

Hvis jeg ikke hadde funnet en måte å reise billig på, ville jeg sannsynligvis fortsatt sitte fast med angrer.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

Bargain Hotel Rooms gjorde forskjellen
Avbrutte turer skaper muligheter
Det perfekte hotellrommet ditt er betalt for og tomt
Roomers marked for resirkulerte reservasjoner
Logistikk og stressfri
Min neste tur kommer billig

Flere tips på YouTube ⬇ relaterte innlegg:

Bargain Hotel Rooms gjorde forskjellen

Innkvartering er en av de største faktorene i de høye kostnadene ved en ferie. Hotell er dyre, mens de er verdt hver krone. Hvis du ikke bruker pengene, ender du ukomfortabel og trangt.

Så da jeg kom over Roomer mens jeg søkte etter gode tilbud, var jeg virkelig spent – og litt skeptisk. De tilbyr hotellrom av høy kvalitet til utrolige priser. Det var 4 og 5 -stjerners hotell tilgjengelig tilgjengelig for 70 eller 80% mindre.

Men etter litt lesing fant jeg ut at det var en innovativ grunn til disse vanvittige prisene.

Avbrutte turer skaper muligheter

De fleste hotellreservasjoner som blir tilbudt i USA, refunderes ikke. Derfor vil de fleste hotell ikke gi refusjon på avbestillinger.

Og de skjer i massiv skala!

Hver dag i USA alene blir 220 000 hotellreservasjoner kansellert! Selv når hotellet holder pengene dine, mister de fortsatt inntektene de ville ha tjent under oppholdet.

Roomer fant ganske enkelt en strålende måte å dra nytte av situasjonen på.

Det perfekte hotellrommet ditt er betalt for og tomt

Når du ser på det store antallet bare hvor mange hotellreservasjoner som er kansellert, er det fornuftig at det er en god mulighet rommet jeg ønsker er blant dem. Det er spesielt frustrerende å tenke på – akkurat nå er hotellrommet jeg ikke hadde råd til, betalt for og tomt.

Det er en intuitiv løsning. Jeg kunne tilby en brøkdel av prisen til den frustrerte reisende, og de ville være villige til å bli enige om å gjøre noe av pengene sine tilbake.

Enklere sagt enn gjort, selvfølgelig. Først måtte jeg finne den personen. Det er som å finne en nål i en høystakk. Og selv om jeg klarte meg, måtte jeg stole på selgerens ærlighet og mine undersøkelsesferdigheter for å sikre at jeg ville få det jeg ville.

Roomers marked for resirkulerte reservasjoner

Roomers konsept for reisemarkedet er ganske enkelt en plattform for selgere og kjøpere å møte. Selgere kan enkelt liste opp reservasjonen til en nedsatt pris, vanligvis 50% eller mer mindre. Innkjøpere finner deretter ideen om den perfekte losji og få et enestående kjøp.

Og det er kilden til de utrolige kjøpet jeg hadde funnet. De var alle hotellrom som ville ha stått tomt, og tilbyr den perfekte ferien uten å bruke et års sparing.

Roomers service hjelper hotell- og reisebransjen også. Siden hotell mister inntektene på rom som er tomme, som nevnt før, har de en eierandel for å sikre at alle reservasjonene deres blir brukt. Av denne grunn samarbeider mange hoteller med Roomer, og tilbyr eksklusive tilbud via Roomers nettsted.

Logistikk og stressfri

Selv om det kan høres ut som mye arbeid, har Roomer håndtert for å gjøre det stressfritt. De tar seg av alle de logistiske detaljene som endrer en bestilling innebærer. Enda viktigere er at de autoriserer at reservasjonen garantert virkelig eksisterer og er like god som annonsert.

Dette er en av de store belastningene ved å planlegge for enhver ferie. Med Roomer er det ikke for deg å bekymre deg for.

Når det gjelder betaling, har Roomer et effektivt betalingssystem på nettstedet deres, som garanterer at du og selgeren aldri trenger å lage kontakt- eller utvekslingsdetaljer.

Min neste tur kommer billig

Min Roma -opplevelse fikk meg til å tro at det å reise billig bare ikke var verdt det. Men med Roomer er ikke prisen proporsjonal med kvaliteten. Dette er grunnen til at det blir mer og Mmalm populær. Roomer ble nylig kåret til en av USA Today’s Top 3 Travel nettsteder/apper.

Det er veldig enkelt å bestille, og jeg anbefaler at du tar en titt på Roomers nettsted før du planlegger din neste tur. Du vil bli overrasket.

Om forfatteren: Itai Varochik er en Travel & Startups -blogger. Han brenner for teknologier som fremmer delingsøkonomi og sosial ansvarlighet.

Flere tips på YouTube ⬇

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BAGAN ON A BUDGET: travel guide & itinerary

three words and I was sold: hot air balloons.

A simple mention of Bagan conjures up an image of hot air balloons floating above an ocean of temples at dawn. If that wasn’t enough to convince me to someday pay a visit, I don’t know what could. even when I had to endure a total of 10 hours on the plane (I was flying from Dubai) and another eight hours on the bus from Yangon, I was a happy traveler. too bad, there were no hot air balloons when I arrived because, uhm, I didn’t plan this trip well. (And you should learn from me. That’s why I’m creating this guide. LOL.)

Still, I was not complaining. Bagan may be smack at the heart of a vast, almost barren land, but it is brimming with beauty, there’s hardly any place for disappointment.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

Understanding Bagan
Best Time to check out Bagan
How to get to Bagan from Yangon
Where to stay in Bagan
Search for hotels here: Bagan Hotels
Getting around Bagan
Temples to See
Tips for the poor Traveler
Things to watch Out For
Sample itinerary + Breakdown of Expenses

Flere tips på YouTube ⬇ relaterte innlegg:

Understanding Bagan

Shading the banks of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River, the ancient city of Bagan in Myanmar’s Mandalay region is located 688km northwest of Yangon. Bagan was once home to over 10,000 Buddhist structures, built during the reign of the Kingdom of Pagan from the 9th-13th centuries, scattered throughout the 42 sq. km plain. Today, however, only 2200 of these stupas and pagodas remain standing, making up what is now called the Bagan Archaeological Zone.

Bagan just after dawn
Most visitors could not help comparing it to Cambodia’s famous Angkor site. Both harbor countless Buddhist monuments spread across hectares and hectares of land. but the similarities stop there. Angkor is tucked in a rainforest; Bagan rises above an arid, desert-like territory. Angkor’s spires resemble corncobs, tall and slender; Bagan’s look like pineapples and ice cream cones, wider and rounder. Angkor’s temples are grander and more ornate; Bagan’s are smaller and simpler. but what Bagan can’t deliver in size, it makes up for in volume. Bagan is considered the largest and densest collection of Buddhist ruins in the world.

Myanmar is predominantly Buddhist and the whole Bagan site is sacred to them, hence there are rules in place. most importantly, if you’re entering temples or monasteries:

Cover your knees and shoulders. Tees are okay. Shorts are okay as long as they cover knees.

Remove your shoes. and your socks, while you’re at it.

Locals are very non-confrontational that they don’t usually call out visitors even when their behavior offends them. Still, it shouldn’t be an excuse to disrespect their culture. always follow the rules especially when entering temples and monasteries. Locals are very friendly and helpful. even when they don’t understand English, they just smile and point you to someone who does. Let’s show them some respect.

The official currency is the Kyat, typically shortened as MMK or Ks.

Best Time to check out Bagan

For many, the relatively amazing months of November to January are the best time to check out Bagan. It isn’t that hot, the skies are clear (perfect for wide landscape shots of the stupas), and hot air balloon companies are operational. However, this is also the peak season, so expect to share the sites with hordes of other tourists.

Bagan is situated in what many regard as Myanmar’s driest region. It is generally hot year-round, but March-April temperatures can be brutal, sometimes playing around 43 degrees Celsius. exploring is unbearable.

August and September are months to stay away from too. These are the wettest months and the peak of the monsoon season. June, July, and October are also monsoon months, but they are generally okay. A bit risky because of the chance of rain, but it is after the rain that the temples are best photographed, when there’s no dust to muddle the view and colors are more vivid. prices are also at their lowest.

If you’re after hot air ballooning (like I was), check out between mid-October and mid-March. Don’t make the mistake of not researching before your trip (like I did).

How to get to Bagan from Yangon

Nyaung U airport is the closest air gateway to Bagan, but it is not directly connected to any city abroad. It serves flights to and from Yangon, Mandalay, and a few other domestic destinations. If you’re coming from another country, you’re most likely to enter the country via Yangon because it has Myanmar’s most connected airport. below is a list of cities that you can fly to or from Yangon (as of July 2016)

Bangkok – Bangkok Airways, Myanmar Airways, Myanmar national Airlines, Nok Air, Thai AirAsia, Thai Airways, Thai Lion Air, Thai Smile
Beijing – Air China
Chengdu – Air China
Chiang Mai – Bangkok Airways, Myanmar national Airlines, Qatar Airways
Delhi, India – Air India
Dhaka – Biman Bangladesh Airlines, NovoAir
Doha, Qatar – Qatar Airways
Dubai, UAE – Emirates
Gaya, India – Air India
Guangzhou, China – China Southern, Myanmar Airways
Hanoi, Vietnam – Emirates, Vietnam Airlines
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam – Vietjet Air, Vietnam Airlines
Hong Kong – Dragonair, Myanmar national Airlines
Kolkata, India – Air India
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – AirAsia, Malaysia Airlines, Myanmar Airways
Kunming – Air China, China Eastern Airlines, Myanmar Airways
Nanning – China Eastern Airlines
Penang, Malaysia – AirAsia
Seoul-Incheon, Korea – Korean Air
Singapore – Jetstar Asia, Myanmar Airways, Myanmar national Airlines, Silkair, Singapore Airlines, Tigerair
Taipei-Taoyuan, Taiwan – China Airlines
Tokyo – All Nippon Airways (ANA)

From Yangon Airport, you may reach Bagan by any of the following:

Med fly. You may simply take another flight to Nyaung U Airport. (Lowest roundtrip fare is around 200 USD.) From the airport, you may travel to new Bagan by automobile for 7000 to 10,000 kyat.

Med buss. At the Aung Mingalar Bus station in Yangon, board a bus to Bagan Nyaung U. regular rates range from 12.9 to 17.22 USD, depending on the schedule and carry company. If you want to get comfortable, book a seat on a VIP bus, which is somewhere between 17.49 and 19.99 USD. We highly recommend this because there isn’t much difference in the rates but a lot in comfort. The VIP seats actually feel like business class on a plane: with refreshment, movies onboard, a blanket, reclining seats and substantial leg room. travel time is roughtly 8 hours. check the bus schedule or book on this website.
From the Bagan Shwe Pyi highway Bus Terminal, you may hail a cab to new Bagan for 7000 MMK.

Med tog. catch Train No. 61, set to leave Yangon at 4pm and reach Bagan at 10am the next day. The ticket costs 4500 MMK (4 USD) for an common seat; 12,000 Ks (12 USD) for an upper class seat; or 16,500 MMK (17USD) for an upper class sleeper.

Whatever your mode of transportation, you will need to pay the mandatory USD 20 (MMK 25,000) Bagan tourism fee. It is good for 5 days. Do not lose your ticket. tourism authorities are roaming the site and they’ll check if you already paid the tourism fee every now and then.

Where to stay in Bagan

There are three areas where you can stay: Old Bagan, new Bagan, and Nyaung U. Which to choose depends on your budget.

Nyaung U is where most budget travelers choose to dwell because of the many low-cost lodging and dining options. It is the liveliest and can offer a peek into the way the locals’ way of life. Markets are also within the area.

New Bagan is where budget to mid-range hotels and hostels are located. There’s not much to see here, to be honest, save for some restaurants.

Old Bagan may sound like the best place to spend the night but it harbors the most expensive hotels and resorts. If you want to avoid hurting your wallet, this is not the place for you.

Search for hotels here: Bagan Hotels

Due to availability, we stayed in a 4-bed dorm at Ostelo Bello Bagan (Kayay St, new Bagan). It was a pleasant stay: friendly staff, homey feel, clean shared bathroom, complimentary breakfast, and unlimited coffee. I paid $22.5 per night, not the cheapest in Bagan’s growing list of boutique hostels.

Getting around Bagan

Chances are, you’re interested to set foot here to see its thousands of temples. but there are many ways to experience this extraordinary site.

På sykkel. Still the cheapest way to get around. Make sure you pick one that is in good condition. 1000-2000 MMK (1-2 USD).

By e-bike. What we recommend because it’s much less exhausting but not that pricy either. 5000-7000 MMK (4-6 USD).

By car/taxi. Upside: air conditioned! Woohoo. 20,000-60,000 MMK (20-50 USD).

By horse carriage. horse carts are available mostly for sunrise. It’s a dusty, bumpy ride, and can be quite exhausting, but it’s an interesting way to explore the site, to say the least. Cost: 20,000 MMK (17 USD).

By hot air balloon. the most magical way of seeing Bagan is from the top of the world. The rates vary depending on which agency you’re booking it with and how many passengers per balloon: 320-330 USD per person for a 12-16-passenger balloon, and 380-390 USD per head for an 8-passenger balloon.

Whatever you choose, don’t forget to catch the sunrise and the sunset. You’ll never regret it.

Temples to See

Bagan can be pretty daunting. We started our journey lost. We got a map early on and assumed that since the key temples were marked, it would be easy to find them. but not all the pagodas and stupas are on the map. While you’re at one, you can already see the next and the one next to it. It’s easy to get lost, confuse one with another. There are over 2000 structures and they were not created equal.

Of the temples we visited, here are some that made quite a good impression on us. For a more detailed description of each, check out: the best Temples of Bagan

Shwesandaw Pagoda (Sunset Pagoda)
Ananda Temple

Dhammayangyi temple entrance Gate
Thatbyinnyu TempleHtilominlo temple Gate
Shwezigon Pagoda

Sulamani temple Ground

Tips for the poor Traveler

Bagan local selling souvenirs. She actually helped us to get the perfect view of Htilominlo Temple.

Bring a liter of water when exploring. Don’t get dehydrated. While there are sellers in major temples, you might need to drink while still on the way to your next stop. There are also refilling stations at some sites.

Put on some sunscreen. The sun is your biggest enemy out there. A hat would help, too. Be sure to protect your skin.

Bring a dust mask. It can get really dusty!

Wear slip-on shoes or slippers. I still prefer wearing a good pair of rubber shoes especially when biking, but most of our companions found a pair of slippers more convenient because you will need to remove them at every temple you’re gonna enter.

Buy a tourist SIM at the airport. You may also get a Ooredoo SIM with 10MB data for 1500Ks. You can then simply top up depending on your browsing habit, but the price is 1000Ks per 100MB. If you’re a heavy data user, MPT offers a tourist SIM that costs 10,000Ks and it comes with a 1.5G data allowance. It’s valid for 10 days.

Make a sidetrip to Mandalay. Mandalay is a few hours away from Bagan. You might also want to spend a day or two or more here.

Things to watch Out For

Scams. The locals are generally friendly and lovely, but like many other destinations, Bagan has its share of scammers. You’ll find locals (often children) approaching tourists to ask for a foreign currency note to add to their collection, to sell them fake gemstones, or to insist to tour them around. just say no politely. They are hard to shake off sometimes, but just keep on refusing.

Paying for the entrance fee more than once. If you have already paid it as you enter the town, don’t pay again when you’re getting into the temples. The fee should cover the entire Bagan Archaeological zone and is good for five days.

Sample itinerary + Breakdown of Expenses

Here is a sample 4-day itinerary that you may follow (at your own risk, of course). also included are the costs of each item. note that this assumes that you are traveling alone and that you’re riding a hot air balloon. feel free to make changes to this itinerary to suit your needs.

Arrival at Yangon Airport
Get local SIM (10,000Ks, 8.5 USD)
Taxi transfer to Bus station (6000 Ks, 5 USD)
Overnight Bus travel to Bagan (20 USD)

Arrival in Bagan (25,000 MMK or 20 USD tourism Fee)
Check in at hotel (Dorm, USD 22.5 per night)
Lunch (6000 MMK, 5 USD)
Rent E-bike (7000 MMK or 6 USD)
Explore Bagan Temples
Watch sunset
Dinner (6000 MMK, 5 USD)

Hot Air Balloon ride (330 USD)
Breakfast (FREE)
Rent E-bike (7000 MMK or 6 USD)
Continue exploring temples
Lunch (6000 MMK, 5 USD)
More temples, watch sunset
Explore Nyaung U
Dinner (6000 MMK, 5 USD)

Breakfast (FREE)
Taxi to Bus station (5 USD)
Bus back to Yangon (20 USD)
Fly ut

Additional expenses: 10,000 MMK (10 USD) for random bottled water purchases. Refill at your hostel.

If you follow the itinerary above and assuming you’ll spend only 5 USD per meal, you’ll end up spending 520 USD (24,500 PHP) excluding airfare to Yangon.

Note, however, that the bulk of it is the hot air balloon ride. cross that out of the itinerary and you’ll end up shelling out only 180 USD (8500 PhP). pretty cheap, huh?

You can still bring down the cost if you’re traveling with someone so you could divide the cost of some items (like taxi rides) with them.

Of course, you will be spending more if you make a side trip to Mandalay after your time in Bagan.

Flere tips på YouTube ⬇

Relaterte innlegg:

Bagan Temples: 7 crowd favorites (Photos)


LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA: budget travel guide


Old Penang Guesthouse: Where to stay in Georgetown, Malaysia

Standing along an amusingly named love Lane is a pre-war shophouse building that has been converted into a charming hostel — the Old Penang Guesthouse. There were many reasons why we chose to stay here; on top of that list are the stellar reviews I found on the web. but the place was even shinier than its online reputation.

Old Penang Guesthouse is a restored heritage house at the heart of Georgetown, a UNESCO world Heritage Site. While it retains the many almost century old elements, it felt surprisingly modern.

We arrived in the late afternoon and the woman at the reception greeted us with warmth and kindness. She asked us to wait for a moment as they made sure the room was all made up. She then explained the house rules while laeding us to our room on the second floor. We booked a private double room for RM95 via Hostelworld. (That’s RM47.5 each).  The room we were given was super squeaky clean, even the toilet and bath.  The bed was soft enough and very comfortable. It was also very spacious. The floor upstairs was wooden, so everyone was requested to leave their footwear at the base of the stairs. A cutesy lamp was lit in one corner, which added to the already delightful ambiance of the place. The only comment I can think of is that the room was a little too dim. but I guess, that’s what the bedside lamps were for. I guess I’m just not very used to a room that isn’t very bright.

Old Penang Guesthouse
Old Penang Guesthouse
Old Penang Guesthouse stands beside Red Inn, another budget hostel. There are small tables set up in front of these two hostels, allowing their guests to connect. The location is also pretty excellent. many of the city’s major points of interest are within walking distance. It also seems like everyone knows where it is as most taxi drivers we hired did not ask questions when we told them where we would be going. the best part is that just walking around the area is quite an experience on its own. It actually felt like we lived in the Old Penang during our stay there.

Facade of Old Penang Guesthouse and Red Inn
Love Lane, Georgetown

On our second day, we had free breakfast with other guests at the hostel. It was just a simple breakfast, nothing fancy. just bread and a few filling options, and coffee. No complaints, though. I actually liked it.

Other than the time we checked in, there were no more opportunities for us to connect with their staff because everything was pretty great, to be honest. every time I asked them for directions or any assistance, they were always eager to help.

Without a doubt, it is one of the best accommodations I have tried anywhere. It has actually become a benchmark for me, raising the bar too high. every time I would book a hostel or a guesthouse, I was hoping the experience would be as good as, if not better than, that one night I stayed at Old Penang Guesthouse.

Old Penang Guesthouse
Lorong Love, 10200 George Town, Penang, Malaysia
+60 4-263 8805

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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NEW international departure process & travel REQUIREMENTS: For pal Passengers from MANILA

as of 15 September 2021

If you are planning to go on an international trip soon, here are the travel requirements and procedures you must follow on your departure if you’re flying with Philippine Airlines (PAL).

Travel protocols and requirements have been continuously changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so also check with the concerned government authority for updates.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

1. Pre-register and fill out the pal passenger profile and health declaration form (PPHD).
2. complete the requirements.
3. undergo a COVID-19 testing, if required by your destination country.
4. On departure date, proceed to the airport.
5. follow safety procedures at all times.
6. check in and clear immigration and security checks.
Other useful Articles
More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

1. Pre-register and fill out the pal passenger profile and health declaration form (PPHD).

You should do this as early as 5 DAYS before departure.

You must first accomplish the pre-registration form here: https://bit.ly/PALIntPPHD. This is step one of the 2-step registration process for passengers departing from the Philippines.

After submitting this form, you will be sent the following via email:

a list of requirements of your destination

a unique reference code

the pal passenger profile and health declaration form (PPHD form)

Save or print the unique reference code that will be sent to you. You might need to use it later on so don’t forget this step.

2. complete the requirements.

The requirements below are applicable for all outbound Filipino travelers except OFWs and students enrolled abroad or exchange program participants.

Valid Philippine passport

Confirmed roundtrip tickets

Travel and health insurance

Accomplished pal passenger profile and health declaration form (PPHD Form). You can find it here.

Signed Bureau of immigration declaration Form. available upon check-in and on pal website.

In addition, some countries may have additional requirements such as:

Valid visa (if applicable)

Travel and health documents (if required by destination country)

Negative COVID-19 test result (if required by destination country)

Note that these are just the requirements for leaving the Philippines. Your destination country most probably has additional ARRIVAL rules and restrictions that you must follow. These entry requirements vary per country. For example, some countries may require a negative COVID-19 test result prior to departure but some don’t.

If you’re flying with PAL, you may check the requirements here! on that page, scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find a menu. Click those that apply to you and they’ll reveal a list of requirements per destination and passenger classification.

It is also important to note that NOT ALL countries accept travelers from the Philippines. It’s best to contact the authorities in your destination directly to make sure and get their updated policies.

3. undergo a COVID-19 testing, if required by your destination country.

You can get discounted rates and quicker release of results with PAL’s accredited testing partners. You can find the list here: PAL-accredited testing partners!

4. On departure date, proceed to the airport.

Arrive at the airport at least 4 hours before the scheduled time of departure or before 8PM latest.

The extra time is due to the additional protocol for COVID-19 done at the airport.

In addition, the government also requires airport passengers to download the TRAZE app, a contact-tracing mobile application. more info about that here: how TO use TRAZE APP!

Traze app

5. follow safety procedures at all times.

Wear a face mask and a face shield at all times inside the airport and during the flight. The face shield must be of clear and sturdy and must cover the entire face.

Have your temperature checked at designated spots.

Use foot baths and disinfection facilities at designated stations.

Observe physical distancing at all times. minimum contact must be ensured during all procedures from check-in, boarding, in-flight, disembarking, to retrieving of check-in baggage.

6. check in and clear immigration and security checks.

Check in to your flight as usual. The check-in staff will check your requirements.

If you don’t have an immigration declaration form yet, you may get one from the check-in counters too.

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List of DOH-Accredited hotels in Metro Manila, Cavite, Laguna and Batangas

List of DOH-Accredited hotels in Cebu

List of DOT-Accredited hotels in BORACAY and KALIBO

New ARRIVAL guidelines for international Passengers in Manila

New departure guidelines for domestic Passengers in Manila

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FINDING like as well as house IN TBILISI, GEORGIA

Posted: 9/12/18 | September 12th, 2018

“When did you very first hear of Georgia?” Mako asked after a long drag from her cigarette. We were drinking red wine outside Fabrika, an old Soviet material factory now converted into a multi-use center with bars, restaurants, co-working spaces, shops, artist studios, as well as a hostel. Mako was a Georgian guiding a shared journalist buddy on assignment.

“Hmm…” I replied taking a sip of my wine. “That’s a great question. On one level, I’ve understood about Georgia for a long time, because, well, I understand my geography. But, as a location that was much more than just a name on a map, it’s only been a few years — when I started believing of much more distinct as well as off-the-beaten-path locations to go to — that I truly believed ‘Hmm, Georgia? That might be interesting!’”

I had been in Georgia for a few days. When I left London for a trip to Azerbaijan in June, I added close-by Georgia to the schedule as an afterthought. buddies spoke extremely of the country and, because I was already going to be nearby, I believed why not kill two birds with one stone.

My original plan was to spend about a bit over a week in the country, hitting a few of the highlights as well as whetting my appetite for one more trip (to me, a week in a country is never sufficient time).

But, after being needed to head house earlier than expected, I only had time to see the capital, Tbilisi.

From the moment I got off the bus from Azerbaijan, I was in like with the city. Ja jeg vet. Jeg vet. That’s such a cliché. To autumn for a location best away. however in some cases a destination just hits you to your core best way. The energy — the essence — of where you are just flows with your body as well as you feel like you’re coming house to a location you didn’t even recognize existed minutes prior.

It’s as if a part of you had always been there as well as you were just returning to make yourself whole again.

Such is the magic of these things.

Over the next few days, that magic connection only deepened.

Before arriving, I had imagined a grimy old city with crumbling, unsightly Soviet-era buildings as well as graffiti. In my mind, it was still frozen in the instant autumn of the Soviet empire.

Instead, I discovered a beautifully preserved Old town with cobblestone streets as well as spectacular buildings with elaborate balconies; great deals of spacious parks, broad streets, eclectic artist spaces, as well as cool cafés; as well as contemporary as well as in some cases futuristic architecture. It was a great deal much more like Europe than I had anticipated.

I spent my very first day wandering the old town. I gazed at the Metekhi Church with its huge equestrian statue of King Vakhtang Gorgasali overlooking the Mtkvari River. This is where the king developed his palace when he made Tbilisi his funding in the fifth century. (Legend has it that he established Tbilisi while hunting as well as found the sulfur baths, however a city existed right here long before he came along! He just revived it.) The simple, domed-shaped brick building is prominent with locals, as legend states the fifth-century martyr St. Shushanik was buried here.

From there I walked across the bridge, toward the well-known sulfur baths, a collection of brick-domed buildings including subterranean bathhouses. These baths assisted make Tbilisi famous, as the waters are declared to assist soothe symptoms in chronically sick patients, like arthritic pain or bad blood circulation. There utilized to be 63 of these baths in Tbilisi however only a handful are left now. They are still wildly popular, though I don’t see the appeal in smelling like rotten eggs.

These bathhouses straddle a little river that feeds them as well as then meanders with a canyon that you can comply with to the amazing Dzveli Tbilisi sulfur waterfall. There, the noise of the city melts away, as well as you feel much more like you’re in a national park than a national capital.

I wandered some much more as well as found the entrance to Tbilisi’s enormous national Botanical Garden, where I discovered a zip line, tons much more waterfalls as well as rivers to swim in (which, provided the high temps during my visit, were well used by locals), hiking paths, as well as flowers as well as shrubbery. Amidst this peace, I frequently had to remind myself that I was in a chaotic major city as well as not some bit peaceful mountain town.

From there it was as much as the Narikala Fortress, which dominates the skyline. Dating back to the fourth century, it was when a Persian citadel. many of the walls were developed in the eighth century, however in 1827 an explosion of Russian ammunition kept there wrecked the whole thing. The cliffs the ruins are on offer the very best views of the entire city. You can see for miles, which is most likely why the site was selected for the citadel. A cable television vehicle links it with Rike Park on the other side of the Mtkvari River.

The next day, I explored the city’s history museums (which, to my surprise, had a great amount of English translations). I extremely suggest the Georgian national Museum, which has a comprehensive display on the country’s history; the Nikoloz Baratashvili Memorial House-Museum, which homes materials associated to the life as well as work of the charming poet, period furniture, people musical instruments, paintings, as well as great deals of history about 19th-century Georgia; as well as the David Baazov Museum, which talks about Jewish history in Georgia (Israel as well as Georgia have a close relationship).

However, after having hiked a great deal in Azerbaijan, walking in the stifling summertime warm of Tbilisi wasn’t that interesting to me. So, after a day as well as half of sightseeing, I discovered myself inside your home drinking tea, writing, consuming a (un)healthy amount of wine, gorging on food at Fabrika, speaking to other travelers, getting to the understand the personnel at a regional coffee shop, as well as hanging out with Dave.

I can’t state I truly understand Tbilisi. Sure, I can get around the train now. I have an concept of what things cost. I understand a bit about the city as well as country. I satisfied some awesome people. I have a vague sense of place

But I don’t understand it the method I understand new York or Paris or Bangkok or a thousand other location I’ve lived or spent years traveling to.

But I feel like I understand it.

Tbilisi is a city bursting with activity. A city of art as well as history. Of enjoyment. Of an energy that seemed to say, “Come delight in the great life over wine. Don’t worry over the bit things. just delight in the moment”

Tbilisi’s energy is my energy.

We are a match made in heaven.

And, though it’s awful to end a travel short article with the cliché “I can’t wait to go back,” I honestly can’t wait to go back.

I felt at house in that city.

And everybody likes the feeling of returning home.

Get Your extensive budget plan guide to Europe!

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Book Your trip to Georgia: Logistical suggestions as well as Tricks
Bestill flyet ditt
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to discover a inexpensive flight. They are my two preferred browse engines since they browse sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned. begin with Skyscanner very first though since they have the most significant reach!

Bestill innkvarteringen din
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the most significant stock as well as finest deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize Booking.com as they consistently return the most affordable rates for guesthouses as well as inexpensive hotels.

Ikke klarer ikke å huske reiseforsikring
Travel insurance coverage will safeguard you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s extensive security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it numerous times in the past. Min foretrukne virksomhet som tilbyr den aller beste servicen og verdien er:

Sikkerhetsving (for alle under 70)

Forsikre turen min (for de over 70)

MedJet (for ekstra hjemsendelsesdekning)

Leter du etter den aller beste virksomheten å spare penger med?
Sjekk ut ressurssiden min for den aller beste virksomheten å bruke når du reiser. Jeg viser alle de jeg bruker for å spare penger når jeg er på vei. De vil spare deg for penger når du også reiser.


Posted: 04/02/2019 | April 2nd, 2019

Editor’s Note: I wavered on composing about this for a long time since I didn’t want to put people off on Colombia or perpetuate the myth that danger lurks around every corner. As you can tell from my posts here, here, here, and here, I truly like the country. I mean it’s awesome. (And there will be plenty more blog posts about how great it is.) but I blog about all my experiences – good or bad – and this story is a good lesson on travel safety, the importance of always following local advice, and what occurs when you stop doing so.

“Er du ok?”

“Her. sitt ned.”

“Do you need some water?”

A growing crowd had gathered around me, all offering help in one form or another.

“No, no, no, I believe I’ll be OK,” I stated waving them off. “I’m just a bit stunned.”

My arm and back throbbed while I tried to regain my composure. “I’m going to be truly sore in the morning,” I thought.

“Come, come, come. We insist,” stated one girl. She led me back onto the walkway where a security guard provided me his chair. Jeg satte meg ned.

“Hva heter du? Here’s some water. Is there anyone we can call?”

“Jeg klarer meg. I’ll be fine,” I kept replying.

My arm throbbed. “Getting punched sucks,” I stated to myself.

Regaining my composure, I slowly took off the jacket I was wearing. I was as well sore for any quick motions anyways. I needed to see how bad the bruises were.

As I did so, gasps arose from the crowd.

My left arm and shoulder were dripping with blood. My shirt was soaked through.

“Shit,” I stated as I realized what had happened. “I believe I just got stabbed.”

There’s a perception that Colombia is unsafe, that despite the heyday of the drug wars being over, danger lurks around most corners and you have to be truly careful here.

It’s not a completely unwarranted perception. Petty crime is extremely common. The 52-year civil war killed 220,000 people — although thankfully this number has significantly dropped since the 2016 peace agreement.

While you are unlikely to be blown up, randomly shot, kidnapped, or ransomed by guerrillas, you are extremely likely to get pickpocketed or mugged. There were over 200,000 armed robberies in Colombia last year. While fierce crimes have been on the decline, petty crime and robbery has been on the upswing.

Before I went to Colombia, I’d heard countless stories of petty theft. While there, I heard even more. A friend of mine had been robbed three times, the last time at gunpoint while on his method to meet me for dinner. Locals and expats alike told me the exact same thing: the rumors of petty theft are true, but if you keep your wits about you, follow the rules, and don’t flash your valuables, you’ll be OK.

There’s even a local expression about it: “No dar papaya” (Don’t give papaya). Essentially, it means that you shouldn’t have something “sweet” out in the open (a phone, computer, watch, etc.) that would make you a target. keep your valuables hidden, don’t roam around locations you shouldn’t at night, don’t flash money around, avoid coming out of nightlife areas alone at night, etc. just put: Don’t put yourself in a position where people can take advantage of you.

I heeded such advice. I didn’t wear headphones in public. I didn’t take my phone out unless I was in a group or a restaurant, or completely sure nobody else was around. I took just enough money for the day with me when I left my hostel. I warned buddies about using fancy fashion jewelry or watches when they visited.

But, the longer you are somewhere, the more you get complacent.

When you see locals on their phones in congested areas, tourists toting thousand-dollar cameras, and youngsters using Airpods and Apple Watches, you begin to think, “OK, during the day, it’s not so bad.”

The more nothing occurs to you, the more indifferent you get.

Suddenly, you step out of a cafe with your phone out without even believing about it.

In your hands is papaya.

And somebody wishes to take it.

It was near sunset. I was on a busy street in La Candelaria, the main tourist area of Bogotá. The cafe I had been at was closing, so it was time to find somewhere new. I decided to head to a hostel to finish some work and take advantage of happy hour.

I’d been in Bogotá for a few days now, enjoying a city most people compose off. There was a appeal to it. even in the tourist hotspot of La Candelaria, it didn’t feel as gringofied as Medellín. It felt the most authentic of all the big Colombian cities I had visited. I was loving it.

I exited the cafe with my phone out, completing a text message. It had slipped my mind to put it away. It was still light outside, there were crowds around, and lots of security. After nearly six weeks in Colombia, I had grown contented in circumstances like this.

“What’s truly going to happen? Jeg klarer meg.”

Three steps out of the door, I felt somebody clean up against me. At first, I believed it wassomebody running past me up until I quickly realized that a guy was trying to take my phone out of my hand.

Fight or flight set in — and I fought.

“Get the fuck off me!” I yelled as I wrestled with him, keeping an iron grip on my phone. I tried pushing him away.

“Help, help, help!” I shouted into the air.

I keep in mind distinctly the confused look on his deal with as if he had expected an easy mark. That the phone would slip out of my hand and he’d be gone before anyone could catch him.

Without a word, he started punching my left arm, and I continued to resist.

“Gå av meg! Hjelp hjelp!”

We tussled in the street.

I kicked, I screamed, I blocked his punches.

The commotion triggered people to run toward us.

Unable to dislodge the phone from my hand, the mugger turned and ran.

After people assisted me sit down and the adrenaline used off, I got lightheaded. My ears rang. I had difficulty focusing for a few moments.

Blood was dripping with my soaked shirt.

“Fuck,” I stated looking at my arm and shoulder.

I tried to compose myself.

Having grown up surrounded by physicians and nurses, I ran with a quick “how bad is this” checklist in my mind.

I made a fist. I could feel my fingers. I could move my arm. “OK, I most likely don’t have nerve or muscle damage.”

I could breathe and was not coughing up blood. “Ok, I most likely don’t have a punctured lung.”

I could still walk and feel my toes.

My light-headedness dissipated.

“OK, there’s most likely not as well much major damage,” I thought.

Words I didn’t comprehend were spoken in Spanish. A doctor shown up and assisted clean and put pressure on my wounds. A young lady in the crowd who spoke English took my phone and voice-texted my only friend in Bogotá to let her know the situation.

As an ambulance would take as well long, the police, who numbered about a dozen by now, packed me onto the back of a truck and took me to a hospital, stopping web traffic on the method like I was an honored dignitary.

Using Google equate to communicate, the police inspected me in at the hospital. They took down as much information as they could, showed me a picture of the attacker (yes, that’s him!), and called my friend to update her about where I was.

As I waited to be seen by the doctors, the owner of my hostel showed up. After having taken my address, the cops had phoned up the hostel to let them know what occurred and she had rushed down.

The hospital personnel saw me quickly. (I suspect being a stabbed gringo got me quicker attention.)

We went into one of the examination rooms. My shirt came off, they cleaned my arm and back, and assessed the damage.

I had five wounds: two on my left arm, two on my shoulder, and one on my back, little cuts that broke the skin, with two appearing like they got into the muscle. If the knife had been longer, I would have been in serious trouble: one cut was right on my collar and another especially close to my spine.

When you believe of the term “stabbing,” you believe of a long blade, a single deep cut into the abdomen or back. You picture somebody with a extending knife being rolled into the hospital on a stretcher.

That was not the case for me. I had been, more colloquially correct, knifed.

Badly knifed.

But just knifed.

There was no blade extending from my gut or back. There would be no surgery. No deep lacerations.

The wounds wouldn’t need any more than antibiotics, stitches, and time to heal. Mye tid. (How much time? This occurred at the end of January and it took two months for the bruising to go down.)

I was stitched up, taken for an X-ray to make sure I didn’t have a punctured lung, and needed to sit around for another six hours as they did a follow-up. My friend and hostel owner stayed a bit.

During that time, I booked a flight home. While my wounds weren’t serious and I could have stayed in Bogotá, I didn’t want to danger it. The hospital refused to give me antibiotics and, being a bit suspicious of their stitching job, I wished to get checked out back home while everything was still fresh. When I was leaving the hospital, I even had to ask them to cover my wounds. They were going to leave them exposed.

It’s better to be risk-free than sorry.

Looking back, would I have done anything differently?

It’s easy to say, “Why didn’t you just give him your phone?”

But it’s not as if he led with a weapon. had he done so, I obviously would have surrendered the phone. This kid (and it turned out he was just a kid of about 17) just tried to grab it from my hand, and anyone’s natural instinct would be to pull back.

If somebody stole your purse, took your computer while you were utilizing it, or tried to grab your watch, your initial, primal reaction wouldn’t be, “Oh well!” It would be, “Hey, give me back my stuff!”

And if that stuff were still connected to your hand, you’d pull back, shout for help, and hope the mugger would go away. especially when it’s still daytime and thERE er folkemengder rundt. Du kan ikke alltid anta at en mugger har et våpen.

Basert på informasjonen jeg hadde den gangen, tror jeg ikke at jeg ville ha gjort noe annerledes. Naturen bare satt inn.

Ting kunne ha vært mye verre: kniven kunne ha vært lengre. Han kunne hatt en pistol. Jeg kunne ha snudd feil vei, og det lille bladet kunne ha truffet en stor arterie eller nakken min. Kniven var så lite at jeg ikke en gang følte det under angrepet. Et lengre blad kan ha utløst meg til å rekyle mer og slippe telefonen min. Jeg vet ikke. Hvis han hadde vært en bedre mugger, ville han ha holdt seg fremover, og jeg ville ikke vært i stand til å ta igjen da fremoverbevegelsen fikk telefonen til å forlate hånden min.

Permutasjonene er uendelige.

Dette var også bare et spørsmål om å være uheldig. En feil situasjon og feil sted. Dette kunne ha skjedd for meg hvor som helst. Du kan være på feil sted og feil tid på en million steder og i en million situasjoner.

Livet er risiko. Du er ikke i stand til hva som skjer for deg det andre du går ut av døren. Du tror du er. Du tror du har et håndtak på omstendighetene – men så går du ut av en kafé og blir knivet. Du kommer i en bil som ulykker eller et helikopter som går ned, spiser mat som sykehus deg, eller til tross for din fineste helseinnsats, slipper død fra et hjerteinfarkt.

Alt kan skje med deg når som helst.

Vi legger planer som om vi har kontroll.

Men vi klarer ikke noe.

Alt vi kan gjøre er å håndtere reaksjonen og svarene våre.

Jeg liker virkelig Bogotá. Jeg liker virkelig Colombia. Maten var velsmakende og naturen fantastisk. Gjennom hele mitt sted var folk nysgjerrige, vennlige og glade.

Og da dette skjedde, undret jeg meg over alle menneskene som hjalp meg, som bodde hos meg til politiet kom, de mange politifolkene som hjalp meg på mange måter, legene som dro til meg, vandrerhjemseieren som endte opp Å være min oversetter, og vennen min som kjørte en time for å være sammen med meg.

Alle ba om unnskyldning. Alle forsto at dette var det Colombia forstås for. De ønsket å gi meg beskjed om at dette ikke var Colombia. Jeg tror de følte seg verre med angrepet enn jeg gjorde.

Men denne opplevelsen minnet meg om hvorfor du ikke kan bli selvtilfreds. Jeg ga Papaya. Jeg burde ikke hatt telefonen min ut. Da jeg forlot kafeen, burde jeg ha lagt den bort. Det spilte ingen rolle tiden på dagen. Det er regelen i Colombia. Hold verdisakene skjult. Spesielt i Bogota, som har en høyere rate av småkriminalitet enn andre steder i landet. Jeg fulgte ikke rådene.

Og jeg ble uheldig på grunn av det. Jeg hadde hatt telefonen min også ofte, og med hver ikke-hendelse ble jeg mer og mer avslappet. Jeg fortsatte å slippe vakten ned mer.

Det som skjedde var uheldig, men det trengte ikke å skje hvis jeg hadde overholdt reglene.

Dette er grunnen til at folk alltid advarte meg om å være forsiktig.

Fordi du aldri vet det. Du har det bra før du ikke har det.

Når det er sagt, er det fortsatt lite sannsynlig at du vil ha et problem. Alle de forekomstene jeg snakket om? Alle involverte mennesker som bryter den jernkledde “No Dar Papaya” -regelen og enten har noe verdifullt eller går alene sent på kvelden i områder de ikke burde ha. Ikke bryte regelen! Dette kunne ha skjedd for meg hvor som helst i verden der jeg ikke fulgte sikkerhetsreglene du antok å hjelpe deg med å minimere risikoen.

Men, også, hvis du kommer i trøbbel, vil colombianere hjelpe deg. Fra vandrerhjemseieren min til politiet til menneskene som satt med meg da det skjedde for den tilfeldige fyren på sykehuset som ga meg sjokolade, viser det seg, du kan alltid avhenge av fremmede av fremmede. De gjorde en opprivende opplevelse mye lettere å takle.

Jeg har ikke tenkt å la denne freak -hendelsen endre mitt syn på et så fantastisk land. Jeg ville gått tilbake til Colombia nøyaktig den samme metoden jeg ville få i en bil etter en bilulykke. Jeg var faktisk veldig opprørt over å forlate. Jeg hadde en fantastisk tid