Endre tankegangen “Jeg er for dårlig til å reise” – si ja til reise

sist oppdatert: 03/16/20 | 16. mars 2020

“Ditt råd er flott hvis du er middelklasse, foreldrene dine gir deg penger, eller du er fra Vesten. Nettstedet ditt kunne aldri fungere for meg. Jeg er for dårlig til å reise. Dette rådet er bare for privilegerte mennesker. ”

Etter over 10 år med å reise verden rundt, har jeg hørt dette mye.

Hver reise naysayer mener situasjonen deres er spesiell. At ingen andre noen gang har gått gjennom deres kamp.

Og det er ikke bare reise.

Vi gir alle unnskyldninger for hvorfor vi ikke kan gjøre noe vi ønsker.

“Treningsstudioet er for langt unna.”

“Jeg kjenner ingen på arrangementet, så jeg bare blir hjemme.”

“Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke høy nok til å spille basketball.”

Vi tror vi aldri vil oppnå den flotte tingen vi ønsker fordi vi mangler den ene hemmelige ingrediensen for å få det til.

Når det gjelder reiser, tror folk at det som holder dem tilbake er penger. De ser for seg at de ikke kan reise fordi de, i motsetning til meg, de ikke kan trykke på banken til mamma og pappa, er belastet av gjelden deres, eller ikke er like heldige eller spesielle.

Her er sannheten: Jeg er ikke spesiell.

Jeg hadde gjeld også. Og foreldrene mine betalte ikke for mine reiser – jeg sparte opp og betalte for dem selv.

Jada, jeg ble født som en hvit hann i USA, så det er uunngåelig noe privilegium involvert.

Men ved automatisk å sette deg selv i en “Jeg kan ikke posisjon”, avviser du noen råd som ikke passer med det verdensbildet og dermed savner alle måtene du kan reise på.

Mennesker med denne tankegangen minner meg om kynikere som Bob. For noen år siden avskjediget Bob rådene på nettstedet mitt fordi han ikke trodde jeg kunne reise verden rundt uten foreldrehjelp.

Ved å tro at alle andre er spesielle, unike eller rike, setter de opp en psykologisk barriere som lar dem ignorere alle grunnene til at reise er mulig.

Ingenting om deres omstendighet forhindrer dem i å reise bortsett fra deres egen tankegang.

Millioner av mennesker fra alle samfunnslag, omstendigheter og aldersgrupper finner en måte å reise på. Da jeg begynte å reise i en alder av 25 år, trodde jeg at jeg gjorde noe utfordrende og unikt.

Da jeg kom på veien og så 18 år gamle engelske barn, besteforeldre og folk i alle aldre som tok fatt på lignende eventyr, innså jeg at jeg ikke var så spesiell som jeg trodde. Den erkjennelsen hjalp meg å lære reiser var mye enklere og mer oppnåelig enn jeg trodde, for hvis de kunne få det til å skje, kunne hvem som helst gjøre det.

Jeg forstår at det er noe økonomisk krav å reise. Det er en grense for hvor billig det kan være og hvor mange gratisfly du kan tjene.

Det er alltid omstendigheter som helse, visumproblemer, gjeld eller familie som vil holde noen fra veien. Ikke alle kan (eller ønsker) å reise verden rundt.

Tross alt, uansett hva, er reiser fremdeles et privilegium.

Men etter min erfaring er det som holder det store flertallet av mennesker hjemme ikke penger, men tankesett.

Det er den falske troen på at omstendighetene deres er forskjellige og alle andre som reiser har penger eller privilegium de ikke gjør. De har kjøpt seg inn i troen på at det å reise er en luksus, og med mindre du er på innsiden, vil du aldri kunne få det til. Alle og alt annet som forteller dem ellers blir avskjediget som “for enkelt” eller “for godt til å være sant.”

Men la meg fortelle alle som tror “jeg er for dårlig/uspesiell osv. Å reise” tankegang: du er ikke.

Hvis du virkelig ønsker å reise, vil du finne en måte. For noen vil det ta mer krefter og tid (kanskje år), men du kan gjøre det. Du kan kanskje bare spare litt i måneden.

Men løpet er langt, og det er ingen målstrek. Gjør det beste du kan hver dag.

Hvis du våkner i dag og sier til deg selv, “Jeg er for dårlig til å reise” eller “Jeg kan ikke på grunn av grunn X”, vil du aldri se etter måter å begynne å reise på. Du vil bare se veisperringer. Du ser bare grunnene til at du ikke kan reise – regninger, fly, bilbetalinger, gjeld, familie eller mer.

Du vil aldri kikke utover de veisperringene og spørre deg selv “Hvordan overvinner jeg disse hindringene som andre mennesker?”

Den eneste forskjellen mellom de på veien og de som ikke er på den, er at de som fortsatte å si “ja” for å reise i stedet for “jeg kan ikke.”

Så i stedet våkne opp i dag og si “Ja, jeg kan reise også” og begynne å lete etter hva du kan gjøre akkurat nå for å få det til.

Spør deg selv “Hva er en ting jeg kan gjøre i dag for å komme nærmere drømmen min?”

Start lite.

Hvert ja bygger på den før den. Se på dine daglige utgifter. Hvor mye vil du spare hvis du kjøpte en Brita i stedet for en daglig flaske vann, ga opp Starbucks, tilberedt mer av din egen mat eller drakk mindre?

Hva om du ga opp kabel? Nedgradert telefonplanen din? gikk på jobb? Solgt av dine unødvendige ting på eBay?

Find ways to supplement your income by becoming a local tour guide or Uber driver, or renting your spare room or couch on Airbnb.

Bli en hus sitter.

Begynn å samle inn hyppige flyger miles.

Se etter arbeid utenlands.

Å starte små gir deg små seire som HELp you to slowly realize you can do it. The more wins you have, the more you keep going.

When I was planning my first trip, I first cooked more and drank less.

Then I gave up going to movies. then I sold my stuff and found a roommate. then I found ways to car-share to save on gas.

Each step built on top of the last, and I got more confident in my ability. I woke up each morning I said to myself, “I can do this.”

Once I started saying yes, I created a positive feedback loop that kept travel my focus and always within reach. After years of doing this, I only see opportunity.

I recently read The Power of Habit, on the power of belief in changing habits.

People who didn’t believe something was possible never changed their habits. They would diet, try to get sober, or exercise more, but it would never work. However, once they believed they could change, once they found themselves part of a community that supported them, that’s when the mental change occurred and the new mindset took over.

I’ve met people on the road who traveled after earning minimum wage. They accomplished it because they woke up every day and asked themselves “What can I do today that gets me one step closer to being on the road?” It’s easy to say “Well, I make $9.75 an hour and have a kid,” but Michael worked on minimum wage and found a way.

The lower your income, the longer it will take to save enough to travel, but longer does not mean never.

If you don’t believe you can travel, you never will.

You just need to change the mindset that keeps you from your goals and start looking for ways, no matter how small, to begin living your travel dreams.

“I’m too poor to travel” is a belief that causes many to lack the confidence to believe travel is possible. They buy into the media hype that it’s all too good to be true. It’s easy to think we travelers are special and that my advice doesn’t apply to you.

But I pay my own way: I worked overseas to keep my trip going, my parents have never helped me, and I still have student loan debt. I didn’t know anything when I started to travel. I had to figure it out along the way.

So did the dozens of readers from this site that also found a way despite many obstacles.

Not everyone is going to be able to travel, and I understand that. I’m not talking about those with circumstances like poor health, those with sick parents, or massive credit card debt. I’m talking about the middle majority. I’ve met people from all walks of life on the road and know that travel is not just for the rich, it’s for everyone.

If you want to travel more, believe you can.

I know from experience it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Stop saying no and begin to see all the ways you can make your travel dreams come true!

Editor’s Note: I’ve received some feedback that I want to address. I’m not saying if you close your eyes and say “I believe” you will magically find yourself in some far-off land. It doesn’t work that way. There are many valid reasons why people can never go traveling, no matter how much they “believe.” This article is about trying to get people to change a mindset that keeps many from even trying to find a way to travel. many people, even if they can go travel, don’t even try, and this article was meant to push people to at least try.

How to travel the world on $50 a Day

My new York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, and have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC called the “bible for budget travelers.”

Click here to learn more and start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Ikke glem reiseforsikring
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. Mine favorittbedrifter som tilbyr den beste servicen og verdien er:

SafetyWing (best for everyone)

Insure My trip (for those over 70)

Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Ready to book Your Trip?
Sjekk ut ressurssiden min for de beste selskapene å bruke når du reiser. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

TNN: September Book Club “Turn Ideal at Machu Picchu” med forfatteren Mark Adams

Denne boken forteller Adams fortelling om å grove den med Peru i bla gjennom Inca -ruiner samt gamle byer mens han overholder arkeologen Hiram Binghams opprinnelige rute. Boken lærte meg mye om Peru, samt gjorde meg påvirket til å gå til en god del av nettstedene Adams utforsket på min neste tur dit.

Som ham planlegger jeg helt å ta til høyre. Det var den aller beste reiseskildringen jeg har sjekket ut på en stund, så vel som har påvirket meg til å gå til en god del av de slående stedene han gjorde i boken.

Få din kopi
Hvis du har…

Hei! Beklager å avbryte, men ….

Du ser ut til å ha snublet over en bare abonnentartikkel!

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Dette innlegget er utelukkende for medlemmer av Nomadic Matt Plus! NM+ er vårt medlems eneste program som gir besøkende som deg selv tilgang til bonusblogginnlegg. Medlemmene får også gratis bøker, guidebøker, bloggkurs, få tilgang til våre arrangementer, begivenhets repriser, månedlige gaver, t-skjorter, spesielle pengebesparende reiserabatter, samt mer!

Som medlem av Nomadic Matt Plus får du ikke bare mange fordeler til å gjøre dine reiser rimeligere, men du hjelper oss med å fortsette å produsere det grundige reisematerialet du elsker!

Det beste av alt er å abonnere koster mindre enn utgiftene til lunsj!

Hvis du vil få tilgang til dette innlegget (i tillegg til 100+ andre artikler på bare medlemmer), samt alle de andre fantastiske fordelene, kan du bli med Nomadic Matt Plus i tillegg til å begynne å få mye mer ut av dine reiser i dag!

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10 complimentary and low-cost things to do in HANOI, Vietnam

The excitement wavered eventually. After seven cities, travel fatigue caught up. I finally was not looking forward to chasing another waterfall, trekking to another summit, or sitting on another long ride. even before I set foot in Hanoi, the eighth stop on my banana pancake trail, I had already convinced myself to not push through with the trip to Sapa and just stay in the city center. All I wanted  was a time on my own without exhausting any a lot more energy, which I was not sure where to get. All I wanted was to kick back this time. The Vietnamese capital, however, appeared to be not the place for it at first glance.

Hanoi’s streets are probably the craziest I have seen. Motorists drive without any care in the world. Honking seem to be a national sport. In the six days that I stayed in Hanoi, I had seen four traffic accidents involving motorcycles. but I did not allow any of them to drive me away. I stayed and, to my surprise, a respite wasn’t tough in any way to find. I slowly explored the city. Taking my time, I dropped any travel plan and just trusted my feet to take me anywhere they wanted. This is how I spent my six days in Hanoi and where I recommend you to go must you find yourself in this charming city.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

Meet Uncle Ho at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
Visit Ho Chi Minh museum and One-Pillar Pagoda
Support girl Power at the Vietnamese Women’s Museum
Watch the Thang long Water Puppets
Admire the architecture of Hanoi Opera House
The Lake of the restored Sword: Hoan Kiem Lake
Walk around West Lake
See the St. Joseph’s Cathedral
Shop at Dong Xuan night Market
Food trip at Old Quarters
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Meet Uncle Ho at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Ho Chi Minh requested that he be cremated and his ashes be scattered all over the country. but it looks like his country is still not ready to let him go. Instead, the Vietnamese government preserved his body and housed it in a enormous mausoleum. Uncle Ho, as a lot of Vietnamese call him, was a revolutionary leader and is widely regarded as the daddy of modern Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is modeled after Lenin’s in Russia
Built from 1973 to 1975, the memorial is modeled after Lenin’s Mausoleum in Russia. It is a commanding structure  in the middle of Ba Dinh Square, where he read the declaration of independence in 1945.

Admission is complimentary but policies are implemented strictly. photography is prohibited inside. tank tops and short skirts not allowed, either. Uncle Ho’s body isn’t at the mausoleum all year (as it is often sent to Russia for maintenance) so make sure you check before going.

Visit Ho Chi Minh museum and One-Pillar Pagoda

Standing next to the Mausoleum complex is the Ho Chi Minh Museum, also built in honor of Uncle Ho. It takes visitors on a trip through the history of Vietnam, with a strong focus on the country’s struggles against the French and the US-backed South Vietnam government. The museum houses over 120,000 documents, films, and artifacts about the life and work of the revolutionary leader. Surprisingly, its interior is modern and sophisticated that the storytelling becomes just as fascinating as the stories themselves.

Opening Hours: 8am to 12pm daily, 2pm-4:30pm, Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday-Sunday.
Entrance Fee: VND 40,000

The Vietnamese flag waving proudly in front of Ho Chi Minh Museum
Ho Chi Minh Museum
Inside Ho Chi Minh museum: modern and artful
One-Pillar Pagoda
A gate by the One-Pillar Pagoda

Support girl Power at the Vietnamese Women’s Museum

Another museum that is well-worth a look is the Vietnamese Women’s Museum, highlighting the role and contributions of women in the culture, society, politics, and nation building. well established in 1987, the five-story building boasts a lot more than 25,000 pieces of papers and objects. While they stage special exhibitions, the museum has three permanent collections that await guests: women and Family, women and Society, and Women’s Fashion. Prepare to be blown away by images of the women who played significant parts during the war! a lot more about it here.

Opening Hours: Daily, 8am-5pm
Entrance Fee: VND 30,000 (USD 1.4)

Vietnamese Women’s museum in Hanoi

Watch the Thang long Water Puppets

Puppetry is an crucial art form in lots of parts of ancient Asia and Vietnam is one of them. One type in particular, water puppetry, gained popularity in the countrysides. known locally as mua roi nuoc, water puppetry was done at the end of harvest season and in religious ceremonies. In contemporary Vietnam, water puppetry lives on. The Thang long Water Puppet theater showcases the art in their nightly shows in Hanoi. through these performances, they introduce lots of aspects of the Vietnamese culture and subcultures. It’s like Vietnam culture 101 done in a wet and wooden fashion. read a lot more about my experience enjoying the show here.

Admission Ticket: VND60000 (USD 2,8), VND 100 000 (USD 4.7)
Ikke døm. De er faktisk mye mer komplekse enn de ser ut.

TNN: The Overthinker’s Guide to Going Nomadic … for nybegynnere reisende

Hei alle sammen,

Noen gang sitte så vel som å se på reisesamtaler av folk som har sett mer i de aller første 20 årene av livet enn du noen gang kan se for deg å se i en hel levetid så vel som oppgi for deg selv, “ja … sikker … men Jeg har aldri lært nøyaktig hvordan jeg skal reise så godt som den skremmer av meg ut av meg! ”

Som en blåkrage unggutten fra Ohio, anerkjente ikke Jason engang at å flytte bort fra huset hans spesifiserer var et valg frem til han var 23!

I løpet av slutten av 30 -årene hadde han bare vært i to land utenfor USA … så vel som på …

Hei! Beklager å avbryte, men ….

Du ser ut til å ha snublet over en bare abonnentartikkel!

(Allerede et medlem? Logg inn her.)

Denne artikkelen er utelukkende for medlemmer av Nomadic Matt Plus! NM+ er vårt medlems eneste program som gir besøkende som deg selv tilgang til bonusblogginnlegg. Medlemmene får også gratis bøker, guidebøker, bloggkurs, få tilgang til våre arrangementer, begivenhets repriser, månedlige gaver, t-skjorter, spesielle pengebesparende reiserabatter, samt mer!

Som medlem av Nomadic Matt Plus får du ikke bare mange fordeler for å gjøre dine reiser billigere, men du hjelper oss med å fortsette å produsere det dyptgående reisematerialet du elsker!

Det beste av alt er å abonnere koster mindre enn utgiftene til lunsj!

Hvis du vil få tilgang til denne artikkelen (samt 100+ andre artikler på bare medlemmer), samt alle de andre bemerkelsesverdige fordelene, kan du bli med Nomadic Matt Plus, så vel som å begynne å få mer ut av dine reiser i dag!

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4 Struggles of Travelers from developing countries

Note: I wrote this post in 2016. This post is not indicated to prevent anybody from traveling nor does it objective to imply that this is the case for everyone all the time. This blog is filled with positive articles, but we also have to acknowledge this side of travel, that this exists, that this happens to some people. Can’t always be about rainbows and unicorns.


I’d be lying if I said I don’t envy travelers from developed countries. I envy them sometimes. I envy them much more often than I would like to admit.

When I was backpacking across the Southeast Asian peninsula four years ago, I became great friends with a woman from Paris. We met at a hostel in Thailand, traveled through Laos together, and parted ways in Vietnam. Every single night we were together, she never failed to invite me to come over to France so she could show me around.

“Before the year ends, please?” hun sa. but the number of times she said “please” never changed my response: “It’s not that easy.”

Not only was money an issue, securing a visa for a man like me was waaay much more challenging and complicated than she was probably thinking. At the time, I had just quit my job and had emptied my bank accounts. There was no way the embassy would approve my Schengen visa. I was able to finally see her again two years ago, but it involved saving up and slowly beefing up my travel history.

It’s moments like this that envy, which under normal scenarios lies dormant inside me, is jolted awake. here are the reasons why.

Applying for a visa can in some cases be a intense process.

Sure, with a Philippine passport, we can visit several countries visa-free. but a whole lot of them would still require a visa, and getting it isn’t always easy. It’s a painstaking process of gathering all the required papers and convincing the embassy to allow us to travel to their country. For numerous citizens of developing countries like the Philippines, the requirements that are challenging to meet are: proving our financial capacity and proving our rootedness in our home country.

To show financial capacity, we need to submit a bank certificate and a bank statement providing down in full detail all the transactions over the past six months. To show our rootedness, we should submit certificate of employment and approval of leave of absence if employed, company registration papers if self-employed, tax certificates, and copies of personal properties under our name (land titles, etc.) and other papers that would show we have every reason to return.

And even if we’re able to submit all these and meet all the requirements, there’s still no guarantee that we’d be approved a visa.

All this, I understand. Over the past decades, illegal immigration had been a big issue for numerous states. A lot of Filipinos enter their country illegally under the guise of tourists, only to look for employment and overstay. They have to be strict and screen applicants well, in buy to safeguard their national interest. Det skjønner jeg. It’s their responsibility to be strict, to scrutinize. but I can’t help feeling bad about it.

Applying for a visa can in some cases be a humiliating experience.

What I don’t understand is how imply the process is carried out sometimes. In one of my visa applications, I had to show up at the embassy for interview. If you’ve never been to a consular center before, let me describe it for you. It’s essentially a room with counter windows. On one side are the officers, and on the other is the area where applicants wait for their turn. One time, I was seated a few meters from the windows when my number was called. I immediately rose from my chair and walked towards the counter, but because the room was so packed, it took several seconds. When I got to the counter, the interviewer said on the microphone — ON THE MICROPHONE — “I called your name three times. Why would you allow me to call your name three times?” All I could do was apologize and secretly blamed myself for not teleporting.

Normally I would talk back and call out anybody who is condescending, irrational, or simply out-of-line. but I couldn’t. If I wanted my application to be approved, I would have to bite my tongue.

And it wasn’t just me. practically everyone before me (since I entered the room) was scolded or reprimanded on the microphone for the littlest things. It’s not what they say; it’s how they say it. Frekt. Arrogantly. Condescendingly. It’s stressful, uncalled for, and completely unnecessary.

At another embassy, I approached the guard station only to find another applicant get power tripped by the guard on duty. Here’s the backstory: before going in, he had to surrender an ID card and receive a building ID that he needed to wear within the premises. common protocol, no problem. but after his interview, he went straight to the door and forgot to claim his ID. He immediately realized the mistake as he was walking out so he turned around and approached the desk to return the building ID and get his card. That’s when he received a mouthful from the guard. “Why did you exit without returning the iD?” the guard asked in a very confrontational tone, in front of a dozen other people falling in line. The man didn’t answer.

“Svar meg!” the guard demanded.

“I just forgot.”

“You just forgot? You’re a grown up! who would forget his ID?”

“I remembered that’s why I returned.”

“Next time, don’t forget. Hu h? You wouldn’t have to return if you didn’t forget. Hu h? Don’t forget. Where did you ever see somebody going out without surrendering the ID? All buildings have that rule. Don’t forget that.”

Again, I’m not sure why it’s required to humiliate someone. You know what’s sadder? The person who does the humiliation is, much more often than not, a Filipino too.

It’s seldom that the visa application is pleasurable and easy. (Shoutout to the Korean embassy for always being so good whenever back when the agencies were not yet in the picture.)

Thankfully, even when I witnessed things like this, I was never denied a visa, partly because before I started going to countries that require it, I had traveled to visa-free countries to boost my travel history. partly because I have the financial documents; I registered myself as a sole proprietor so I would have the company registration papers and income tax returns.

And partly because I’m male. That’s a privilege that I have to acknowledge.

If I were a single female, it would probably be a different story. A lot of friends from different socio-economic backgrounds had been denied a visa, and they only had two things in common: They are all single and female. Whether they admit it or not, the system is prejudiced against women, numerous of whom are automatically assumed to be having motives other than tourism.

I’m still privileged at the end of the day. At least, I still get to travel. My heart goes to people who have it worse.

Going through immigration is just as difficult for many.

Having a valid visa doesn’t imply we can easily board that plane. whenever we face an immigration officer of our own country, we need to convince them that we’re not drug mules or potential illegal workers. Again, I understand the need for stringent rules. They need to safeguard us from falling victim to drug trafficking, human trafficking, slavery, and other crimes.

According to the Bureau of immigration in 2014, around 40 people are offloaded at NAIA terminal 1 alone every day. a lot of of them had the objective of seeking employment in their destination country without proper papers. Yet, 3-4 in every 50 people who get offloaded actually had genuine reasons but were still not allowed to leave. Collateral damage, they say.

You want real-life accounts? All you need to do is read the comments on our how to avoid getting Offloaded post and you’ll be saddened by numerous of their stories.

Imagine how scary that is. You spend hard-earned money on plane tickets, hotel bookings, and trip reservations, only to be wrongly accused and get blocked from boarding your flight. It’s like we’re drug mules until proven otherwise. We’re planning on being illegal aliens until proven otherwise. We’re up to no good until proven otherwise.

Our hard work seems to be worth less.

When a Korean expat-friend learned how much a lot of people my age was earning, he was shocked. “I don’t understand,” he said. “The prices here are practically the same as where I’m from, but why are your wages much lower? how do you get by?”

I didn’t know either. Looking back, I can’t believe how I survived. For my first writing job, I received PHP 14,000 per month. That’s roughly USD 295 per month. Minus taxes and benefits, that’s around USD 265. I also had to pay rent, bills, and meals, and purchase milk for my nephew. No wonder I could not afford to go out of town in those years. Yet, I’m considered lucky because numerous entry-level positions pay much less.

If I go back to my first job now, someone in a developed country doing the same job as mine would get compensated enough to last him much longer on the road than I would even if we visit the same destinations and spend on the same things.

Of course, my life has improved financially because then. I had climbed the corporate ladder from the very bottom and built a portfolio strong enough to quit my full-time job and be on my own. Still, because a lot of of my clients are local, my profits still seem to still be widely insufficient if I travel long-term to developed countries because of the big gap in the cost of living and exchange rate.

During those years, I dreamed of traveling for good or at least extended periods of time. Sometimes, the thought of selling my properties to be able to support that dream financially would come to mind. but the thought would die as soon as it pertained to life. Not only would they account for very little, I would also have avanskeligere tid på å bevise at min “forankring” burde søke om visum. Lol.

Men det er slik det er. Det er bare noe jeg har lært å svelge. Ulike land, forskjellige levekostnader, forskjellige lønnsstandarder. I noen tilfeller handler det ikke om fortjeneste, men hvor du er født. Likevel skal det ikke hindre oss i å gå steder. Jeg er en fast tro på det gamle ordtaket: “Hvis det er en vilje, er det en måte.” Vi prøver bare å finne en måte å jobbe rundt det, bruke den som en motivasjon og ikke en unnskyldning, og aksepterer at, ja, det er ikke rettferdig, men livet generelt er det.

Likevel misunner jeg andre reisende noen ganger.

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Headed to the big Apple and overwhelmed by all the options? read on for a comprehensive guide on how to spend the ideal weekend in new York!

New York is a city of superlatives. It’s the largest in the United States, and the 8 million-plus new Yorkers are fond of calling it the greatest city in the world.

To be fair, they certainly have a case to make. There’s no denying that new York City is one of the most vibrant, diverse, and exciting cities on the planet.

New York is home to so numerous renowned American images that it’s impossible to see it all on a short trip. The Statue of Liberty, Times Square, central Park, Broadway, wall Street, the empire state building — the list goes on and on. With just a weekend in new York, you’ll have to pick and choose.

I’ve been to new York several times throughout my life. From seeing the sights as a kid to ringing in the new Year with my partner and our favorite band, I’ve had some good times in the city.

As I’m a big fan of improvisation, I’ll leave you lots of wiggle room with this new York schedule by giving you plenty of options to choose from.

Let’s get down to company and see what you can get up to with 2 days in new York!

Day 1 in new York
Day 2 in new York
Insider’s suggestions for a weekend trip to new York
Getting to new York
Where to stay For a weekend in new York
Enjoy Your new York City weekend Getaway!

Day 1 in new York

I hope you got some good sleep the night before and I hope you’ve got comfortable walking shoes. It’s going to be a jam-packed weekend in new York.

Day one will be a whirlwind trip of the big Apple that gives you the opportunity to check numerous of the most well-known landmarks off your list. I’ll also offer some interesting detours and make sure to include time to wander and linger when you feel like it.

Before we get going, you ought to probably look into the new York City Explorer Pass. They have several options, all of which save you time and money. Both of these are precious resources on a short new York weekend trip.

I ought to also note that this schedule will focus on Manhattan. With only 2 days in the city, there simply isn’t enough time to venture to the other boroughs. You’ll just have to come back.


I can’t think of a better way to start a new York weekend trip than with a delicious bagel. There should be something in the water, because bagels just taste better here. 

Every new Yorker has their favorite bagel spot, but whatever you do, just skip the chains and make sure it’s a local deli for a much more authentic experience.

Since we’re going to start the schedule off in lower Manhattan, here are two local options for grabbing a bagel and coffee – Leo’s Bagels and Milk & Honey. With a full tummy and a good caffeine buzz, you’re ready to start exploring the city.

Lower Manhattan is where it all began for new York, and in a way for the country. This is where the first Congress gathered to draft the bill of Rights. It’s also where George Washington took the oath of office to become the nation’s first president.

Upon seeing all the skyscrapers, it may be hard to believe that this city began as a easy trading post. This corner of new York City is thought of as the financial center of the world. It’s home to the new York stock Exchange, the epicenter of capitalism. 

With just a weekend in new York, you’ll want to make the most of your time. That’s why I recommend jumping on a walking trip for your first morning. It guarantees you’ll waste less time getting lost and will learn much more about the city.

There are a million and one options for walking trips of lower Manhattan. totally free trips by Foot has quite a few, including their 3-hour downtown Manhattan Tour. It covers a lot of ground, including SoHo, little Italy, and Chinatown. 

As with other totally free tours, these are donation-based. Be sure to show your guide some love if you delighted in the tour, which I’m sure you will! They also have some amazing audio trips that you can use if you choose a diy approach.

Whether you do a walking trip or not, it’s worth it to check out Battery Park. From here you can catch a peek of one of the most renowned American images — the Statue of Liberty.

For many, heading to the lady liberty is a must-do. If that’s you, you’ll want to sign up for this tour. 

For those like me who choose to avoid long lines and entrance tickets, you can just hop on the Staten Island ferry. It’s completely totally free and offers some terrific views of both the Statue of liberty and the lower Manhattan skyline.

Just be aware that choosing either of those options will take up your entire morning. Time is not on your side with only 2 days in new York!


There’s still a lot of ground to cover, so I recommend choosing a quick lunch. That implies it’s time to get a slice of classic new York style pizza (which is completely different from the Chicago deep dish!). 

It’s not hard to find a pizza joint in Manhattan, but the last thing you want to do is have a disappointing slice in NYC. You can’t go wrong with Joe’s Pizza, which has been referred to as the “quintessential slice.”

From there, it’s just a quick walk to the next stop — the One world trade Center. This 1,776-foot tall building is the tallest in the country, built after the horrific events of September 11th, 2001. This is where you’ll find the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

Where the twin Towers once stood, there are now two reflecting pools. surrounding them are plaques with all of the names of those who passed away in both the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the world trade center. 

While the memorial is totally free to visit, you’ll need a ticket for the museum. Click here to pick one up that allows you to skip the line. If you’d rather just purchase your entrance ticket, click here to do so. 

If it’s a good sunny day in the city, your next stop ought to be Rockefeller Park. It’s a terrific place to sit and reflect on the mournful experience of going to the 9/11 memorial. You can also soak in the views of the Hudson River and delight in some quality people-watching.

After a busy day of exploring the big Apple, it’s good to rest your exhausted feet and make a game plan for the evening.


How you spend your first evening in nyc depends on what you’re into. Some may want to make a reservation at one of the city’s world-class restaurants, while others will be content eating a street vendor hot dog!

You can literally find cuisine from all corners of the globe here. new York really is a foodie’s dream come true. 

What I will do is agree with Johnny T and what he says in a funny video giving suggestions for tourists. If you can find a place in your hometown, don’t go there in new York! skip the bland chain restaurants, try something new, and make sure it’s local.

This video is a must-watch for any first-time visitors to NYC, by the way. 

New York is known as the “City That never Sleeps,” so you’ve got numerous options for nightlife. I’m assuming you’ll be a bit exhausted after that epic day and actually really want to get some sleep.

You can sleep when you’re dead, though. No rest for the weary on a weekend in new York! Summon that 3rd wind and power through for at least a few much more hours.

The world really is your oyster on a weekend in new York. You can go salsa dancing, drink in a hidden speakeasy, hit a comedy club, see an underground punk band — the list goes on and on. 

My best guidance for your first night in new York is to do something you love. For me, that’s seeing live music, and there’s plenty of it in NYC! check the calendar on Jambase to see who’s playing when you’re in town.

Looking For weekends Away in other major us Cities?

Weekend in Seattle: The ideal 2 Day Itinerary

Weekend in Philadelphia: The ideal 2 Day Itinerary

Weekend in Boston: The ideal 2 Day Itinerary

Weekend in new Orleans: The ideal 3 Day Itinerary

Weekend in Nashville: The ideal 2 Day Itinerary

Day 2 in new York

It’s time for another busy day — a new York schedule in 2 days is possible, but it’s busy!


“Morning” implies different things to different people, especially on a new York weekend trip. The go-getters among us can get a leisurely breakfast while the hungover folks struggle to get out of bed.

I personally don’t think I’ve stepped outside before midday on any trip to nyc in my adult life. My technique is typically to find the nearest local cafe for a cup of coffee and a quick bite to eat.

If you’re into the whole brunch thing, there’s no shortage of places where it’s perfectly acceptable to dine with sunglasses on while nursing a Bloody Mary.

However you choose to get your day going, eventually make your way over to central Park. It’s pretty hard to miss — it’s that enormous green space on the map smack dab in the middle of the city.

There’s so much going on in and around the park that you could easily spend your entire day there. If you want to go that route, I fully support your decision. 

Central Park really is huge, so you might want some wheels to help you get around. You can reNT en sykkel i to timer for bare $ 7,50 og utforske på egen fritid. Det er også en fantastisk 2-timers sykkeltur av parken med en lokal guide hvis du vil få mye mer ut av besøket ditt.

Å tilbringe hele morgenen ute i parken er fantastisk når det er en god dag. Det er ikke så bra når det regner eller fryser kaldt. Hvis Mother Nature ikke er på din side, frykter du aldri. Det er mange måter å tilbringe en morgen innendørs på.

New York er hjemsted for noen helt fantastiske museer, hvorav flere ligger best av Central Park. Det er Metropolitan Museum of Art, som inneholder en av de største kunstsamlingene på planeten. Klikk her for å bestille billetten din og hoppe over linjen.

Bare et steinkast unna er Guggenheim-en Frank Lloyd Wright-designet bygning full av moderne og samtidskunst. Få billetten din i avansement for bare $ 25.


Noe av det beste med å tilbringe et par dager i New York er bare å vandre rundt i byens mange forskjellige nabolag.

Ta en titt på arkitekturen, gjør litt vindushandel, spretter inn i en lokal bar for en drink, og bare se hvor vinden tar deg.

Noen fantastiske steder for dette inkluderer Greenwich Village, Lower East Side og Chelsea. Min personlige anbefaling på en helg i New York går til sistnevnte.

Hopp på t -banen eller hopp i en drosje og ta deg til Chelsea -markedet. Dette er det ideelle stedet å få en matbit eller en kopp kaffe før du fortsetter på vei. For forbrukerne blant oss kan du bestemme deg for å henge litt for å lese tilbudene.

Chelsea er også hjem til den vakre høye linjen, en forhøyet park bygget på en tidligere jernbanelinje. Den ble reddet fra vrakballen av identifiserte innbyggere og er nå et fascinerende sted å oppleve natur, kunst og design i byen.

Det er ingenting galt med å utforske Chelsea på egen hånd, men du vil få mye mer ut av det med en lokal guide. Sjekk ut denne fantastiske opplevelsen som turer både markedet og den høye linjen – inkludert mat!


På slutten av en travel helg i New York er et Sunset -cruise et fantastisk alternativ for en uformell kveld. Denne enestående Champagne Sunset -turen går fra Chelsea Piers.

For de som velger å være på land, er stekepannen det ideelle stedet for middag og drinker med utsikt.

Nok en gang vil jeg anbefale deg å gjøre hva som kommer til å gjøre deg lykkelig. Det kan være klisjé, men det er virkelig noe for alle i NYC!

Hvis du er en sportsfan, burde det være å fange et spill i helgen i New York -reiserute. Byen er hjemsted for flere lag i alle profesjonelle idretter, så vel som mange mindre ligamag.

Både Knicks (NBA) og Rangers (NHL) spiller i Madison Square Garden, som er kjent som “verdens mange kjente arena.” Å fange et spill eller en konsert er det en must-do-opplevelse i NYC.

Hvis du er mye mer i scenekunsten, anbefaler jeg å fange et show på Broadway. There are so numerous different shows every night of the week so it shouldn’t be hard to find something. Tickets can be difficult to get and expensive, though.

Check out the funny site Broadway for Broke people to find information on deals. We used their suggestions to score standing room tickets to book of Mormon for only $30 and had an absolute blast. I’ve never laughed so hard in my entire life!

It’s a bit too touristy and kitschy for me personally, but I know a lot of people have Times Square on their list. Go ahead and join the throngs of people under the neon glow of constant billboards and take a selfie with Spiderman.


Posted: 8/26/2019 | August 26th, 2019

When I started my nonprofit foundation for discovering as well as youth travel education (FLYTE), my goal was to make worldwide travel available to low-income youth across the country, who are extremely passionate as well as wise however would never have the chance to travel abroad otherwise.

Earlier this year, we increased $15,000 to send a group of youngsters from visualize Academy to Colombia.

Located in Oakland California, visualize Academy utilizes an ingenious project-based discovering design to guarantee that its trainees — the majority of whom online below the hardship line — are prepared for post-secondary education as well as beyond. (Most are first-generation immigrants as well as will be the very first in their household to go to college.)

Last month, they returned from their interesting trip to the country so I wished to share a few of what they did as well as learned, so you can see what your support accomplished. For many of the students, it was their very first time in one more country and, needless to say, it had a huge effect on them.

Our group started in Bogotá, where they climbed to the top of Cerro de Monserrate as well as explored Plaza Bolívar, where Jeremy, the instructor leading the trip, provided a cross-curricular lecture about Simon Bolívar, Colombia’s history during the medication cartel years, as well as the design around them. They likewise went on a street art trip led by two regional artists, on which they discovered all about art methods as well as the political climate that prompted numerous of the pieces that they saw.

The trainees instantly started seeing commonalities between Oakland as well as Colombia. Darrilyn, a fifteen year old sophomore, remarked that this trip, her very first time out of the country, “changed my perceptions as well as preconceived notions of Colombia a lot, as well as I saw that it’s much more like house than I previously trodde.” She likewise “really delighted in this walking trip since I like art as well as I like graffiti since it’s unconventional art as well as it tells the story of a person.”

Afterward, the group headed to Cartagena. They got a ideal introduction to the city on a walking trip with our partner, Context Travel, during which they discovered a great deal about Cartagena’s history as a port for enslaved people. This resonated with the students, who stressed exactly how essential it was for much more people to have this knowledge. Kai, whose new passport got its very first stamp on this trip, had the realization that “when people believe about Latin America, they frequently don’t believe about people of African descent.”

Myani, who’s 17 as well as just graduated from visualize Academy, was similarly moved: “It’s inspiring in a method since even though our ancestors were enslaved, they made the city what it is. You can see their value to the community. even though there’s an oppressive connotation, since they were enslaved, flip it as well as make it a powerful lesson. Make it your own: My ancestors developed this city.”

On top of all this, the trainees immersed themselves in Colombian cuisine by taking a street food trip with Cartagena Connections. They tried whatever from ajiaco as well as arepas to bandeja paisa, mango biche, as well as a bubble gum soda.

One of the highlights of the trip was going to Cartagena’s Barrio San Francisco with Alex Rocha from Experience genuine Cartagena, whose trips are developed to make deeper connections with the marginalized neighborhoods of Colombia. (Alex’s business likewise operates as a social enterprise, as well as so the proceeds fund an after-school program for the regional community.) Our trainees had an chance to link with a few of these youth with activities like drawing, dancing, as well as soccer, in addition to with truthful conversations about their shared experiences.

Aliza, a sophomore as well as president of the trainee council who had never left the us before, felt that this was the highlight of her trip since she was able to “see the youngsters as well as comprehend their atmosphere as well as exactly how they online every day.” Jany, who is seventeen as well as served as the de-facto translator for our Spanish-speaking parents, showed on exactly how the youngsters she satisfied “make the very best out of what they have. They’re grateful as well as humble as well as always try to discover something positive.”

Tayvion, a 14-year-old who likewise was traveling abroad for the very first time, had a deep conversation with one of the Colombian youngsters about authorities brutality. When Tayvion asked if they had guns, his new buddy replied, “Yes, however they never shoot.” having drawn parallels as well as distinctions with his own community, Tayvion shared his devastating realization: “It made me believe about how, for officers in the U.S.,their very first instinct is just to shoot.” (To me, that’s a unfortunate statement coming from a youngster as well as just shows you up much authorities violence is an daily truth for numerous people in this country.)

Throughout this entire journey, the group took part in everyday reflections. They shared their experiences, discovered from one another, as well as bonded over exactly how they’d altered throughout the trip.

Joshua, a sophomore who had never even left California before this trip, stated that the most significant lessons he’d discovered were: “Do not take the things you have for granted. Do not be scared to try new things. Finally, don’t be frightened to discover about new people.”

Waldo, who is a junior, shared that, “we ought to be open-minded about other cultures as well as people ’cause we may discover some similarities between us as well as them. We shouldn’t judge a people or culture based on their past alone.”

These new experiences not only shifted their mindset, however they likewise made the trainees believe about their future as well as goals. Yasmeen told us, “I have a great deal of dreams. There are so numerous benefits in the US, as well as I’m not going to squander my time. I ought to travel much more as well as discover about different cultures.”

In addition to the understanding that she gained, Veronica shared that her “goals are to assist my neighborhood with any type of of the work that I do. I believe this trip is going to assist me accomplish that since I’ve realized exactly how similar my neighborhood is with the neighborhood of Cartagena. We can utilize other cities from different countries to assist each other with the problems we are going through.”

Similarly, Ronald, a trainee who was thrilled to relay his experiences with his stepmom (who’s from Colombia), shared that “this trip made me open-minded to different cultures as well as makes me suggest solidarity within neighborhoods in Oakland.”

And, in a quote I particularly love, Darrilyn stated of her time in Colombia: “My really hopes as well as dreams are to be a political analyst as well as to travel the world. This trip showed me there is no worry to travel.”

This is why FLYTE exists: to produce moments as well as lessons such as this for trainees so they can see the world outside their borders as well as dream big.

The experiences these trainees had in Colombia left an indelible mark on them. many of them had never been on a airplane before their trip to Colombia. Not only did they discover about the culture as well as history of one more country however they likewise found exactly how a neighborhood can increase up in times of adversity.

On the last days of their trip, the trainees started planning exactly how they’re going to take action back home. one of their concepts was to produce a mural, much like the ones they saw in Colombia, to inform others about exactly how Oakland continues to conquer its struggles.

Because of this trip, these youth now have a bigger comprehending of the world as well as the power they each have to modification it for the better.

And, so, our objective continues!

I want to say thanks to you for assisting make this happen! It takes an entire network of passionate individuals as well as companies to run one of these trips, as well as we wished to celebrate a few of our partners who made this trip such an unforgettable experience for our students:

World Nomads, which contributed all of our travel insurance. understanding that they had us covered for any type of unforeseen circumstances, like lost luggage, provided us such peace of mind.

Selian Hostel in Cartegena for offering trips as well as breakfast for the trainees totally free of charge.

Javier from MYGHT travel, who made the daunting process of booking flights for a group of 20+ a seamless as well as stress-free experience.

Context Travel, which dealt with us to craft unique, immersive experiences (at a discount!) for our students.

Alex Rocha from Experience genuine Cartagena for opening up his neighborhood to us as well as offering us with a deep connection to the fantastic people of Barrio San Francisco.

Bluffworks, one of our newest business partners, which covered the costs of three trainees to take this journey of a lifetime.

Allyson as well as the team from wikiHow, who highlighted us on their platform as well as sponsored one trainee on this trip.

The worldwide TEFL Academy, for contributing 50% of the proceeds from its instruct Abroad film celebration to FLYTE.

Lo & Sons, for matching donations during our wildly successful #GivingTuesday campaign as well as sharing our story with their audience.

Lia from useful Wanderlust, who paid her own method to join the trip as well as caught so numerous amazing pictures as well as videos. She was likewise the mastermind behind FLYTE’s IG stories during the trip! We like exactly how she was able to file the students’ experiencePå en så autentisk, kraftig, så vel som utrengende måte.

Sist, men definitivt ikke minst, mange takk til den utallige du som bidro til Flyte. Rausheten din gjennom årene har sendt 70 praktikanter på livsendrende reiser i utlandet. Effekten av disse turene strekker seg utover bare disse ungdommene. Siden av deg vil bølgen av positiv modifisering krusning med nabolagene sine så vel som verden for øvrig. Når de tar ledelsen, forstår jeg uten spørsmål at fremtiden vår er lys. Takk til dere alle for at du har gjort en så umåtelig innvirkning!

Når verden utvikler murer, hjelper vi med å rive dem ned i tillegg til å vise en ny generasjon at det er mye mer som bringer oss sammen enn å rive oss fra hverandre.

Hvis du vil oppdage mye mer om Flyte, så vel som nøyaktig hvordan du kan hjelpe deg med å sende mye flere praktikanter til utlandet, klikk her for mye mer informasjon.

Bestill turen: Logistiske forslag så vel som triks
Bestill flyet ditt
Finn en billig flytur ved å bruke Skyscanner. Det er min foretrukne bla gjennom motoren siden den søker på nettsteder så vel som flyselskaper over hele kloden, slik at du alltid forstår at ingen stein blir igjen.

Bestill innkvarteringen din
Du kan bestille vandrerhjemmet ditt med Hostelworld. Hvis du vil bo et annet sted enn et herberge, kan du bruke booking.com, da de konsekvent returnerer de rimeligste prisene for gjestehus så vel som hotell.

Ikke klarer ikke å huske reiseforsikring
Reiseforsikringsdekning vil ivareta deg mot sykdom, skade, tyveri, samt kanselleringer. Det er omfattende sikkerhet i situasjonen noe går galt. Jeg drar aldri på tur uten det, da jeg har måttet bruke den flere ganger i fortiden. Min foretrukne virksomhet som tilbyr den aller beste servicen og verdien er:

Safetywing (best for alle)

Forsikre turen min (for de over 70)

MedJet (for ekstra evakueringsdekning)

Klar til å bestille turen?
Sjekk ut ressurssiden min for den aller beste virksomheten å bruke når du reiser. Jeg viser alle de jeg bruker når jeg reiser. De er de aller beste i klassen, og du ikke kan gå galt ved å bruke dem på turen.

Taal Volcano Crater: Tur til de brennende fordøyelseskanalene i Batangas, Filippinene

-oppdateringen: Taal Volcano har vært stengt for publikum.

Der vandret jeg opp en aktiv vulkan så godt som jeg var engstelig for at noe annet skulle blåse opp – blæren min. Jeg må tisse. virkelig dårlig.

Vi var i bakkene i Taal -vulkanen, en av de minste aktive vulkanene i verden, smell midt i Lake Taal i Batangas. Ja, det er lite, men husk at det er veldig, ekstremt aktivt. Det er faktisk en av få “tiår vulkaner” i verden. I følge Science Daily er det tiår vulkaner 16 vulkaner bestemt av Worldwide Association of Volcanology samt Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) som fortjener spesifikk forskningsstudie på grunn av deres historie med store, destruktive utbrudd samt nærhet til befolket områder.

En av “ryttere” (hvorfor støy det så apokalyptisk?) Bruk meg til å bare slippe ut hvor som helst, men jeg kunne ikke. Det var virkelig ikke mye annet alternativ enn å suge det opp i tillegg til å holde det opp til vi kommer til toppmøtet. Det kan være et toalett på ferieområdet øverst, tenkte jeg. Jeg tok en beslutning om å bare glede meg over synspunktet til tross for min blodige blære.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

Finne en båt til vulkanen
Turen til toppmøtet
Utsikten fra toppen
Øya i en innsjø i en øy i en innsjø i en øy
Noen gunstige tips
Flere ideer på YouTube ⬇ relaterte innlegg:

Finne en båt til vulkanen

Spol tilbake til noen timer tidligere.

Peter var den aller første som hilste på oss da vi gjorde metoden vår nedover en bratt skråning til eiendommen til Taal Lake Yacht Club. Han førte oss over den brennende røde kronbladede innsjøbanken til en hytte ved kysten der vi ble underholdt av et personellmedlem. Taal Lake Yacht Club (Tlyc) er i Talisay, Batangas. Selv om det er en “klubb”, er den tilgjengelig for ikke-medlemmer, så vel som den virkelig bruker mye mer enn båtutleie til vulkanen. Her kan du kajakk så vel som seil, så vel som om du ikke forstår hvordan, de kan til og med vise deg. Imidlertid er det for ett blogginnlegg til.

Taal Lake Yacht Club i Talisay, Batangas
Kompisene mine så vel som Peter Capotosto fra Taal Lake Yacht Club
Båtutleieprisen er 1 900 php, så vel som den er flott for fem personer. Vi var virkelig en gruppe på fire, så vi betalte P475 hver. Personalet til Tlyc var faktisk ekstremt imøtekommende så vel som nyttig, faktisk. Til og med Peter selv tok lang tid fri sin hektiske rutine for å chatte med oss, samt gi noen tips. Nå, nå, forstår jeg at P1900 kan være like bra for en båt. Du kan virkelig oppdage rimeligere båter for bare P1 500 eller enda mindre, men vi følte oss trygge med Tlyc av mange grunner:

De har et enestående på internett -omdømmet. Vi bla gjennom noen evalueringer på mange fora så vel som blogger så vel som vi var fornøyde.

De kan ta seg av eiendelene dine mens du er ute og vandrer. Du kan legge igjen posene dine.

De leverer redningsvester så vel som båtene deres er velutstyrte så vel som pålitelige.

Du vil oppdage andre mennesker som bruker rimeligere priser i Talisay så vel som selv i Tagaytay. Vi var bare positive til at vi hadde en fantastisk opplevelse med Taal Lake Yacht Club, så vel som vi gjorde.

Turen til toppmøtet

“Ay Hindi Po,” uttalte kompisen min til en av arbeiderne som hadde prøvd å overtale oss til å reise en hest for P500. Vi trodde det var så bra for opplevelsen, for å være ærlig, så ingen av oss var virkelig interessert i å prøve det.

Så tidlig som vi ankom, hadde de snakket oss om å leie hester for å skåne oss fra utmattelsen, men vi regnet med at det ikke var så tøft stigning. Vi avviste høflig hver gang. Uansett halte de oss da vi gjorde metoden vår så vel som nedover bakkene. De identifiserte alle indikasjoner på tretthet i tillegg til at det tok det som en sjanse til å selge. Ingen av dem jobbet. Vi var faste på å ikke leie hester.

Det er kompisene mine Dane så vel som Grace. Arbeidere som bruker hesteturer overholdt dem alle metoden gjennom.
Men deres utholdenhet var det minste av problemene mine.

På toppen av min liste over bekymringer var blæren min. Jeg måtte virkelig tisse. Men når jeg skjønte at det virkelig ikke var noe jeg kunne gjøre med det, utløste jeg tankegangen min om tankene mine, så vel som later som om blæren min ikke ga meg et misbruk der nede. Det var ikke vanskelig å gjøre. Å være omgitt av naturlig appell gjorde det mye enklere. Vinden var sterk, så vel som bakgrunn til å humre til de svarte kråkene som flyr over hodet.

Bare et antall minutter inn i turen ble den spektakulære utsikten avslørt som vår guide delte informasjon om vulkanen. Tilsynelatende var den mest fotograferte delen av øya – den som virkelig fremstår som en vulkan – ikke den faktiske vulkanen, men bare en av en rekke kjegler så vel som kratere på øya. Det heter Binintiang Malaki. (Det har et motstykke som heter Binintiang Munti, men jeg tar kanskje ikke et bildeture of it.) Our guide likewise verified what I discovered in my Geology class back in college: that Taal Lake itself was really the caldera of a gigantic ancient volcano as well as Tagaytay lies on the ridges of its rim. Fortunately, the only active part now is that island in the middle of the lake.

View of Binintiang Malaki from the trail
My buddy Dane.
Another dominant function in the view of the landscape from where we were was Mt. Maculot in Cuenca, Batangas. The concrete buildings in Tagaytay City were likewise visible from there.

The trees got fewer as well as fewer as we went on with the trek, as well as the soil we trod on got redder, a indication that we were getting better to the crater. Smoke comes out of the vents on the edges of the cliff, as well as they reek of spoilt eggs, of sulfur. These vents are evidence that the volcano is active. Moreover, they influenced us to keep going as well as step quicker for we understood we were nearly there. It wasn’t long up until we might lastly see the huts at the ridges of the crater.

Stairway to a heavenly view
As we made our method along the troughs of the red rock formations that developed the higher, steeper path to the summit, we had already made buddies with the equine trip “agents.” My buddy Grace, especially, had already linked with a few of them on a personal level, speaking about their lives as well as what it was like to work here, their families, their dreams, their frustrations. While we still did not trip their horses up the volcano, we had forged a friendly, comfortable connection with them. It was great to understand them on a a lot more personal level as well as beyond their line of work. While we still did not requirement horses, we guaranteed to lease two from them on our method down. (It’s P250 per trip considering that it’s only one-way.)

Utsikten fra toppen

We still had to climb a tall flight of concrete stairs before reaching the summit. Although the view was absolutely breathtaking, the very first thing I did was ask the locals for the restroom. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any. Damn. one of the vendors even tried persuade me to pee anywhere because that’s what locals do, she said. I was able to hold it for an hour, I can withstand another.

The vista from the perspective was unforgettable. The forested slopes of the surrounding ridges cause a bare reddish banks of the eco-friendly crater lake. Some parts of the naked slopes let out some heavy steam (or smoke) coming from its volcanic gut. The wind was as fierce as your routine video game however the water of the crater lake was still as well as gentle. The only thing that let us down was the sky, which stayed cloudy. The crater would have looked so much lighter had the sky been blue. But, of course, we can’t have everything.

Fenced view!
A few vendors stationed at the ridge used refreshments as well as buko juice was the favorite. I would have liked it, however I was terrified my urinary system was reaching its maximum capability already. Benches supply a great location for tourists to rest as well as just appreciate the appeal that surrounded them.

After my buddies completed their buko juice, our guide directed us to a higher point where, he said, we might have a a lot more stunning panorama.

To the other viewpoint
View from the greatest point on this side of the ridge. See the carvings?
Øya i en innsjø i en øy i en innsjø i en øy

Confusing, right? Well, Taal Volcano has always been dubbed a “Volcano Island within a Lake within an Island.” Translation: Taal Volcano within Taal Lake within Luzon Island. however right here in front of us was the crater lake, a lake within the volcano. as well as assumption what, at the heart of the crater lake is one more absolutely attention-grabbing teensy bit islet called Vulcan Point. It is really a big rock on which vegetation has started to grow.

Vulcan Point. That quite bit rock islet.
The crater lake as well as the silhouette of Mt. Maculot (Cuenca, Batangas) in the background.
So, if you believe about it, Vulcan point is an “Island within a Lake within an Island within a Lake within an Island.” Translation: Vulcan point within the Crater Lake within Taal Volcano Island within Taal Lake within Luzon Island.

I just have one request to tourists who will grace this paradise with their existence as well as to the locals making a living out of it. keep the location clean. It’s just devastating to see empty water bottles around the site. Graffiti is likewise carved in the rocks. Such an awful sight in a charming place. Let’s behave appropriately as well as Leave nothing however Footprints, please.

Ugh. Egentlig? You’ll just leave it like this?
Noen gunstige tips

If you want to trip Taal Volcano, right here are some ideas that you may want to take into consideration so you might take pleasure in the experience better.

Wear light clothes. You will get sweaty as well as sticky. as well as oh, bring a pair of shades, a hat, as well as a little towel.

Put on sunblock. We did not since our silly group believed it was cloudy anyway so we ended up with an dreadful situation of sunburn.

Bring a tumbler of water. Each of us brought a bottle of water however then we realized that it was not that eco-friendly. We wanted we brought a tumbler, instead, as well as I hope that you will. This method you won’t contribute to the trash that may accumulate at the site. Take whatever you bring with you when you leave.

Come in your trekking shoes or sandals. It’s not truly a tough trip however you don’t want to hurt your ankles just since you didn’t utilize appropriate footwear.

Bring a camera! There’s so much to take pictures of!

That’s all I can believe of for now. I’ll add a lot more in the future.

Dane as well as Grace selected to go down riding a equine while we stayed with our guide, walking to the base of the volcano. On our method down, I had time to believe about exactly how wondrously challenging this world truly is as well as volcanoes, like Taal, epitomize it.

Volcanoes are a few of the most gorgeous features of the Earth, yet they are likewise a few of the most dangerous. They’re nurturing in lots of methods — producing great landscapes, supplying livelihood opportunities, fostering locations to develop as well as enhance connections — however their methods can be destructive, too. I might not assist however run a gazillion concerns in my head. What occurs when it erupts again? When will it erupt again? exactly how much damage will it cause? exactly how lots of lives will it claim? What will the location look like after that? As we neared the visitor center at the base of the volcano, I realized exactly how all these were just temporary. We have to treasure it while it’s right here since even something as gorgeous as this might be gone in a snap, in an explosion, just like that.

While I comprehend that it can remodel the landscape as well as produce something even a lot more gorgeous like Mt. Pinatubo, there was still a unhappiness to its impermanence. The unhappiness I felt that time, however, was only fleeting, for I had lastly identified a restroom. It seems like my bladder won’t blow up anytime soon after all.

Taal Lake Yacht Club
Talisay-Laurel Road, Batangas, Philippines
Taal Volcano boat Rates: P1900 per boat (max of 5 pax)
Additional tourism charge (collected by Government): P50

How to get to Taal Volcano: From Manila, take the bus to Batangas as well as get off at Tanauan City Proper. If you’re renting a boat from Taal Lake Yacht Club, trip a jeepney to Sampaloc as well as get off in front of TLYC. It’s on your ideal side. You can likewise take a jeepney at Tanauan City to Talisay town Proper.

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LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA: budget travel guide

Comprising 99 islands, Langkawi lies in Andaman Sea, off the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Its main island, Pulau Langkawi, takes its name from the reddish brown eagle that has also become the symbol of the island. The archipelago is known for its natural resources. It may be small but it is packed with all kinds of natural wonders — glorious waterfalls, white beaches, mangrove forests, brackish rivers, limestone cliffs, and diverse wildlife.

While Langkawi’s popularity as a honeymoon and backpacking destination in Malaysia skyrockets, it stays unheard of to most Filipinos. during my visit, the manager of the hotel where I stayed shared that there were not many Pinoy tourists who grace the island with their presence. In fact, he added, we were the first Filipinos to check in at his resort that year and it was the middle of July already.

If you’re planning to set foot on Langkawi, here are some things you might need to know.


How to get to Langkawi
Where to stay in Langkawi
Places to visit in Langkawi
Where to eat in Langkawi
Getting around Langkawi

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How to get to Langkawi

There are no direct flights to Langkawi from Manila, which means you will have to connect somewhere and I bet it’s going to be Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. From KL, you have three options:

By air. You can fly to Langkawi from Kuala Lumpur. AirAsia flies to Langkawi 8 times a day. Fare is around RM120 (PHP 1625). It’s fast and there’s no need to take a ferry. just make sure you have enough allowance when booking a linking flight.

Med buss. There are several bus business operating to Kuala Perlis and Kuala Kedah, which serve as jump off points to Langkawi. Make your way to Puduraya Bus terminal or Duta Bus terminal and get a ticket. Fare varieties from RM 30-RM 40.

Med tog. Take the sleeper overnight train to Kuala Perlis! At KL Sentral, book a second-class berth (as low as RM34) onboard the Senandung Langkawi Train to Arau Station, third to the last stop. The train’s final destination is Hat Yai, Thailand so make sure you get up early the next morning or else you’ll find yourself in Thailand. The train leaves KL at 9:20pm and shows up at Arau station at 8am. From here, take a cab to Kuala Perlis and hop onto a Langkawi-bound ferry (RM18).

Of the three, I like the train option the most and for many reasons. First, you can save a room night; meaning you won’t need to check in at a hotel that night because you’ll be spending the night on the train. Second, it is almost as cheap as the bust but it’s more comfortable because you get to have a bed and you can move around inside the train. Lastly, you get a good view of the Malaysian countryside in the morning.

Our ferry docked at Kuah jetty
Where to stay in Langkawi

Sjekk priser og tilgjengelighet her
Most hotels, hostels, and resorts in Langkawi are clustered along Pantai Cenang and Pantai Tengah. You might want to just pick accommodations here because this means you’ll be staying near major establishments including the island’s top restaurants, stores, and attractions. The beach is wide and fine, and the sunset is nothing short of breathtaking.

Hotel aggregators are good places to start looking. For hotels and resorts, you might want to check out Traveloka. I have tried only one hotel here — Langkawi tropical Resort.

Places to visit in Langkawi

Here are some of the most popular tourist spots in Langkawi that you might want to check out. The photos will take you to a detailed description of the place sprinkled with some of my personal experiences.

Kilim Geoforest Park

Eagle Square Monument

Langkawi cable Car


Tanjong Rhu Beach

Cenang Beach

Seven Wells Waterfall

Oriental Village

Where to eat in Langkawi

Seafood is the island specialty. (Duh?) Our bit yummy friends from the bottom of the sea are relatively cheap here. The road parallel to Pantai Cenang is bordered by lanes of restaurants offering plates of scrumptious seafood delights. and because Langkawi is in the northwestern tip of the country, the Thai influence leaking southward is evident in the cuisine. here are some dishes you might want to sample:

Tiger prawns

Steamed sea bass

Chicken satay

Chicken in turmeric

Green curry with coconut

Seafood tom yum

Of all the restaurants I tried during my 2-day stay, we liked Orkid Ria the most. You can read my review here.

Getting around Langkawi

There are many ways to get around the island. In other destinations, the bus is the obvious choice but I don’t think it holds true for Langkawi. some of the points of interest are not along the bus route. but here are more ways:

Med sykkel. From RM12 per day. Great way to see the island but it can be a bit bit too tiring especially around the hilly parts.

By motorcycle. From RM40 per day. You need to pay for the gasoline, though.

Med taxi. Cabs in Langkawi use the fixed rate systemog ikke måleren. Korte avstander kan koste opptil RM15 og lengre avstander RM25.

Du kan også inngå en avtale med en førerhus for å ta deg med på en tur rundt øya og vente på deg på hvert stopp. Det er vanligvis på RM100 i 4 timer og ytterligere RM25 per påfølgende time. Det var det vi gjorde, og vi kunne besøke destinasjonene som er oppført ovenfor innen 6 timer. Og fordi vi var et parti på 2, delte vi kostnadene.

Det handler om det! Jeg vil prøve å legge til mer informasjon i dette innlegget hver gang jeg satte foten på Rising Star -destinasjonen i West Malaysia.

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ZHONGSHE / CHUNGSHE flower MARKET: travel guide + exactly how to get There (Taichung, Taiwan)

When I was a kid, there utilized to be a vacant great deal where my cousins as well as I liked to play every afternoon. Although mainly grassy, I still welcomed the sight of wildflowers right here as well as there. Butterflies were few, however what I delighted in the most was chasing dragonflies!

Today, that eco-friendly patch only exists in my memory. as well as so are the other fields that were converted into industrial properties as well as towering skyscrapers. Thankfully though, much more as well as much more land designers are including eco-friendly areas in the plans. flower parks are other efforts that double as traveler attractions.

One of the most vibrant flower parks that we have set foot on just recently was Zhongshe flower Market. likewise called Chung-she flower Garden, it covers about six hectares of land in Taichung City’s Houli district. It is widely known for its low-altitude tulip blooms every very first quarter of the year as well as the wonderful picture-perfect backdrops as well as props. aside from the tulips, it likewise features other flowers like sunflowers, sage, cosmos, rose, as well as numerous more.

For first-time visitors, right here are a few of the things you may want to understand before you go.


What are the operating hours of Chung-she flower Garden?
How much is the admission ticket?
When is the very best time to go?
How to get to Chung-she flower Market from TRA Taichung Station?Via Tai’an Station
Via Houli Station

What are the attractions inside the park?
Is there a close-by restaurant or food place?Can we still avail of the promotion if we show up early for lunch?
How much is the limitless BBQ meal per person?

Where can I get in touch with the administration for even more inquiries?
Other Chung-she flower Market Tips
Where to stay in TaichungSearch for much more Taichung Hotels!

Flere forslag på YouTube ⬇ relaterte innlegg:

What are the operating hours of Chung-she flower Garden?

The flower park includes the actual flower garden Zone, BBQ Zone, as well as Potted culture Zone. The flower zone as well as the potted culture zone share the exact same operating hours. The BBQ zone likewise complies with the exact same hours on weekdays however has prolonged hours on weekends.

mandag til fredag
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
All Zones: flower Zone, Potted culture Zone, as well as BBQ Zone

Flower zone as well as Potted culture Zone: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
BBQ Zone: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM

How much is the admission ticket?

The ticket rates differ depending upon the season or months. rates for children, senior citizens, as well as PWDs are half the routine adult tickets.

January to March: NT$ 150 (Adults) / NT$ 75 (Children, Seniors, PWDs)

April to December: NT$ 130 (Adults) / NT$ 60 (Children, Seniors, PWDs)


If you plan on dining at the BBQ zone, avail of the BBQ limitless Meal, which includes totally free admission to the flower park. We will talk about this later.

The adult age variety is 13-64 years old. For children, it is 3-12 years old. Finally, for seniors, it is 65 years old as well as above.

Buy the ticket at the counter found at the flower zone Entrance. From the primary gate, walk past the Potted culture zone as well as continue walking past the restroom as well as the BBQ Zone. You will reach the flower zone entrance after the household fun Park.

The flower zone is the only area that needs an admission ticket. All the other areas inside the flower zone is included in the entrance fee.

The park admission charge does not include other activities like the rides in the household fun Park area as well as the BBQ meal.

When is the very best time to go?

Well, it depends upon which flower bloom you want to see as well as experience. If you want to see the famed tulips, the very best months are January to March. For other months, there are other seasonal blooms that offer an similarly picturesque background for your picture sessions. Here’s a listing of flower blooms per month for reference:

January-March: cosmos, tulip, lily, vibrant calla lily, sage, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, marigold, as well as water lily

April: exact same as January to March however without the tulips

May: sunflower, cosmos, lily, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, marigold, as well as water lily

June: sunflower, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, marigold, lotus, as well as water lily

July-August: sunflower, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, lotus, as well as water lily

September: exact same as July to August however with red sage

October: sunflower, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, red sage, as well as water lily

November: cosmos, lily, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, as well as water lily

December: cosmos, lily, vibrant calla lily, sage, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, marigold, as well as waterlily

How to get to Chung-she flower Market from TRA Taichung Station?

TRA Taichung station is one of the major stations not only in Taichung however likewise in the country. It is the very best jump-off point to Chung-she flower Market.

Via Tai’an Station

From Taichung Station, take the train on the west line to Tai’an Station. The fare is NT$ 34. The travel time is about 35 minutes.

From Tai’an Station, you can either take a cab or walk to Chung-she flower Market. The cab fare is NT$ 40 per person (good for 5 pax). travel time is around 5 minutes. If you select to go on foot, you will get there in 15-30 minutes, depending upon your pace.

Via Houli Station

From Taichung Station, take the train on the west line to Houli Station. The fare is NT$ 31. The travel time is about 30 minutes.

From Houli Station, take a cab to Chung-she flower Market. The cab fare is NT$ 150-200. You can likewise take Uber for about NT$ 80. travel time is around 5 minutes.

What are the attractions inside the park?

Flower Zone. This is the primary attraction. This takes up a big portion of the park. vibrant flowers blanket the ground all year round however providing a different look from time to time, depending upon the flowers in season. Feast your eyes on the different varieties of tulips, sage, cosmos, as well as more!

Photo backdrop areas as well as Props. The flower zone is peppered by wonderful as well as lovely props, serving as picture backdrops, in addition to landmarks, inside the comprehensive flower park. Chung-she is a well-known destination for a wedding event or prenuptial photography. however aside from being a charming place, it likewise caters to household as well as friends.

Family fun Park. This area is found between the flower zone as well as the BBQ Zone. preceding the entrance to the flower park, the household fun Park is the section where kids can delight in easy yet fun rides as well as other kid-friendly activities.

BBQ Zone. With a seating capability of 800 people, this is stated to be the largest indoor BBQ location in central Taiwan. delight in an all-you-can-eat meal with an limitless supply of meat as well as other barbeque components — pork, beef, chicken, sausage, tempura, tofu, vegetables, soup, toast, black tea, as well as numerous more!

Potted culture Zone. After a fun-filled time at the flower park, you can likewise take house with you a plant or two for souvenirs. They offer potted plants as well as succulents, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, saplings, gardening tools as well as materials, fertilizers, etc. This is found at the park’s primary entrance near the road.

Is there a close-by restaurant or food place?

JA! Well, you should understand by now that you got central Taiwan’s most significant indoor barbeque location inside the park — the BBQ Zone. This is a self-service restaurant where you will get all the components from the pantry-like area near the cashier. get a tray as well as dump all the meat, veggies, meatballs, as well as seafood. Iced tea is free-flowing from designated stations around the restaurant. Unli-rice? Det kan du vedde på!

The personnel will prepare the table as well as offer you with cooking utensils, paper plates, cups, spoon as well as forks, as well as tissue. dressings are offered too.

Wait, there’s more! If you choose to dine here, you will be rewarded with a totally free admission pass to the flower Zone. Meaning, you don’t requirement to pay a separate charge to enter.

VIKTIG! If you want to avail of the BBQ Zone’s totally free admission pass, go to the BBQ zone very first to get the ticket, even if you don’t mean to eat at that moment. Don’t purchase directly from the flower Zone’s ticket counter. The BBQ+ticket combo will still expense the exact same even if you have an existing ticket that you bought from the flower Zone.

Can we still avail of the promotion if we show up early for lunch?

JA. You just head directly to the BBQ Zone’s cashier area as well as reserve your slots. After that, you are totally free to go into the flower zone after you present the meal stub/ticket to the personnel at the flower Zone’s ticket counter. delight in checking out first, as well as then you can head back to the BBQ zone when you are hungry as well as prepared to feast on the limitless barbecue.

How much is the limitless BBQ meal per person?

It depends upon the months as well as the guest’s height. right here are the rates:

October to May: NT$ 350 (Above 140cm) / NT$ 220 (100-140cm)

June to September: NT$ 300 (Above 140cm) / NT$ 180 (100-140cm)


Prices may modification without prior notice. Kindly inspect the site or refer to the rates onsite.

No animals allowed.

There are a few non-meat options like tofu as well as vegetables.

For a group of fewer than four people, there’s an additional NT$ 50 fee for the utilize of cooking utensils.

There’s a time limit though. You can delight in limitless food for a maximum of 150 minutes or 2 1/2 hvår.

BBQ -sonen er åpen frem til 21:00 på lørdager så vel som søndager.

Hvor kan jeg komme i kontakt med administrasjonen for enda flere henvendelser?

Adresse: Nr. 469-13, Sanfeng Road, Houli District, Taichung City, Taiwan

Fasttelefon: 04-2557-6926

E -post: blomster.js@msa.hinet.net

Offisiell nettsted: www.flowerjs.com.tw

Andre tips om chung-she blomstermarked

Don din fineste OOTD for et profilverdig bilde. Imidlertid garanterer du også at du bruker komfortable klær så vel som fottøy.

Ta med solsikkerhet eller bruk solkremkrem/krem.

Vær oppmerksom på andre mennesker. Så mye som mulig, ikke ta så godt tid å ta bilder. La andre glede i området også.

Få mobiltelefonene dine fulle eller ta med en strømbank.

Ta med din egen påfyllbare vannbeholder for å holde deg hydrert.

Hvor du kan bo i Taichung

Hvis du velger å gjøre Taichung City til din base, er du noen få av de nært hotellene, så vel som hytter som tilbys på Agoda.

Norden Ruder Hostel Taichung. Inspiser priser og tilgjengelighet! ✅

Star Hostel Taichung Parklane. Inspiser priser og tilgjengelighet! ✅

Loosha Hostel. Inspiser priser og tilgjengelighet! ✅

Stray Birds Taichung Hostel. Inspiser priser og tilgjengelighet! ✅

*Bilde med tillatelse fra Agoda.

Søk etter mye mer Taichung -hoteller!

2020 • 8 • 15

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