Utforske Mashhad: Irans helligste by

Vi er endelig i Iran! Vi gledet oss virkelig i vår tid i Mongolia og Sentral -Asia, men å reise i Iran var sannsynligvis det jeg gledet meg til mest på denne turen. Jeg tappet det obligatoriske hodestykket (du vil se meg i dette i 32 dager!) Og vi var på vei.

Fra grensen til Turkmenistan tok vi en minibuss til nærmeste by, og byttet deretter til en taxi, og byttet deretter til enda en taxi. Så langt følte reisedagene de samme som de var i Sentral -Asia … men en stor forskjell var kjøringen. Drosjebilistene gikk faktisk fartsgrensen, i stedet for 160 km/time. Jeg var i stand til å puste og slappe av, noe som var hyggelig.

Farvel gal sentralasiatiske drosjesjåfører!
Ikke bare er Mashhad Irans helligste by, men den er også den nest største. Da vi ankom, var det biler og mennesker overalt. Vi hadde ikke noe imot det, vi var fascinert av alt vi så.

Kvinner gikk nedover gaten iført det tradisjonelle, svarte arket kjent som en chador, grupper av menn snakket animert sammen, familiens vindu handlet og mange tribuner med fargerike krydder, tørket frukt og søtsaker foret gatene.

Flavourful krydder stiller gatene i Mashhad
Det hele var veldig spennende!

I løpet av denne turen har vi bestilt overnatting på forhånd ved å bruke HostelWorld eller Booking.com. Tatt i betraktning at vi var i Turkmenistan, hadde vi ikke internettilgang, så vi måtte gjøre som vi pleide å gjøre: dukker opp og se oss rundt!

Byen var pakket. Vi så på så mange hoteller og leiligheter og ble virkelig skuffet over det vi hadde funnet. Alle sa at rommene i Iran var stor verdi, men alt vi fant var skitne, gamle, stinkende leiligheter. Ikke tiltalende. Etter å ha vandret rundt for alltid, så vi Meraj Hotel. Lobbyen var fin, resepsjonisten var vennlig og leiligheten med to soverom eller leilighet var ren og koselig!

Møtte dette sjarmerende paret rett utenfor leiligheten vår
Vi tok en beslutning om å komme til Mashhad av to grunner. Den første var at det var den nærmeste byen fra Turkmenistan -grensen, så det var fornuftig å stoppe her. Det andre var at vi virkelig ønsket å se det enorme Haram (Shrine Complex) som hedrer Shia Islams 8. Imam: Imam Reza.

Inngang til det mektige Haram -komplekset
Over 20 millioner pilegrimer kommer årlig til Haram for å betale sin respekt for Imam Reza som døde for over et årtusen siden. Det er tolv imamer (rettmessige åndelige ledere av den islamske troen) i Shia Islam. Elleve av dem er begravet i Irak og Saudi -Arabia, med bare en som blir begravet i Iran – av denne grunn verdien av Mashad som pilegrimsreise.

Haram dominerer sentrum av byen og er åpen 24 timer i døgnet. Ikke-muslimer må teknisk besøke det religiøse nettstedet med en guide, men Nick og jeg vandret inn i oss selv og ble ikke avhørt (første gang, andre gang vi måtte velge en guide). Jeg tok på meg den obligatoriske chadoren, og vi vandret i ærefrykt gjennom de fargerike kupler og minareter, flislagte gårdsrom og vakre bønnerom.

Vakkert Haram -kompleks

(Ingen kameraer var tillatt inne, så du må bruke fantasien!)

Den mye minneverdige delen av å sjekke ut Haram var på vei inn i det hellige helligdomskomplekset. På innsiden gråter menn og kvinner, ber, skyver og skyver for å nå Imam Rezas grav. Å berøre og kysse graven er den mest emosjonelle delen av pilegrimsreisen. Selv om vi ikke var i stand til å forholde oss til følelsene de følte, var det veldig rørende å se på.

Vi tilbrakte to netter i Mashhad, og selv om vi gledet oss i vår tid på Haram og møtte mange snille mennesker, var vi klare til å gå ut av byen og inn i ørkenen! Sol, sand og oaser, her kommer vi.

Vår buss over natten fra Mashhad til Khur … se hvor romslig!
Har du noen gang vært på en hellig by eller et veldig åndelig sted? Hvordan var din erfaring? Vi vil gjerne høre fra deg, legge igjen en kommentar nedenfor!

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Floating in Ecstasy: Sian Ka’an & Tulum Ruins

“Float to the Ecstasy” is what our schedule for the day suggested. We were both a bit uncertain of what this meant, however because Riviera Maya tourism hadn’t steered us wrong so far during our press Trip, we understood we were in for a treat.

Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve

This natural Unesco world Heritage site spans over 1.3 million acres (652,000 hectares), making it the largest secured area in the Mexican Caribbean. Not only is the size of this reserve impressive, the diversity of flora as well as fauna is really astonishing. right here you’ll discover 375 types of birds, 115 types of mammals (including Jaguars as well as Manatees), 318 types of butterflies as well as my least favourite, 310 types of mosquitoes! 

Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve
We shown up at Sian Ka’an as well as to our delight, we had a personal boat for us, our driver, pr rep as well as guide. We cruised effortlessly over the glass-like waters as well as with canals produced by the smart Mayan people over 1000 years ago!

Klar til å gå!

During our boat ride, our knowledgable guide offered us with info about the different mangroves, ecosystems, animals as well as history of this area. Not only are there spectacular waters, remove lagoons as well as fascinating animals here, there are likewise 23 understood Mayan archeological sites! We were much more than pleased to be on trip with neighborhood trips Sian Ka’an, a non-profit business which employs Mayan people as well as provides back to the community.

Crystal remove waters of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve

We reached the point at which we were to “float to the ecstasy”, which implied that we were to don a life jacket (by putting our legs with it as well as sitting on it), jump in the water as well as bob along, while letting the present take us slowly as well as peacefully down the canal for 40 minutes. We delighted in the serenity of floating with the remove waters, although, I have to admit I was a bit paranoid about illusive crocodiles quite much the whole time!

“Floating to the Ecstasy“

So far on our trip to the Yucatan, we had been able to witness traditional Mayan theater, eat authentic food, visit spectacular ruins and now, we were able to drift with ancient hand-built canals. The Mayan civilization really is incredible.

The Ruins of Tulum

Both the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve as well as the Tulum Ruins are near the little beach town of Tulum. This would be our third time going to this touristy town, but not our last! After enjoying a freshly prepared fish lunch, we made our method to the extremely prominent as well as precarious, cliff side ruins. We were greeted by numerous Iguanas as well as the intensity of the late day sun.

Tulum is overrun with Iguanas!

Tulum was strategically developed by the Mayans in the late 13th century. defense was a high concern when selecting this site. Not only were they secured on one side by a sheer 12m cliff, however they developed a 5m high/8m thick/400m long wall along the landward sides. I can’t even picture the effort as well as time that should have taken them to create. contributing to the security, they developed two view towers at the SW as well as NW corners of the site.

Tulum was developed in the ideal location

We wandered around gazing in awe at this aesthetically pleasing site before succumbing to the warm of the day. lucky for us, these ruins are found on a beautiful stretch of sand. We complied with the wooden stairs down to the sea as well as jumped into the rolling waves. certainly bring your bathing fit when going to Tulum, the beach right here is stunning!

It was a fantastic method to end our day in the Tulum area. We stated our goodbyes to the Riviera Maya rep, Tania, as well as were dropped off at our elegant resort to delight in one final night on our press Trip.

Check out this video of Floating to the Ecstasy & the Tulum Ruins!

Can you believe exactly how industrious the ancient Mayan people were? have you seen any type of Mayan ruins? show us below!

Disclaimer:Goats On The road is an Amazon partner as well as likewise an affiliate for some other retailers. This implies we make commissions if you click links on our blog as well as purchase from those retailers.

21 ting å gjøre i Paris: Toppopplevelser og severdigheter

Da vi googlet ting å gjøre i Paris, er det første vi innså at stort sett hver liste som kom opp var den samme. Selv om det er noen få ting i Paris som alle må gjøre, som å sjekke ut Louvre og Eiffeltårnet, er det så mye mye mer for byen enn bare å krysse av i landemerkelisten din.

Det er grunnen til at vi sjekket ut den franske hovedstaden med målet om å ha noen mer off-track-opplevelser og prøve å komme under huden i Paris. Vi har aldri vært de som følger utfluktgruppene, så selv når vi utforsker den sjette mest sjekket ut byen i verden, fant vi vår egen lille del av den.

Topp severdigheter i Paris
De beste tingene å gjøre i Paris
Mindre besøkte ting å gjøre i Paris
OffTrack ting å gjøre i Paris
De beste tingene å gjøre i Paris for Foodies
Komme rundt Paris
Flere ting å gjøre i Paris?
► Kos deg med videoene

Vi brukte anbefalinger fra våre parisiske og eks-pat-lesere, så vel som fra våre lokale ekskursjonsguider, verter og mennesker vi møtte underveis for å komme med de absolutt beste tingene å gjøre i Paris, inkludert de tingene som ikke er for for Sumpet med turister.

I dette innlegget skal jeg liste opp de beste tingene du kan se i Paris, fra må-besøk severdighetene og attraksjonene til de spesielle opplevelsene som kanskje bare ender opp med å være din favoritt.

Topp severdigheter i Paris

I dette innlegget vil jeg bryte ned forskjellige områder av Paris ved arrondissement og de beste tingene å gjøre i hver. Jeg vil også gi deg veibeskrivelse til de 5 høyt elskede sightseeing-turene i byen, som tar stort sett hvert syn du ønsker å se på din første og andre tur til Paris.

Men bare for klarhet og enkel lesing, her er en rask liste over severdighetene vi vil dekke i dette innlegget.

Overraskende nok kunne vi se mange av disse på vår korte 5-dagers tur, men du kunne se mange av dem med bare et par dager i Paris. Vi følte oss ikke for ruset, men fordi vi taklet byen på den måten jeg skal vise deg i dette innlegget, kunne vi få mye gjort.

& lt; br /& gt;


Plasser Saint Michel
Notre Dame de Paris
Elven Seine
Pont Neuf Bridge
Louvre -museet
Sainte Chapelle
Musée d’Orsay
Sted de la concorde
Sacre Coeur Basilica
Bastille Market
Catacombs of Paris
Kjærlighetens vegg
Luxemburg Gardens
Montparnasse Tower
Arkiv Nationales
Petite Ceinture Railway
Montmartre Cemetary
Promenade planteé

Ile de la siterer
Jardin des Plantes
Hôtel de ville
Army Museum
Invalides Hotel
Champ de Mars Park
Plasser Joffre
Statue av marskalk Joseph Joffre
Pont D’Iga Bridge
Trocadéro Gardens
Palais de Chaillot
Arc de triumf
Ave Champs-Élysées
Cour Carrée
Square du Vert Galant
Marché Aux Fleurs
Saint Genevieve
Jardin des Tuileries
Jardin du Palais Royal

… og mye mer.

Det er mange ting å gjøre i Paris, og for oss er den beste delen av byen vanligvis mellom severdighetene, fordi det er en så fantastisk by for å gå, spesielt i 1. til 4. arrondissement der mange av de historiske landemerkene er plassert.

De beste tingene å gjøre i Paris

Vi starter innlegget med varene du finner på alles liste. Dette er must-sees og stedene du kan sjekke ut i Paris som du sannsynligvis ikke vil gå glipp av. Morsomt nok vil du ikke se det mest sjekket ut i Paris på denne listen, og du vil sannsynligvis ikke kunne gjette det heller.

Det er ikke Eiffeltårnet eller Louvre … det er Disneyland. Uansett, videre med listen over parisiske ting som er verdt å besøke.

1. Bli med på en gratis vandretur

Dette er vår beste anbefaling for å få se Paris mens du tikker av noen av de store nettstedene og faktisk lærer mye om byen underveis. Det er gratis vandringsutflukter i mange store byer i Europa, og vi har gjort mange av dem gjennom årene.

De ser aldri ut til å skuffe, og den gratis vandringsutflukten i Paris var ikke annerledes.

Vi booket vår gratis vandringsutflukt med Sandemans, og vi vil absolutt anbefale turen. Guiden vår var Oliver, en teater -major fra Storbritannia som har bodd i Paris i 8 år.

Han var lidenskapelig opptatt av byen, snakket best engelsk (selvfølgelig) og ga oss mange fantastiske ideer om byen, uten å kjede oss for mye med visse datoer og øyeblikk i historien som vi ville glemme uansett.

Denne gratis vandrende ekskursjonen tar deg gjennom de viktigste severdighetene iDen første, 2., 3. og 4. arrondissement som Place Saint Michel, Notre Dame de Paris, The Popular River Seine, Pont Neuf, utsiden av Louvre, Palace of Justice, Sainte Chapelle, Musée d’Orsay og sted de la Concorde.

Hvis du aldri har gjort en gratis vandringsutflukt før, er det på slutten forventet at du gir en liten idé per person. Vanligvis er € 5-10 bra.

2. Sjekk ut Louvre

Det største enkeltbyggende museet i verden, og uten tvil, en av de mest oppsiktsvekkende visningene av kunst og historie i verden, er Louvre en av de viktigste tingene å gjøre i Paris som mange besøkende ikke vil ønske gå glipp av.

Dette er åpenbart i linjene. Mange mer enn 10 millioner mennesker sjekker ut Louvre hvert år, så du vil kjøpe billetten din på forhånd. Vi fikk “hopp over linjene” gjennom Get Your Guide, og vi klarte ganske mye å gå ideelt inn i museet uten å vente. Vel verdt de ekstra få euro det kostet oss.

Hvis du virkelig er i kunst og historie, vil du sannsynligvis bli med på en guidet utflukt av Louve (som også inkluderer hopp over linjens tilgang). Lær mye mer om billettene her.

Imidlertid får du billetten din, du vil ha en plan når du kommer inn i Louvre. Alle har noen få ting de vil se når de kommer inn.

Enten det er det eldste kunstverket i verden (8000+ år gammel), Mona Lisa, de 65 millioner dollar Regent Jewels eller Venus de Milo, hvis du ikke velger en guide, vil du ha En spillplan for å navigere på 60 000 meter ² (652 000 kvadratmeter) museet.

Dariece og jeg var inn og ut om litt over en time. Vi hadde noen få viktigste ting vi ønsket å se, og det var det. Hele Paris er et levende museum, så ved å sauntering rundt gangene med 60 000 andre turister, følte vi at vi mistet tiden på å utforske de fascinerende gatene i byen og møte lokale folk.

Når det er sagt, er vi ikke betydelige museumsfolk, men Louvre var en av favorittene våre helt sikkert. Det er verdt å legge til din må-se-liste over ting du kan gjøre i Paris.

Pro tips: Last ned Rick Steeves Europe City Guides-app og last ned lydguiden for Louvre In-App. Det vil gi deg en god 2-timers utflukt av museet for gratis (men sørg for at du fremdeles får hopp over linjen!).

3. Ta bilder av Notre Dame

En gang krevde nesten en halv dag å utforske som den var den største, mye sjekket ut og mye gjenkjennelig religiøs struktur i verden, i dag kan den mest brente ned Notre Dame-katedralen bare skimtet fra utsiden som et tiår- Lang restaureringsinnsats er i gang.

Likevel er det å få en selfie nedenfra dette ruvende gotiske mesterverket fremdeles på hver Paris -besøkende liste, så jeg legger den til min. Vi stirret på den en gang større monolitten i ærefrykt, mye mer forståelse for at det en gang var enda mye mer imponerende.

Du kan se Notre Dame fra stort sett hvor som helst i 4., 2., 5. og 11. arrondisment, så når du først har fått et blikk på tårnet, kan du bare ta turen mot den og krysse broen for den beste utsikten. Ta bildet og gå på, husk at du må komme tilbake om 10-15 år for å se det igjen når reparasjonsarbeidet er fullført.

4. Få en selfie ved Eiffeltårnet

Probably the most famous structure in all of Europe, the Eiffel tower is a pillar that defines Paris. Elsker det eller hater det, det har blitt den mest gjenkjennelige delen av byen.

Originally developed by engineer Gustave Eiffel as the entrance to the World’s fair in 1889, the 324 meter (1,063 ft) tall rod iron tower was once the tallest structure in the world.

Today it is the most-visited paid monument in the world with nearly 7 million people getting tickets to enter it every year. But, there’s actually not much reason to pay to go up the Eiffel Tower.

Parisians will all tell you that it’s better to go up the Montparnasse Tower, the most hideous structure in the city. That way, you get a view of Paris with the Eiffel Tower and without the eyesore of Montparnasse itself (more on that later in this post). having said that, many people want to actually go inside the popular tower. You’ll need a ticket for that, which you can get here. 

5. Climb The steps of Montmarte & gaze Up At The Sacre Coeur Basilica

The artistic capital of the city and home to the breathtaking Sacre Coeur Basilica, Montmartre was one of our much-loved areas of Paris to walk around. because it’s set on a hill 130 meters above the city, there are views of Paris from every narrow alleymåte og åpen plaza.

Det er mange turister rundt Sacre Coeur, men når du kommer lenger borte fra basilikaen, er det nok stille smug og smale gater til å gå seg vill i. Når det er sagt, vil du fremdeles komme inn i Sacre Coeur. Det er gratis og vel verdt et besøk.

6. Gå langs Seinen

Seine-elven er en 777 kilometer lang vannvei og avgjørende kommersiell transportvei som går gjennom sentrum av Paris.

Mange av byens toppsteder ligger på bredden av Seinen, så en av de beste tingene å gjøre i Paris er å ta metroen til ethvert stopp langs elvenes bredder, gå av og bare gå i timevis langs de brede strandpromenadene som som er utviklet på hver side av det.

Vi har noen selvstyrte sightseeing-turer som du kan gjøre langs Seine-elven senere i dette innlegget.

Mindre besøkte ting å gjøre i Paris

Dette er de tingene som ikke er helt utenfor banen, men der du finner færre turister og kanskje føler deg litt som om du er i ekte Paris i stedet for bare å følge folkemengder av turister rundt. Vi kommer til mye mer utenfor allfarvei -opplevelsene litt senere i dette innlegget.

7. Gå rundt i pantheon

Vi tok en beslutning om å stoppe ved Pantheon fordi vi allerede gikk fra 2. arrondissement til Catacombs i den 14. (vi anbefaler denne 45-minutters spaserturen som en ting å gjøre i Paris av seg selv). Vi ble hyggelig sjokkert over at panteonområdet faktisk var ganske fantastisk.

Ligger i det latinske kvartalet, ble 1700-tallsstrukturen først utviklet som en kirke dedikert til skytshelgen i Paris, Saint Genevieve.

I dag er det som et fantastisk eksempel på nyklassisisme og ja, den fremre fasaden er modellert etter den mye mer populære panteonen i Roma.

Bygninger i nærheten som er verdt å sjekke ut inkluderer Gothic-Renaissance Church of Saint-Étienne-Du-Mont, det imponerende forskningsinstituttet Judicial Pierre Raynaud og rådhuset i Paris.

Alle disse oppsiktsvekkende bygningene er utviklet rundt pantheonet, noe som får hele det åpne området til å føles som et museum for arkitektur. Absolutt verdt et besøk, selv om du ikke bestemmer deg for å betale inngangsbilletten på € 9 for å komme inn i pantheon.

8. Gå på Bastille -markedet

Dette friluftsmarkedet er et av de største og livligste parisiske gatemarkedene og strekker seg for 10 byblokkene fra Place de la Bastille til Rue Chemin Vert. Åpent bare på torsdager og søndager fra 08.00 til 13.00, hvis du er i Paris i løpet av disse tider, ikke gå glipp av dette stedet!

Det er et av de beste markedene vi noen gang har vært på.

Selgere kaller ut kvaliteten på produktene sine fra hver av sine tribuner som selger alt fra kjøtt og oster til fjorårets parisiske moter, alt under bakgrunn av den fantastiske Colonne de Juillet truende over hodet.

Kom hit for å få noen friske grønnsaker, oster, kjøtt og brød, og planlegger deretter å ta en piknik et sted i nabolaget etterpå.

9. Delt ned i katakombene i Paris

Ikke for det pirrende eller det veldig klaustrofobe, er katakombene i Paris et ekstraordinært syn å se. Det er over 350 kilometer med gamle kalkbrudd utviklet i en labyrint 30 meter under byen, men besøkende har tilgang til rundt 2 kilometer av de uhyggelige tunnelene.

Du betaler en inngangsbillett på € 14, pluss € 5 ekstra for lydguiden (vel verdt pengene), og så går du nedover en spiraltrapp i dypet av katakombene. Hvis du ikke har lyst til å vente i kø hele dagen, anbefales det å få et hopp over linjebilletten, slik at du kan komme inn i katakombene når du ankommer.

I tunnelene ligger skjelettrestene mellom 6 – 8 millioner kropper som ble begravet her eller flyttet hit fra lokale kirkegårder på slutten av 1700 -tallet.

The expense of Living in Grenada

There’s no question about it, living in Grenada, or anywhere in the Caribbean, is far more costly than living in many other parts of the world. It may not be the suitable place for people on a tight budget, however there are methods to save some money, while still having a excellent time.

The expense of every-day products are similar (if not more) than those in Canada, while the cost of hotels is far more. If you’re believing of travelling to or moving to Grenada, this listing will assist you get a much better concept of what products expense here.

For us, living in Grenada is still a excellent value since we are pet sitting as well as have no lodging costs. We spend our money on gas, groceries as well as the strange night out. There are so many things to perform in Grenada, many of which are free – walks on the beach, hikes in the jungle or swimming in waterfalls.

All costs are in east Caribbean Dollars, special of Tax.

(At the time of writing, $1 USD = $2.70 ECD)



1 lots Eggs – $10

Loaf of whole Wheat Bread – $3.50

Container of Yogurt (32oz.) – $10

Block of new Zealand Unsalted Butter – $7

Small block of new Zealand White Cheddar Cheese – $7

Box of name brand Cereal – $20

Spaghetti Pasta (400g) – $4

Basmati Rice (1kg) – $14.50

Frozen poultry Drumsticks (2.5lb) – $23

Frozen Tilapia Fish Fillets (2lb) – $37

Fresh Fish from the market in St. George’s – $8 / pound

Frozen Italian Sausage (19oz) – $27

Mayonnaise (30oz) – $20

Ketchup (34oz) $15

Lettuce – $5 / pound

Carrots – $4 / pound

Green Peppers – $6 / pound

Avocado – $2 / pound

Bag of Limes – $1.25 / pound

Tomatoes – $5 / pound

Mangoes – $1 each

Soursop & Papaya – $5 / pound


1L Mineral Water – $3 (tap water is risk-free to drink, Free!)

1L Milk – $5.50

1L 100% natural juice – $6.50

8oz packet of Coffee grounds – $26

Carib Beer – $3.75 / 275ML bottle, $20 for a 6 pack

Bottle of low-cost Import wine – $25

Household Items/Toiletries

Dish Soap – $6

Toilet Paper (4 rolls) – $5.50

Paper Towel – $4

Liquid laundry Detergent (1.5L) – $17

Toothpaste – $12


Local Minibus – $2.50 – $4

Petrol – $15.95 / Gallon

Grenada Driver’s Licence (valid for 3 months) – $100

Yearly vehicle Registration – $300

Ferry to Neighbouring Islands – $20 to small Martinique as well as $80 to Carriacou (one way)

Leaving St. George’s harbour behind on the Osprey Ferry to Carriacou

(Which part of the island you online on truly dictates what the expense will be)

One Bedroom, Furnished apartment (True Blue Area) – $2,450 / month

Three Bedroom, Furnished home (Lance aux E’pines Area) – $3,500 / month

Four Bedroom, Furnished home With lawn as well as view of Marina (Springs Area) – $2,025 / month

Hotel – $250+ / night (Check out the stunning install Cinnamon Grenada shop hotel!)

House sitting – Free!

Camping on the beach – Free!

20 lb storage tank of cooking Gas: $45

Utilities (based on a household of 5 in a house)

Electricity: $260 / month (not including air-conditioning charges)

Water & Sewage: $40 / month

Fast Internet: $130 / month (a slower Web bundle is offered for $75 / month)


Americano Coffee at cafe – $8

Beer at restaurant – $4 – $8 (go for happy Hour!)

Cocktail – $15+

Seafood dinner – $50+

Hamburger at Beachside restaurant – $20 +

Pizza at Bar/Grill – $35 +

Chicken Roti at regional shop – $10

Side of the road BBQ poultry & Pork – $8-$10

Local restaurant Buffet style – $8 – $20 (for meat as well as salads, cost is based on weight)

Going to the Cinema (General Admission) – $20

Hiking, visiting Waterfalls as well as going to the beach – Free!


On average, we are costs $3,250EC ($1,200USD) / month, for the  both of us living in Grenada. This includes great deals of beer as well as wine, having a full fridge of food, going out to a restaurant about three times a month, going for coffee a few times a month as well as doing great deals of driving around the island.

We spend much less living in Grenada than most people would, since we’re pet-sitting as well as therefore aren’t paying any type of lodging costs. We haven’t had to take the bus or purchase a cars and truck as we have been generously provided two vehicles by the homeowners. We do, however, pay for our own petrol. Nick as well as I enjoy costs our time hiking as well as visiting the many beaches as well as waterfalls…which are free activities!

No matter exactly how much you end up costs while living in (orBesøk) Grenada, det vil være verdt hver krone. Denne øya er virkelig paradis.


Reis til Grenada: The Ultimate Budget Plan Guide

En reiseguide til de aller beste strendene i Grenada

Den ultimate guiden til reisende grenada

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Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geiter på veien er en Amazon -partner i tillegg til at en tilknytning til noen andre forhandlere på samme måte. Dette betyr at vi lager provisjoner hvis du klikker på lenker på bloggen vår i tillegg til å kjøpe fra disse forhandlerne.


Posted: 5/4/21 | may 4th, 2021

The coronavirus has given us all a wake-up call about what travel insurance does — and does not — cover.

A lot of people assumed that travel insurance covered everything and, at the drop of a hat, would fly you home in an emergency. That incorrect assumption came as a shock to those who, for the first time, had to actually read their policies.

While numerous travel insurance companies offer evacuation coverage if you get injured overseas (if you meet the plan conditions), they typically are not there to get you home unless there is a particular clause in your policy that warrants such action and a doctor orders it.

And, as numerous rapidly learned, pandemics are typically excluded from insurance policies.

Many of the emails I got from people screaming about their insurance policy when the pandemic began were issues related to such policy misunderstandings.

I know travel insurance is a complicated (and boring) topic. I understand it’s not fun to read about or research.

And reading an actual policy can put you to sleep. many people gloss over it the way we gloss over iTunes user agreements.

But if COVID-19 has taught us travelers anything, it’s that we need to be much more familiar with what exactly our travel insurance policy covers. It is literally of life-and-death importance.

Today, I want to offer a much more complete picture of what travel insurance actually is — and what scenarios you may or may not be covered for. but use this only as general advice: terms and conditions will differ according to the travel insurance policy and the provider.

I know we’ve dealt with this in the past, but it’s always a good time for a refresher, especially because of COVID-19 and as people begin to start thinking about travel again.

Let’s look at some common questions:

What exactly is travel insurance?
First, travel insurance is emergency coverage. It’s there if you get in trouble and need assistance. depending on your policy, it offers support (and reimbursement) if you break a bone while hiking, if you lose your luggage, if you get robbed, or if you need to return home due to a death in your immediate family. In short, it’s a financial safety net for emergencies abroad.

However, it is not a substitute for health insurance in your home country. (It’s also not a license to be foolish either, because injuries while dumb or drunk aren’t cover either.)

It’s your emergency lifeline ought to something bad happen unexpectedly during your travels.

What’s really covered if I’m sick?
Suffering from a recurring, preexisting allergy, or other condition? Du er helt alene. get some medicine from a pharmacy and ride it out. Preventive or routine care resulting from a preexisting condition is not covered.

Unexpected and/or emergency situation? need to go to the hospital? That’s where travel insurance kicks in. call your insurance provider’s emergency support line and let them know (when you can). They’ll be able to help you with the red tape and make sure you’re taken care of.

You may also need pre-approval of treatment or providers. For that reason, make sure you have the insurance company’s emergency 24-hour hotline saved on your phone before you travel. That way, you or someone with you can call them ought to the worst happen.

Since you may have to pay for everything up front and then make an insurance claim to get reimbursed, keep your receipts.

What is covered if I am robbed?
If you’re robbed during your trip, you’ll be able to get compensation for the stolen items (usually not including cash and certain other items), up to a certain per-item amount and total maximum amount (both of which are typically ganske lav).

You’ll need to fill out a police report and offer that, as well as documentation for the stolen items, to your insurance company. (If you have any receipts, send those in. I also like to take pictures of my items before I travel to show I took them along.)

However, don’t expect travel insurance to give you money for the most recent iphone — you’ll either get an equivalent replacement or get reimbursed for the depreciated value of your stolen item. That is, if you purchased a video camera five years ago for $1,000 but it’s only worth $100 now, you’ll get $100.

Since it takes a while for claims to be processed, you’ll likely need to replace your items out of pocket and then make a claim for reimbursement. However, if you cannot make any purchases because your purse and passport were stolen, you’ll need to contact your insurance provider’s emergency support, as well as the nearest embassy or consulate.

My [insert company] went bankrupt. What’s covered?
If your airline/tour/whatever company goes bankrupt while traveling, you may be able to get reimbursed under the “trip cancellation” or “trip interruption” clause of your plan, depending on the timing of when you purchased your policy andwhen the bankruptcy occurred. Some insurance policies only reimburse if the travel company has completely ceased services; if there are alternative arrangements available, it may only pay for change fees.

However, in the case of airline bankruptcies, you may need to organize alternative transportation yourself and pay for it upfront. then you can submit a claim to have that amount reimbursed.

If you have not yet departed, your “trip cancellation” coverage would come into effect, and you would be reimbursed for what you spent.

While this all seems helpful, keep in mind that there likely are limits on what you can claim. read the schedule of benefits for maximum amounts covered (and specifically for trip interruption and trip cancellation). From my experience, these claims typically reimburse up to the trip, cost with a max of around $5,000–10,000 USD (be sure to check the specifics in your policy), so if you have spent a ton of money on accommodation and new flights, you might not be able to get all of it back. but something is much better than nothing!

My trip was canceled. Can I get a refund on my policy if I didn’t use it?
If you haven’t started your policy or made a claim, you might be able to get a refund. numerous companies also offer a “review period” (usually 7–14 days from purchase) during which you can cancel your plan without penalty, though some states don’t have one. If you pay for six months of insurance and need to cancel after one or two months, you’re typically out of luck.

However, if you’re outside of that review period, chances are you won’t be able to cancel your plan. Some companies may be making exceptions due to COVID-19, but you shouldn’t take that as a given. Hvorfor? This is just an industry practice. because travel insurance works in retrospect (you go on your trip, you come home, file a claim, and then get paid) and they have to pay the full amount, you have to pay the full amount of the policy.

I tend to purchase my insurance in three-month chunks. That way, I can extend my coverage or let it expire based on how things are going.

But, a caveat: depending on how preexisting conditions work on your policy, you may not want to do this. For example, say you’re not feeling well during one policy. You go to get a COVID test, and while waiting for the results, your policy lapses and you purchase a new plan. because you showed signs of the disease in a prior policy, it may be considered a preexisting condition in the new policy and thus not be covered.

So keep that in mind when you are purchasing policies. It’s a risk I personally take — but it might not be good for you.

There’s a pandemic, so I’ve chose to come home to play it safe. Do I get anything?
To be eligible for coverage, your claim has to be based on a covered reason. If you had a policy without a pandemic exclusion, then trip interruption could come into play. but you’ll need to read the fine print before making claim. getting sick from the pandemic may be covered, but if, say, you chose to rearrange your trip because you’d feel safer at home, that wouldn’t be.

Before you file a claim, you’ll want to first contact the trip companies, hotels, and airlines directly for a refund. only after that would I make a claim to the insurance company.

Remember, these payouts typically only apply to prepaid, nonrefundable purchases (and in addition, may include one-way airfare home).

If filing a claim, you’ll need to gather all your supporting files and receipts and submit them for review. It can take weeks (or months) for a claim to be processed, so be prepared for a wait (especially if there is a major crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic). That implies your change of plans will have to be paid out of pocket.

But the government urged citizens to come home and I did!
Depending on your policy, you may be entitled to some benefits. If you have a policy that includes trip interruption, you might be able to submit a claim to cover any nonrefundable purchases (such as flights and tours).

However, the reason why you need to return home is important. natural disasters, terrorism, political upheaval, and pandemics are all covered differently, so the fine print of your policy is really essential here.

Your government saying, “I think you ought to come home because of XYZ” is not the same as a government forcing you to return home (which does not exist*). If you’re making the choice to come home in that situation, travel insurance plans aren’t going to cover you. (This was a big issue during COVID and the source of many complaints.)

Circumstances that are not discussed (outside the exclusion section) are typically not covered.

So it’s essential to look at the specifics of your policy to see what is covered.

* Unless there’s you’re being extradited or have been declared personality non grata, but those are unlikely scenarios. check your policy!

I had to come home and couldn’t reach the airline, so I purchased a new ticket.Dette var en annen sak under Covid da folk krøp for å komme hjem på grunn av advarsler om regjering og grenseavstengninger. Etter hvert som flyselskapene ble overveldet og folk ikke kunne komme seg gjennom, kjøpte mange mennesker en andre billett, og tenkte (feil) den automatisk ville bli dekket.

Reiseforsikring gjør deg hele; Det gir deg ikke ekstra penger. Hvis du allerede er på reise, kan flyreiser refunderes under turavbruddsdelen av politikken hvis det å reise hjem tidlig er en dekket hendelse, som vanligvis inkluderer uventede sykdommer, streik osv.

Imidlertid, hvis flyreisen din blir kansellert, er flyselskapet ansvarlig for planlegging og ombooking. Hvis du kjøper en annen billett og deretter sender den inn for refusjon gjennom policyen din, vil du bli nektet.

Dessuten er “ikke å føle seg trygg” ikke en dekket grunn, og den nye flyvningen ville ikke bli refundert.

Kan jeg få noen dekningsrelatert Covid-19?
Som mange fant ut på den harde måten, dekker ikke mange reiseforsikringsselskaper pandemier. Selv om det sakte har endret seg, inkluderer mange selskaper fortsatt ikke pandemisk dekning.

Heldigvis dekker noen selskaper, som World Nomader, Allianz og Safety Wing, nå noen pandemi-relaterte kostnader.

Imidlertid er denne dekningen begrenset til medisinsk behandling og relaterte kostnader (selv om noen retningslinjer også dekker kansellering av tur og turavbruddskostnader hvis du kontrakter Covid). Sørg for å lese detaljene i planen din, da det er mange advarsler og unntak, og du vil ha fullstendig klarhet fra leverandøren din.

I tillegg gir MedJet nå gjennomføringen av medlemmer som er innlagt på Covid-19 hvis de reiser i de sammenhengende 48 USA, Canada, Mexico og Karibia, til deres hjemmesykehus.

For teppedekning og “Avbryt av en eller annen grunn” -politikk, må du sjekke ut Forsikre turen min.

Hva med dekning av kredittrapport?
Reisekredittrapportkort tilbyr begrenset beskyttelse – selv de aller beste. Vanligvis tilbyr kort dekning for varer som er tapt eller stjålet; veldig, veldig begrensede medisinske utgifter; og kansellering av tur. Men det er et stort forbehold her: disse gjelder bare hvis du bestilte turen med det aktuelle kortet.

Jeg har hatt dusinvis av reisekredittrapportkort gjennom årene. Selv om kortet ditt tilbyr litt dekning, er grensen vanligvis veldig lav. Det innebærer at du må betale forskjellen ut av lommen (og du vil bli overrasket over hvor dyrt det kan være!).

Selv om det er bra å ha kredittrapportkortbeskyttelse som sikkerhetskopi, ville jeg ikke stole på det for min primære dekning når jeg er i utlandet.

Reiseforsikring er et komplisert (og kjedelig) emne. Men som vi har lært under pandemien, er det verdt å ta seg tid til å forstå – og det er verdt å bruke pengene på å investere i en plan med en rekke dekningsalternativer som holder deg trygg og gir deg trygghet.

Jeg forlater aldri hjemmefra uten reiseforsikring. Du burde ikke heller.

Bare husk å alltid lese utskriften på policyen du kjøper.

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Ikke glem reiseforsikring

Våre (mis) eventyr i Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Etter vår fryktelige inngang til Turkmenistan valgte vi å dra til hovedstaden Ashgabat, og det var der vi skulle reise fra å dra til Iran. Vi dro opp på hotellet vi ønsket å bo på og ba om et rom. “Full” er all den russisk-tyrmenn-kvinnen sa. Så vi ba henne ringe de andre i guideboken for oss. Hver av dem sa enten “ingen engelsk” og hang på oss, eller hvis hun valgte å snakke med dem på våre vegne, var de fulle.

Vi har bokstavelig talt aldri kalt alle gjestehus/hotell som er bemerket i guideboken vår og blitt fortalt at de var fulle. Hva skjedde?! Fordi det er Turkmenistan, er det bare noen få hotell som turister kan bo på. Vårt eneste alternativ var å ringe de øverste hotellene i guideboken vår – som vi aldri har måttet ty til.

Alt er fullt! antar at vi må bo i denne 5-stjerners
Hotellet vi endte opp med å bo på er et 5 -stjerners sted hvor gruppeturer kan bo og mange firmamenn blir der også. Rommet var imidlertid veldig gjennomsnittlig. Utformingen og møblene var virkelig datert, varmen sprengte seg og kunne ikke slås av, og som med mange hoteller hadde den ingen karakter. Det eneste bra med det var frokostbufféen. Vi vil sammenligne det med en Best Western eller noe i Canada, absolutt ikke 5 -stjerners kvalitet!

Vårt rom på AK Atlyn Hotel
Vi tilbrakte 2 netter i Ashgabat og for å være ærlige, gledet ikke egentlig over vår tid der. Byen er så rart. Massive, hvite marmorpalasser, regjeringsbygg, universiteter og huskomplekser dekker horisonten. Den avdøde presidenten ønsket at den skulle bli kjent som den “hvite byen”. Når alt er laget av marmor, regner vi med at det skal være den tyngste byen i verden.

En av de mange hvite, marmorbygningene i Ashgabat, bevoktet av en politimann
Gatene i mange deler av byen var uhyggelig stille, hvor var alle menneskene? Vi prøvde å ta bilder av dette uvanlige stedet, men ble alltid plystret mot og fortalte “nei” av de mange, mange politifolkene som beskytter gatene og bygningene. Vi fikk heller ikke lov til å gå ned visse gater og følte oss veldig irriterte hele tiden.

Hvor er alle menneskene?

Så vi benyttet oss av vårt overprisede hotell. Jeg hadde et bad, vi brakte øl tilbake til rommet, spilte kort, sett på T.V. og hang ut. Etter to netter var vi mye mer enn klare til å forlate dette uvanlige og uvelkomne landet.

Vi kom inn i en taxi og var på vei. Da vi kom nærmere veien som fører til grensen, oppdaget vi at en politimann ikke lot noen trafikk gjennom. Flott, en annen vei vi ikke kan gå ned, uansett grunn. Vi prøvde en annen vei, alle veier som førte til grensen var tilsynelatende stengt. Etter omtrent en time med dette fant vi en som var åpen. Vi ventet i en massiv serie for å gjøre en passsjekk (ikke stempling, bare en sjekk).

Ingen horn, kan ikke gå ned visse gater, ingen bilder … hva kan du gjøre her?!
Vi fortsatte å blinke våre kanadiske pass og sa “turister, turister”, og etter omtrent en time lot de oss slå opp i linjen. Vi tok deretter en overpriset minibuss 25 kms av ingenmannsland mellom Turkmenistan og Iran. Vi fylte ut et annet skjema om at vi ikke er helt sikre på hva den sa og ventet på enda en linje med å stemple ut av landet.

Ditt trekk!
Det var allerede middag på dette tidspunktet, og vi hadde forlatt hotellet klokka 08.00 – vi kom ingen steder raskt. Til slutt var det vår tur ved passbenken … og de lukket vinduet. Lunsjtid. Vi måtte vente en time til den åpnet. På dette tidspunktet var vi rasende og så syke av det byråkratiske marerittet Turkmenistan hadde vært. Jeg presset passet mitt mot glasset og sa “Kom igjen! En til. Turister, la oss gjennom ”. Han brydde seg ikke og gikk av for å spise.

Da vinduet åpnet igjen en time senere, løp alle opp og prøvde å buge i kø. Hver person som gikk gjennom tok omtrent 15 minutter ved disken, noe som er helt uhørt og unødvendig. Kanskje husket mannen bak glasset det forbanna blikket i øynene mine, eller kanskje han bare følte seg full og sjenerøs, men mannen flagget oss opp til fronten fra baksiden av linjen og stemplet oss inn!

Farvel Turkmenistan!
Hallelujah, vi var ute av Turkmenistan, vel … etter å ha vist passene våre 2 mye flere ganger vi var. Vi var så glade for å være ute av det landet og dra inn på et som vi har gledet oss til i årevis, Iran!

Fortell oss om din verste grenseopplevelse nedenfor!

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Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geiter på veien er en Amazon -tilknyttet og også et tilknyttet selskap for noen andre forhandlere. Dette innebærer at vi ørern provisjoner hvis du klikker på lenker på bloggen vår og kjøper fra disse forhandlerne.

Culinary Mayhem: En markedstur i Mexico City med Eat Mexico

Mexico City er muligens en av verdens mange undervurderte matdestinasjoner. Fra gatesideboder som kaster ut elendige og tamales, til restauranter i verdensklasse som serverer tusen år gamle retter med en moderne vri, er denne kaotiske hovedstaden et matelskers paradis.

Mexico er en nasjon som er dypt forankret i gastronomi. Matet består hovedsakelig av en fusjon av urfolk mesoamerikanske koketeknikker og europeiske (spesielt spanske) innflytelse som har gjennomsyret matkulturen her fordi deres erobring av det aztekiske imperiet i løpet av 1500 -tallet.

Når vi kom til hovedstaden til en av verdens kulinariske giganter, visste vi at vi ønsket å oppleve en mattur som ville instruere oss litt mye mer om dette fantastiske kjøkkenet, og da vi fant Eat Mexicos La Merced Market -turné, visste vi vi At det var den ideelle ekspedisjonen å tilfredsstille de utrulige reisende inni oss.

Dariece liker is med Anais og Lydia
Vi møtte Anais, vår guide og Lydia, spiser Mexicos manager, utenfor det spektakulære Palicio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts), som bare var en kort spasertur fra Amigo Suites Hostel hvor vi bodde. De ga oss en rask oversikt over hva vi kan forvente på turen, og før vi visste ordet av det, var vi av og gikk ned i den vanvittige underjordiske blodlinjen i Mexico City … T -banen.

Fra det øyeblikket vi kom inn i det underjordiske metro -systemet, føltes det som om vi ble pumpet gjennom venene med den frenetiske pulsen til denne enorme Mega -byen. Vi gikk av toget og steg opp trappene for å komme inn i et av byens største markeder, La Merced. Dette er det primære grossistmarkedet, og dets travle gangene var i live med lokale kjøpmenn og forbrukere som jaktet på de beste gode kjøpene på bulkmat.

Det travle mercedmarkedet
Lydia advarte oss om at vi burde holde sammen fordi ting kan bli litt opptatt i sentrum av markedet. Dariece og jeg prøvde å holde oss i nærheten, men vi ble kontinuerlig distrahert av severdighetene, lydene og luktene som omringet oss.

Meksikanske skilletter, komaler og cazo -panner sydde og spratt mens vi gikk forbi, hver og en vaftet den kjente aromaen av chilie, kalk og grillet kjøtt mot oss. I de mest overbelastede hjørnene av markedet tok vi på oss med det meksikanske folket, som skynde seg å kjøpe, pakke, selge eller lagre varene sine.

☞ Se mye mer Mexico -innlegg:

Ting å gjøre i Puerto Vallarta – 20 fantastiske ting du ikke vil gå glipp av!

Ting å gjøre i Playa del Carmen – en liste over de 21 beste

Ting å gjøre i La Paz, Mexico – en liste over topp 21

Ting å gjøre i Cabo San Lucas – en liste over de 21 beste

Ting å gjøre i Guanajuato – en liste over topp 10

Ting å gjøre i San Pancho – en liste over de 15 beste

Backpacking Mexico – 8 grunner til å reise hit nå

De beste stedene å sjekke ut i Mexico

Manzanillo Colima – The Supreme Travel Guide

Kvinner klemte av oss iført tradisjonell kjole, bar masse dagligvarer på hodet, mens korte, sprø menn hylte mot oss for å flytte ut av veien da de trillet forbi med tunge dukker fulle av råvarer. I den tykke handlingen var luften varm og klissete med kroppsvarmen til mange mennesker, og dampen fra kaotiske kjøkken som krevde ut måltider for sine sultne kunder som godt oljede maskiner.

En travel matbod
Vi fulgte Lydia og Anais som lydige sauer, helt tapt i kaoset. Vi stoppet ofte midt i galskapen for å smake på noe av den fantastiske maten som tilbys. Vi spiste alt fra gresshopper til Gorditas, og hver tallerken var deilig (vel, gresshoppene var litt vanskeligere å bli vant til).

Vi stoppet ved et pre-spanske matstativ der en typisk kledd kvinne stolt beskrev hver av hennes eksotiske ingredienser til oss på spansk. Anais oversatte og vi ble overrasket over det vi hørte. Kvinnens fargerike bord inkluderte delikatesser som damfluer, frosker, krekling, kreps og agave ormer. Ikke gjenstander du vanligvis vil finne i mors skap, men hver ingrediens pakket en distinkt trøkk og hadde alle en plass i mange tradisjonelle mesoamerikanske retter.

De før-spanske ingrediensene står
Vi gikk også gjennom det Anais kalte “Terrorway of Terror” der hvert dyrekadaver du kan forestille deg ble spredt opp, hektet og dissekert for alle å se. Lukten av rått kjøtt og blod var følbar, og vi ble påminnet om at å se geitemage og kumestikler ikke er noe vi har blitt vant til, selv om vi har gått til dusinvis av markeder som denne.

Vi var i stand til å smake på alt vi ønsket mens vi navigerte oss gjennom labyrinten av frukthendere, taco -stativ, slakterier og godteributikker. Hvis noe fangetour eye, Anais would purchase it up before we could decide if it was something we even wanted to taste. There was literally no limit to the samplings on offer. We were pleased that she had her main stands to take us to, but also loved that we were able to pick out our own snacks wherever we went.

The trip took our palate on a rollercoaster ride of sweet, salty, savoury and sour. nothing tasted bland and everything offered a different experience for our tastebuds. many of the dishes we tried were things that we had never seen in 4 months of travelling around Mexico. The candy section was, of course, one of our favourites and the coconut stuffed candied lime is our new go-to Mexican desert. The typically tart skin of the green fruit was made sweet by the liquid sugar-coating and the sticky shaved coconut stuffing.

Everything we tasted on this food trip was delicious. There were some much more common snacks like tacos and huaraches, mixed in with some stranger Mexican cuisine like grasshoppers and fermented pineapple juice. Anais explained each ingredient in detail, breaking down the ancient recipes and teaching us about the unique cooking techniques. After four hours of walking around La Merced and the surrounding neighbourhood, our senses were numbed, but we were finally able to unwind in a beautiful restored mansion where we delighted in a cold beer and yet another conventional snack of salty cream cheese topped with… you guessed it… grasshoppers.

Grasshoppers & cream Cheese… An Appetizer You may Not find At Home.
The Market trip was wonderful and we left with a new appreciation and knowledge of Mexican cuisine. Eat Mexico has numerous different culinary expeditions to choose from and while the Merced Market may be overwhelming for some, there are easier, much more gringo friendly trips on offer, including Anais’s favourite, the Late night Tacos & Mezcal Tour.

As always, we’ll try to give some pros and cons for the Merced Market trip to help you better decide if it is best for you. Our experience was excellent and we will certainly be recommending this trip to any food-lovers planning to check out Mexico City.


Limitless tastings and samplings

Anais was a terrific guide

Lots of information, but not too much that it was overwhelming

Deilig mat

The trip was just long enough, without being too long

Anias explained when it was / wasn’t suitable to take photos

The beer was the ideal finish to an exciting day!

The market was hectic, but we felt safe and protected the entire time

There was the ideal mix of savoury and sweet

While the market was chaotic, Anais brought method to the madness with a planned route and a well thought out progression of meals


The cost is a little high compared to other food trips we’ve done in Mexico ($85 / person)

The trip could be overwhelming for some (but less busy experiences are on offer)

We weren’t taken back to our area of the city at the end of the tour, but Lydia & Anais did give us good directions to get home.

For much more about each individual dish that we tried on this tour, don’t miss the video below!

A special thanks To: eat Mexico for hosting us on this fantastic market tour. As always, all thoughts and opinions remain our own, despite any complimentary services offered. check out their site for much more about their outstanding food tours.

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Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geiter på veien er en Amazon -tilknyttet og også et tilknyttet selskap for noen andre forhandlere. Dette innebærer at vi tjener provisjoner hvis du klikker på lenker på bloggen vår og kjøper fra disse forhandlerne.

En guide til å utforske Colonial New York City

Skrevet: 9/24/20 | 24. september 2020

Som en historienerd elsker jeg å ta et dypt dykk inn i en destinasjons fortid. Jeg er en fast tro på at hvis du ikke forstår hvor folk har kommet fra, vil du aldri forstå hvor de er nå. Det er en stor grunn til at jeg elsker museer så mye.

Som en av de eldste byene i landet har New York City mye historie.

Først avgjort av nederlendere som “New Amsterdam”, overga den nederlandske byen til engelskmennene i 1664. Byen var et stort handelssenter som ligger ved munningen av Hudson River. Etter revolusjonen var New York knutepunktet for USAs makt og regjering, og ble offisielt landets hovedstad i 1789 da George Washington ble sverget inn. Mens det ikke lenger er landets hovedstad (den flyttet til Philadelphia året etter og deretter til Washington, DC I 1800) var NYC fremdeles det bankende hjertet i landet.

Siden jeg elsker å legge til “temaer” til mine reiser, er et flott tema for ditt besøk i New York kolonialhistorie – og mye av byens koloniale historie er fremdeles til stede i dag.

De fleste av severdighetene ligger i finansdistriktet (en av de mest undervurderte delene av NYC), så det er enkelt å besøke alt på en dag. Her er hva du skal se:

1. Batteriet (aka Battery Park)

Denne parken ligger på den sørlige ideen om Manhattan, og er der den nederlandske bygde Fort Amsterdam i 1625 for å forsvare bosetningen. Britene overtok området i 1664 og omdøpte det til slutt Fort George. Fortets kanonbatteri ble ikke brukt før i 1776 da amerikanske styrker overtok det etter å ha erklært uavhengighet. Mens fortet for det meste ble ødelagt under revolusjonen, ble batteriet utvidet etter krigens slutt.

I dag er det over 20 monumenter og plakk i parken, som dekker alt fra revolusjonskrigen og krigen i 1812 til innvandring og mye mer. Du kan vandre rundt i fortet og deretter rusle gjennom den omkringliggende parken og ta inn den vakre utsikten over havnen i havnen, Liberty Statue og Ellis Island.

2. Fraunces Tavern

Dette er den eldste baren i New York City, etter å ha blitt konvertert fra et hjem (bygget i 1719) til en taverna i 1762. Før revolusjonen ville Sons of Liberty (en hemmelig anti-britisk organisasjon grunnlagt av Samuel Adams) møte Her for å gå over planene og filosofiene.

Under krigen ble bygningen skadet da Alexander Hamilton stjal britisk artilleri, og provoserte en handling fra den britiske marinen enn sendt en kanonball gjennom taket. Etter krigen sa George Washington farvel med sine offiserer og tropper fra den kontinentale hæren her.

Da krigen var slutt, ble møter mellom britene og amerikanerne holdt her for å gå over slaveri. USA insisterte på at ingen slaver frigjort av britene kunne forlate oss jord (mange hadde allerede blitt sendt til frihet i det som nå er Canada). (Det var ikke et av våre fineste øyeblikk som land.)

I dag, i første etasje, er det en ganske respektabel restaurant (litt overpriset) og en bar med et stort utvalg av trekkøl. Tavernaen er også vertskap for historiske samtaler, så vel som arrangementer som trivia -netter. Det er også hjem til et lite museum i andre etasje, som inkluderer alle slags historiske artikler og gjenstander. For 300 -årsjubileet for bygningens bygging i 2019, ble en ny utstilling som kroniserer historien opprettet for å fremheve de essensielle hendelsene som fant sted her.

54 Pearl St, +1 (212) -425-1778, Frauncestavernmuseum.org. Åpent mandag-fredag ​​klokka 12 til 17 og lørdag-søndag fra 11 til 17.

3. Bowling Green

Denne offentlige parken er den eldste i NYC. I løpet av kolonitiden installerte britene en forgylt blystatue på 4000 pund av kong George III på hesteryggen. Det ble kontinuerlig vandalisert frem til krigen, og tvang britene til å bygge et gjerde rundt parken (den som fremdeles står i dag) og skape anti-vandalisme-lover.

Etter at uavhengighetserklæringen ble lest i 1776, ble statuen veltet og demontert. Hodet, angivelig, ble sendt til England. Kroppen, så historien går, ble smeltet ned i kuler for den kontinentale hæren.

I dag forblir området en park, og det er en plakett på gjerdet med en kort historisk oversikt.

4. Trinity Church

Den opprinnelige Trinity Church ble bygget i 1698, og var en liten sognekirke konstruert av Church of England. Da britene beslagla New York etter George Washingtons retrett, ble den brukt som en britisk base av operasjoner.

Den opprinnelige kirken ble ødelagt i den store brannen i 1776, en massiv brann som utslettet oppover 25% av byen (amerikanerne beskyldte britene for å starte brannen, mens britene beskyldte revolusjonærene). Den nye bygningen, mot Wall Street, ble innviet i 1790. George Washington og Alexander Hamilton tilbad regelmessig her. Kirken ble utvidet i 1839 til sin nåværende form.

Graveplassen stammer fra 1700 -tallet og har mange populære amerikanere der, inkludert Hamilton og hans WIFe Elizabeth, Francis Lewis (signatory on the declaration of Independence), John Alsop (Continental Congress delegate), Albert Gallatin (founder of NYU), Horatio Gates (Continental army general), John Morin Scott (general and first secretary of state of new York), and Lord Stirling (Continental army general).

75 Broadway, +1 212-602-0800, trinitywallstreet.org. excursions of the cemetery are available on request. There is also a self-guided excursion app you can download from the website.

5. federal Hall national Memorial

This national memorial has served as new York’s city hall and the united states custom-made House, as well as the site of the first Congress of the united states and George Washington’s presidential inauguration. It was also where the Continental Congress of 1765 met to go over the stamp Act, a tax imposed by the British crown.

The current structure, built in 1812, has a small museum that sheds light on the origins of America. part of the balcony and railing where Washington was inaugurated are still on display as well. It’s one of my favorite spots in new York — and one way too often overlooked by visitors!

26 wall St, +1 (212) 825-6990, nps.gov/feha/index.htm. open daily 9am–5pm. Admission is free. complimentary guided excursions are available several times per day (check the web site for hours).

6. St. Paul’s Chapel

Just up the street from Trinity Church (and officially part of its parish) is the oldest surviving church in Manhattan. built in 1766, the Hearts of Oak (a student militia from Kings College) used the church’s grounds for drill practice during the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton was an officer in the unit. After George Washington became the first president of the us in 1789, he attended services here, making the chapel his home church.

Today, it’s a national historic Site, having survived the great fire of 1776, the Revolutionary War, and 9/11. The chapel is a basic hall decorated in pale colors. Glass chandeliers hang from the flat ceiling. It’s not particularly ornate, having a a lot more modern and minimalist design (they use moveable chairs instead of seats to allow for a lot more flexibility in what events can be held here).

209 Broadway, +1 212-602-0800, trinitywallstreet.org/about/stpaulschapel. excursions are used every Sunday at 11:15am after service. Admission is free. dress respectfully, as this is a place of worship.

7. City Hall Park

This park is where new Yorkers held rallies both before and during the Revolutionary War, including a rally against the stamp Act in 1765. When the Act was repealed the following year, a new flagpole was built here — known as the liberty pole — which waved a flag that said “Liberty.” people also gathered here to hear Washington read the declaration of independence in 1776; the spot is marked by a plaque from 1892 (another marks the location of the liberty Pole).

During the war, the British converted it into a prison to hold American prisoners of war, where over 250 Americans were executed. In 1783, when the war was won, Washington raised an American flag over the park.

Nowadays, it’s a pretty park with a fountain and benches to kick back on. You’ll see a lot of people here during lunch. (Well, at least you did pre-COVID.)

8. African Burial Ground national Monument

During the war of Independence, around 25% of the population of new York City was enslaved Africans or people of African descent. Over 40% of the population owned slaves, and the success and development of the city relied heavily on the work of enslaved men and women.

Once known as the “Negroes Burial Ground,” this is the largest colonial-era cemetery for both complimentary and enslaved Black Americans. Studies estimate that upwards of 15,000 people were buried here in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The site is a us national Monument as well as a national historic Landmark. A monument and a visitor’s center were built in 2007 to make sure that this crucial piece of history is not forgotten. inside the visitor’s center are several exhibitions, films, and dioramas highlighting the life of slaves in the city. visitors can learn how slaves were brought over by the Dutch, what their funerals were like, how they survived the extreme conditions in the city, and what archeologists learned when they exhumed the bodies from the area before building the monument.

290 Broadway, +1 (212) 238-4367, nps.gov/afbg/index.htm. open Tuesday-Saturday 10am–4pm. complimentary excursions are available from the visitor’s center. check the web site for dates and times.

9. Van Cortlandt house Museum

This is the oldest building in the Bronx and one of the oldest surviving buildings in the entire country. built in 1748 by African slaves, the property was used during the Revolutionary war by the Comte de Rochambeau, the Marquis de Lafayette, and George Washington (who had his headquarters here during the final years of the war).

It’s one of the oldest historic museum houses in the country (the fourth oldest to be precise), and much of the furniture and items on display are from the colonial era. Today, you can excursion the house to see what life was like during the war.

6036 Broadway, Van Cortlandt Park, +1 (718) 543-3344, vchm.org. open Tuesday-Friday 10am–4pm and weekends 11am–4pm. Admission is $5 USD.

Bonus Sites!

On Staten Island, you’ll find The conference House, where Ben Franklin led a peace delegation in 1776 (it failed). The house has been refurbished and does events throughout the year. It’s open now by private booking.

On the corner of Pearl and Broad, you’ll find the brick outline of Stadt Huys, the first city hall as well some glass portals that look down to remnants of the colonial city that were found in the 1970s.

You’ll also find bricks that show you where the old shoreline used to be during colonial days. (Everything from broad down is landfill created to expand the city as it became a bigger and bigger shipping hub.)


While it’s really easy to walk around and see these sites for yourself, a walking excursion can supply a lot a lot more historical context (you know I love a good walking tour!). here are some paid and self-guided options:

George Washington’s new York – download the app “GPSmyCity: Walks in 1K+ Cities” for this complimentary self-guided tour. It’s a great companion to the above itinerary.

New York historical excursions – NY historical excursions runs a private two-hour “Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers” excursion on the birth of America and the men who made it possible. At $249 USD, this is best split among a group.

Revolutionary excursions – This three-hour “Washington and Hamilton” excursion is a deep dive into colonial history. It’s informative and entertaining and will give you a much deeper appreciation for these two giants of history. It’s $35 USD per person. (Currently not running any excursions due to COVID.)

Patriot excursions – Patriot excursions uses both a Hamilton excursion as well as one on the Revolutionary war as a whole. They’re led by author and historian Karen Q and cost $40 USD per person. Karen also runs virtual excursions in case you want to travel from the comfort and safety of home during the pandemic.

New York City has a lot of history you shouldn’t miss. Whether you’re trying to find a complete historical excursion or just want to add some historical sights into your existing new York City itinerary, these suggestions will supply a look beyond the standard vacationer trail. considering that a lot of all these sites are close together (Van Cortlandt house is in the Bronx), you can visit them in a day.

S. – There’s also a number of parks around nyc that used to be the locations for forts (and the forts that are there date from the 1800s) but there’s nothing really there now to see so I’ve left them off this list.

Get the thorough budget guide to new York City!

For a lot more thorough ideas on NYC, check out my 100+ page guidebook written for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guides and gets straight to the functional information you need to travel in the city that never sleeps. You’ll find suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, on- and off-the-beaten-path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, safety tips, and much more! Click here to learn a lot more and get your copy today.

Book Your trip to new York City: Logistical ideas and Tricks
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How to get a DSWD travel CLEARANCE: requirements & Application process

February 26, 2019: LAST UPDATED. This post consists of tips and other information about applying for a DSWD travel CLEARANCE including the list of requirements and the step-by-step application process. This applies to Filipino travelers only. A minor is defined as being below 18 years of age.

It’s always fun traveling with kids. Seeing the look on their faces when they experience something for the first time is always priceless. I had traveled with kids in the family twice: First, to Hong Kong for their much awaited Disneyland visit, and second, to Tokyo, to visit a close relative.

The problem is, I am not their father, just an uncle, so I had to secure a travel clearance for them.

Traveling with minors who aren’t your children adds a step in the whole trip preparation. You will need a get a DSWD travel Clearance before your trip. Failing to secure one will cause being offloaded by the immigration officials at the airport. It is a necessary document that they need to protect children from crimes including child trafficking.


DSWD Clearance renewal Requirements
Possible additional Requirements
Written Consent or Affidavit of Consent?

HOW TO get A DSWD CLEARANCE1. complete the requirements.
2. find the nearest DSWD field Office.
3. submit the requirements at the DSWD field office and wait for your clearance.

DSWD CLEARANCE frequently ASKED QUESTIONSIs it possible to apply for a DSWD Clearance online?
When should I apply for a DSWD Clearance?
How long does it take to get a DSWD Clearance?
Does the minor have to be with me when I apply?
Should the parent be the one to apply?
I found an error in the travel Clearance. Hva burde jeg gjøre?
How much should I pay for the DSWD Clearance?
I’m applying for a DSWD Clearance, a visa and a passport for the child. What should I work on first?
Do you have a sample Affidavit of Consent?
Where can I find more info about DSWD travel Clearance?

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:


Not all minors traveling to a foreign country need a DSWD Clearance. It is only required for the following:

a minor traveling alone

a minor accompanied by a person other than his/her parents

If the minor is traveling with either parent, no need for one. If the minor is traveling with the legal guardian, no need for one (but you must have all papers to prove that you are indeed the legal guardian).

If you’re not the mother or father or legal guardian, you need a DSWD clearance for each minor you’re traveling with. If that’s not clear enough: even if you are a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, or cousin of the minor, you need a clearance.

Note: When we say “legal guardian”, we mean legal guardian with legal documentation stating your guardianship by law. If you’re acting as a guardian but you don’t have the legal papers to show guardianship, you will still need a DSWD clearance to travel with the minor.

As of January 2014, this is what a DSWD Clearance looks like.


Below is a list of papers required to secure a DSWD travel Clearance. This covers minors traveling with someone who isn’t their parent or legal guardian. If the minor will be traveling alone, there is a separate list for that with additional requirements such as Unaccompanied minor Certificate from the Airlines.

There have been a lot of changes to the requirements. Now, there is a separate list of papers for those who are traveling for the first time and those who have traveled before with the non-parent companion.

VIKTIG! I have applied for my nephew and niece multiple times now, and THE requirements change EACH and EVERY TIME! It’s absolutely frustrating, to be honest, because I couldn’t predict what other papers they would need from me. and they don’t update their website accordingly. Hence, please call DSWD before your application to be absolutely sure.

FIRST-TIME DSWD Clearance Requirements

These are the requirements for minors traveling for the first TIME with a companion who is NOT their parent.

A duly accomplished application form. You can download it here.

A photocopy of the minor’s birth certificate (SECPA)

2 colored passport size photos of the minor taken within the past 6 months. Scanned photos are NOT accepted.

A photocopy of the passport of minor’s travel companion.

Notarized Affidavit of support and Consent to Travel. download a copy here.

Valid ID of parents with specimen signature

A photocopy of one of the following, whichever is appropriate:
– If minor has both parents: the parents’ marriage certificate (SECPA)
– If minor is under a legal guardian: the Certificate of legal Guardianship
– If minor is under a solo parent: solo parent identification card or certification from the Municipal DSWD Office; or if Muslim, Tallaq or Fasakh certification from any Muslim Barangay, the Shariah court or a religious leader
– If minor is illegitimate: a Certificate of No marriage from the local civil registrar
– If one of the parents is deceased: death certificate
– If minor is an immigrant, visa petition approval.
– If minor is traveling for medical purposes, medical certificate
– If minor is studying abroad, acceptance letter from school abroad
– If minor is attending a conference, a certification from the organizers

Authorization Letter from Parents/Legal Guardian. only if the person applying is not a parent or legal guardian of the minor. download sample here.

Waiver signed by parents. This should explicitly state releasing DSWD from any liability/responsibility in case of untoward incident during the travel of the minor.

DSWD Clearance renewal Requirements

These are the requirements for minors who have already traveled before with a companion who is not their parent.

A duly accomplished application form. You can download it here.

Original copy of previous DSWD travel clearances.

2 colored passport size photos of the minor taken within the past 6 months. Scanned photos are NOT accepted.

A photocopy of the passport of minor’s travel companion.

Notarized Affidavit of Consent to Travel. download a copy here.

Valid ID of parents with specimen signature

Authorization Letter from Parents/Legal Guardian. only if the person applying is not a parent or legal guardian of the minor. download sample here.

Waiver signed by parents. This should explicitly state releasing DSWD from any liability/responsibility in case of untoward incident during the travel of the minor.

Possible additional Requirements

DSWD may require additional papers aside from those listed above, so make sure you apply early and NOT too close to the travel dates so you have time to secure them.

Here are some other requirements that they might look for based on my experience and those of some of our readers.

Roundtrip ticket of the minor and companion. In my experience, sometimes they ask for it; sometimes, they don’t. If you’re already booked, best to bring a copy of the ticket. If your flights are not yet booked, it’s best to just call the office before your application to confirm.

Notarized Affidavit of support with Undertaking of sponsor (showing employment status and salary). Some sources say this is a requirement, and one of our readers was also asked to provide this. The official DSWD website’s FAQ page lists this as a requirement. but it’s hard to trust the website because it’s messy as eff.

Proof of financial capability of Sponsor. This can be Certificate of Employment, latest ITR, bank Statements, etc. of sponsor (parent, legal guardian or other person/agency shouldering the expenses). In my experience, I was never asked to submit this.I also always bring a copy of this, but they never asked to see it. maybe it’s a new requirement, maybe they ask applicants depending on the situation. call the office where you plan to submit to be 100% sure. just bring it with you to be on the safe side.

Invitation Letter, only if the purpose of travel is to visit a friend or relative, or the minor won’t be staying in a hotel.

Copy of parents’ passports. only if the parents are based abroad.

That’s about it.

VIKTIG! If we haven’t stressed this enough, let us say this again: call THE DSWD field office where you wish to apply for the updated list of requirements. THE requirements change EACH and every time so it’s hard to keep track!

Written Consent or Affidavit of Consent?

Update: October 2018.

A notarized Affidavit of Consent is now a requirement.

In my previous applications, I was never asked to submit an Affidavit of Consent. I would usually just present a simple non-notarized written consent signed by both parents and they accepted it. However, in my most recent application, they asked for a notarized Affidavit of Consent for the first time.

So to be on the safe side, I strongly recommend that you secure a Notarized Affidavit of Consent to travel for a couple of reasons. First, because a notarized affidavit can take the place of the simple written consent. Meaning, if DSWD asks for a simple consent letter, they will accept the affidavit because it’s a more binding legal document. On the other hand, if they require an affidavit and you don’t have it, the written consent may not suffice. It’s safer to have the affidavit.

The second reason: because you might also need it when passing through Immigration. Normally, the DSWD Clearance is enough to let you through, but having that affidavit can be more convincing, if the officer has doubts.

The affidavit I submitted had the following details.

Travel dates

Destination and origin

Minor’s passport number

Contact details of parents/legal guardian

Signature of the parents

In addition, if the minor is traveling with someone who isn’t his/her parent, it would be wise to include the details of thekompanjong:

Name of the companion

Relationship of the companion to the minor

Companion’s passport number

Don’t forget to have it signed by the parents.

You can find a sample here: sample AFFIDAVIT OF CONSENT.


Getting a DSWD clearance is easy. It might take a few hours, but it is not as complicated as you probably have been picturing in your head. Here’s how I got mine.

1. complete the requirements.

See the list of requirements above.

2. find the nearest DSWD field Office.

Pay a visit to the DSWD field office that covers the permanent address of the minor. For example, my niece and nephew reside in Batangas. The region IV-A (Calabarzon) office is in Alabang. If the minor is based in Metro Manila, file for a clearance at the NCR office in Sampaloc, Manila.

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.

Below is the complete list of DSWD field Offices.

DSWD national capital region (NCR)
389 San Rafael St. corner Legarda St.,
Sampaloc, Manila
Phone: +632 313-1435 local 210, +632 733-0010 to 14

DSWD field office I
Quezon Avenue, San Fernando, La Union
Phone: +6372 888-2505, +6372 888-2184

DSWD field office II
3 Dana Pagyaya, regional government Center
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
Phone: +63 78 846-7532, +63 78 846-7043

DSWD field office III
Government Center, Maimpis, San Fernando, Pampanga
Phone: +63 45 861-2413

DSWD field office IV-A (CALABARZON)
Alabang-Zapote Road, Muntinlupa City
Phone: +63 2 387-2632, +63 2 850-8380, +63 2 807-1518

DSWD field office IV-B (MIMAROPA)
1680 F.T. Benitez St. corner Gen. Malvar St., Malate, Manila
Phone: +63 2 336-8106 local 401, +63 2 336-8106 local 103

DSWD field office V
Magnolia St. PBN Buraguis, Legazpi City
Phone: +63 52 821-7920, +63 52 480-5346, +63 52 480-5754

DSWD field office VI
M.H. del Pilar Street, Molo, Iloilo City
Phone: +63 33 300-0526, +63 33 337-6221

DSWD field office VII
MJ Cuenco Avenue cor. Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City
Phone: +63 32 233-8779

DSWD field office VIII
Magsaysay Boulevard, Tacloban City
Phone: +63 53 321-3090, +63 53 321-117, +63 53 321-1007

DSWD field office IX
General Vicente Alvarez St., Zamboanga City
Phone: +63 62 991-6030, +63 62 991-6056

DSWD field office X
Masterson Ave., upper Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
Phone: +63 88 858-8892, +63 88 858-8959

DSWD field office XI
Suazo St., cor. Magsaysay Ave., Davao City
Phone: +63 82 226-2857, +63 82 227-8746

DSWD field office XII
9506 Purok Bumanoag, Brgy. zone 3, Koronadal City
Phone: +63 83 520-0572, +63 83 228-3180, +63 83 228-8637

DSWD field office CARAGA
R. Palma St. Butuan City
Phone: +63 85 346-0113, +63 85 815-9173

DSWD Cordillera Administrative region (CAR)
40 North Drive, Baguio City
Phone: +63 74 444-3209, +63 74 444-3262, +63 74 442-7917

You must apply at the DSWD field office that has jurisdiction over the minor. If the minor lives in region IV, apply in Alabang. If the minor resides in Metro Manila, apply in Sampaloc, Manila.

They started implementing this policy in January 2018. prior to this, applicants could apply at any field office, even if the minor doesn’t reside in their region. but that’s not the case anymore. You must apply at the designated DSWD field office now.

3. submit the requirements at the DSWD field office and wait for your clearance.

Here’s the step-by-step process that you will go through once you are at the DSWD office. The process below details my experience applying at the Alabang office, but according to the DSWD website, the process at all branches are almost the same.

Tell the security Guard that you’re there for travel Clearance. ask for a Sequence Number.

Register in the logbook while waiting for your number to be called.

When your number is called, submit all the requirements to the Social worker for the initial screening. He/she will check if the requirements are complete and authentic.

If all your papers are okay, the Social worker will interview you and

11 reasons WHY I like THAILAND (AND WHY YOU requirement TO VISIT)

Last Updated: 8/31/20 | August 31st, 2020

I’ve been to Thailand a lot more times than I can count. I’ve resided in Bangkok twice, I’ve run excursions with the country, and, if I stay away for a lot more than a year, I feel as if a piece of me is missing.

I like Thailand.

It holds a special location in my heart.

People frequently ask me why I return to locations I’ve already checked out instead of checking out somewhere new. Well, that’s an simple answer: since I feel at house when I’m checking out them.

And Thailand is most likely the one location outside of the U.S. where I feel a lot of at home.

And why do I like Thailand so much?

Here are eleven reasons why Thailand is one of the very best countries – as well as what you can look ahead to when you travel there:

1. The tasty Food

When people state they like Thai food however haven’t been to Thailand, I can’t assist however think, “You’ve never truly experienced Thai food.” Thai food in Thailand is leagues much better than anywhere else in the world. The spices, the fragrances, the range of flavors. Your mouth dances with flavor when you eat here. There are dishes as well as styles in the country that you just can’t get anywhere else.

All over the streets of Thailand, outside stalls serve up the least expensive as well as finest meals you can find. You’ll be hunched over a bowl of noodles next to a bit kid, office worker, as well as bank president. street food in Thailand is the fantastic equalizer as well as essential to Thai culture. No matter what time of the day it is, there’s always food offered somewhere.

Moreover, Thailand has established world-class worldwide food (and a few Michelin starred restaurants) in recent years. a few of my preferred sushi restaurants are in Bangkok, as well as you can discover fantastic halal as well as Indian food in the downtown Sukhumvit area.

Thailand is a foodie’s dream.

2. The Weather

I like the sun (much to my mother’s as well as my dermatologist’s dismay). I believe after shoveling snow in Boston for the huge majority of my life, I gravitate to the sun because, in the tropics, there’s no snow. The truth that it’s always hot as well as damp in Thailand appeals to me. It’s never “jacket” weather condition here.

(OK, that’s not completely true. In January, I do wear a jacket. It gets quite close to 20° C here. You can always tell the expats from the tourists in Bangkok since they are the ones using sweatshirts as well as jackets in Januar.)

3. The friendly Locals

Thais are a few of the nicest people I have ever met. They’re always happy, always smiling, very polite, as well as always helpful. They’ll assist you out if you’re in difficulty as well as assist equate for you if you can’t speak Thai. They treat you well, as well as whenever I come back here, the regional shop owners whose stores I regular greet me with a warm smile as well as a huge hug. when a friend, always a friend.

I always feel risk-free in Thailand. Thailand is one of the few countries I feel comfortable leaving my laptop out while I go to the bathroom.

4. It’s the best travel Hub

Thailand is smack-dab in the middle of everything. It’s three hours to Hong Kong, two hours to Singapore, four hours to Bali, as well as half method between Australia as well as Europe.

You can get to a great deal of locations quickly from Thailand, which, for a traveler like myself, is truly appealing.

5. The Postcard-Perfect tropical Islands

I like the beach. I can sit on the sand as well as choose a swim for hours upon end. While Thailand has been established for many years as well as lots of of the very best beaches have been ruined with uncontrolled development, you can still discover some pristine, picture-perfect islands as well as beaches around the country.

I especially like Ko Chang, Ko Kood, Surin Island, Ko Adang, as well as Ko Lanta. the very best islands are down south near the Malaysian border. They all look like the above picture.

As long as you prevent the incredibly touristy as well as overdeveloped beaches (and there are many), you’ll discover the postcard-perfect beaches you’ve already dreamed of!

6. The rich Jungles

As much as I take pleasure in sitting on the beach, I likewise like to hike with jungles, as well as Thailand has a few of the most gorgeous as well as rich ones I’ve seen. From the jungles as well as elephants in Khao Yai national Park, to the famed lake of Khao Sok in the south, to the popular jungle as well as hill tribe treks near Chiang Mai, you can get your tropical jungle repair extremely quickly here.

They may not be the wild as well as untamed jungles of some locations in Borneo or the middle of Africa, however they still offer fantastic views, dense forests, waterfalls to awesome off in, as well as an fascinating range of wildlife.

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7. The worldwide Atmosphere

Thailand is a country where you can get as regional or foreign as you like. since of all the tourists as well as expats who online here, the country is extremely cosmopolitan as well as international. There are worldwide food chains, worldwide restaurants and stores, Starbucks, as well as Hollywood movies.

Thailand is a melting pot of people, as well as you’ll discover people from around the world. I’ve made buddies right here from France, Germany, Argentina, Australia, new Zealand, Japan, as well as Israel, just to name a few.

8. It’s Convenient

Thailand is convenient. hungry at 3:30am? There’s somebody around to offer you food. requirement to take a bus to Vietnam? That can be quickly arranged. requirement to go buying at some odd hour? There’s a store open. Pharmacy at 2am? got that too.

Thailand is just an simple location to online as well as step around in. as well as in Bangkok, you never have to wait on a taxi.

9. Bangkok

I hated Bangkok the very first few times I traveled there. It wasn’t up until I moved there that I fell in like with it.

Bangkok, it turns out, is an simple city to online in. There’s great deals to do, lots of events, fantastic bars, as well as fantastic food (see above), as well as it’s simple to get around (except during rush hour). I like cities where there’s always something to do. No matter what time of the day or day of the week, you can always discover something to perform in Bangkok.

I began to like Bangkok when I got to understand it beyond the temples as well as the vacationer trail. When I discovered hidden markets as well as fantastic street stalls frequented only by locals, ended up being buddies with residents, as well as comprehended exactly how it operated, I understood why people liked Bangkok so much.

Bangkok is not a city for tourists.

It’s for residents.

Take a long time right here as well as take pleasure in it.

10. It’s Cheap!

Thailand is inexpensive to go to as well as inexpensive to online in. Yesterday, I spent $4 USD for all of my food for the day, including some drinks as well as snacks. a lot of food from the street vendors costs $1. I can get a personal space for $10 USD per night or a bungalow in front of the beach for $15–20 USD. An apartment or condo in downtown Bangkok costs $300 USD a month, as well as it’s still bigger than what I need. Thailand just uses extraordinary value for your money.

A few years back, I was telling my buddy that after a month bouncing around the islands, I had spent around 40,000 baht ($1,400 USD). He was shocked! “How the hell might you spend so much money in one month!” he exclaimed.

If you’re traveling right here on a backpacker’s budget, you can get by for about $30 USD a day.

11. There’s Something for Everyone

Whether you’re a travel newbie of professional backpacker, Thailand will have something to keep you entertained. While the country is always my go-to recommendation for new travelers, I’ve been coming back for over a decade as well as have yet to be tired or disappointed. Whether you’re trying to find hiking or partying, greasy street food or a super-healthy detox retreat, you can discover it in Thailand.

Digital nomad? Head to Chiang Mai.

Looking for yoga? Head to Pai.

Want to getaway the chaotic cities? Go check out Isaan.

No matter what type of trip you’re looking for, you can discover it in Thailand!

When people ask me what my preferred country is, I always state Thailand. though I question exactly how you can pick a preferred country. Each one is fantastic in its own right. No country is truly much better than another, just different.

However, Thailand has a special location in my heart. We have a long history together. I’ll always return to this country.

Get the thorough budget plan guide to Thailand!

My in-depth 350+ page guidebook is produced budget plan travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff discovered in other guidebooks as well as gets directly to the functional info you requirement to travel around Thailand. You’ll discover suggested itineraries, budgets, methods to save money, on as well as off-the-beaten-path things to see as well as do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, security tips, as well as much more! Click right here to discover a lot more as well as get your copy today.

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Bloom Cafe & Hostel (Ko Lipe)

Julie Guesthouse (Chiang Mai)

Mad Monkey Hostel (Bangkok)

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Sikkerhetsving (for alle under 70)

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